Zero Punctuation: Prince of Persia

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56031
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Man, its hardly been a day past new year in Austrailia and he's already pumped out a new episode
That was seriously one of the best he has done!
Does this contain spoilers?

Yes! **** loads of them, you couldn't believe he gave away the whole ending in one fail swoosh!

You best stay away from this, not if you want to play the game spoiler fun, D:
Well I just watched it and I have to say you're a moron.

And by the way, it's fell swoop, not fail swoosh. Idiot.
I havent played the game, but I didnt see anything spoiler wise.

Probably his best review in awhile now.
I wouldn't say this is THE best ever, but it's definitely up there. We haven't had an episode this good for a while.
I was just locked in a single constant "LOL" throughout the second half.
I can just say that I now no longer regret the decision to avoid the series as a whole now.
I thought the game was great and the story was really cool. The interaction between the characters was really fun and cool.

If you base your purchases on games from Yahtzee reviews i dunno what to say...

Really cool ending also, as a matter of fact i loved it.
I think he's getting desperate to try and be funny nowadays. That's about the worst I've seen so far.

I agree with Asuka on the game as well, Yahtzee's opinion on games hasn't counted never counted no. Anyone who judges games based on what some grumpy Englishman says needs to start making their own decisions.
Well I played it a friend's and it was quite fun. And all of Yatzeeh's opinions seem completely valid from what I played.
He is british, was born in England but lives in Australia.

I always enjoy his reviews, even if he is being overly critical it still makes lol every time. And frankly, a lot of the time what he saying is bang on or pretty much what I was thinking when playing, although he did give Crysis more praise than I wanted him to do, nice to look at but my god the core was appalling.

Not played Prince of Persia, but I will still buy it eventually when the price comes down, but I have to agree with him when he says the franchise died with Sands of Time, that was definitely the prime of the series.
At least a labrodor will make out with you if you train it properly!
Hot you have a somewhat reputation for trolling here, keep in mind that this has been noticed, keep walking that tightrope...

On topic: I've played a few hours of Prince of Persia, and really couldn't get into it. So much of what he said was true: same black slimy landscape = cumming grass seeds, ha! The jokey characters made me groan from their stupid one liners and the combat was the most boring I've ever used. The game was aesthetically beautiful though.
Hot you have a somewhat reputation for trolling here, keep in mind that this has been noticed, keep walking that tightrope...

I only bite if they bite first, remember that.

Also personally i don't give a fly bee.
Aesthetically great but plays like shit? I'm getting crazy Assassin's Creed deja vu.
Have you ever heard of Sarcasm. Idiot.
I know, that guy owes me like twenty bucks. :frown:

Pretty good, but I agree with whoever said he's trying a bit hard. Which is fair enough, it's his job, but he's definitely lost some of his charm in the process of pumping these out weekly, and he's started hammering on the similes like it's a quick time event (zing). Still amusing though, got a pretty good chuckle out of the clown washing line bit.
So far I'm loving it. The boss battles are genuinely tough, and exploring the areas you heal is really quite challenging. Your connection with Elika is decently sincere, and there's a lot to learn about each area you visit.

Also, it's ****ing beautiful beyond comprehension.
I loved Sands of Time. Warrior Within was alright, but it lost that which I loved about Sand of Time. The newest one is a big meh for me.
I don't mean to be condescending here, but, people actually treat Yahtzee as a serious reviewer? I regard his shorts, as I always have, as comedic sketches and little more. Freaking hilarious sketches, but nothing beyond that. I would never base any actual decision off of what he has said.
^okay, and? I'm sure most people dont make their decisions off of what any reviewer says, its just people trying to get a idea of what to expect from the game.
I don't mean to be condescending here, but, people actually treat Yahtzee as a serious reviewer? I regard his shorts, as I always have, as comedic sketches and little more. Freaking hilarious sketches, but nothing beyond that. I would never base any actual decision off of what he has said.

I base my opinion off the posts people make in response to Yahtzee's videos.
I base all of my thoughts and actions off a strange man with a weird accent and a silly hat.
Funny how everyone here and Yatzee talks like Sands of Time was the first game... ;)