Zero Punctuation: The Witcher

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****ing ****y bollocks. The video's are now blocked at work.



:laugh: at the end, too.
I think the beginning was good, and the painkiller spoof was great ;)

But I do disagree on everypoint he made about the witcher.
I haven't played the witcher, and I liked the review.

Most amusing. Though I'm yet to play the game so I could not possibly comment on the validity of his assesment of it.

Though the review was, as I said, most amusing.
lmao at the painkiller bit, I've never played witcher but yea to me it looks just as weak as any other pc RPG where you click...collect gold...:|
"Twenty minutes...Out front...Pufferfish."

LMAO :laugh:

Haven't played the game either but I will give it a try nonetheless once I get a better computer.
One of my favorite ZPs yet, and completely accurate criticisms of not just The Witcher, but the RPG genre in general. I loved it.
I am excited to play the game whenever I upgrade this year, but that last 90 seconds or so of footage made me ROFLMAO. Too too funny.
I can't say I enjoyed the last minute machinima segment in the least, the humor wasn't very biting or witty and the animation was extremely sub-par. Stick to reviews, Yahtzee.
lmao at the painkiller bit, I've never played witcher but yea to me it looks just as weak as any other pc RPG where you click...collect gold...:|

You obviously haven't played many PCRPGs

As for the review, I loved it. Hell he could trash my all of my favorite games and I'd probably still get a good laugh out of the review >_>
Was the demo out for this game a couple months ago? I cant remember if it was this game that I played the demo of. If it was, then a agree on his comments. Especially the combat.
lmao at the painkiller bit, I've never played witcher but yea to me it looks just as weak as any other pc RPG where you click...collect gold...:|

First Yatzee Review I've wholeheartedly disagreed with. The Witcher is a very long game (took me about a month of evenings to complete) and it can't be judged on 4 to 6 hours of playtime realistically.. From what he said it's clear he didn't get past the Village which is the first real chapter of the game. Initially things like Combat etc aren't that cool, but the game rapidly improves as you progress. The game succeeds where Fable failed in that the players choices throughout do have an impact, but can't be categorized as definitively Good or Evil. Situations arise and you are forced to make decisions, that you have to rationalize out yourself as best you can. There is no penalty for helping making one choice over the other,but there are consequences down the line in some form. The game isn't acting like some moral arbiter.
Havnt played the game but that was one of the funniest reviews he has done. The painkiller spoof was great as well.
First Yatzee Review I've wholeheartedly disagreed with. The Witcher is a very long game (took me about a month of evenings to complete) and it can't be judged on 4 to 6 hours of playtime realistically.. From what he said it's clear he didn't get past the Village which is the first real chapter of the game. Initially things like Combat etc aren't that cool, but the game rapidly improves as you progress. The game succeeds where Fable failed in that the players choices throughout do have an impact, but can't be categorized as definitively Good or Evil. Situations arise and you are forced to make decisions, that you have to rationalize out yourself as best you can. There is no penalty for helping making one choice over the other,but there are consequences down the line in some form. The game isn't acting like some moral arbiter.

Yeah he said he didn't get very far.

Ironically, a guy I know showed me his copy of The Witcher last night. Seemed ok, but I hated the camera views.

Was the Painkiller thing parodying anything else? Up until the suck you off bit I thought it might have been Rick Mayall from the Young Ones, just with less "fascist!"
Ugh, I hate zero punctuation.

His voice isn't funny at all, and it's highly annoying. It would be funny if someone like John Cleese did it.
I don't understand his bitching about the inventory/alchemy/etc. screens. There are six screens, with clearly marked buttons on the upper right (unless you are a brain-dead monkey which can't figure out that the "bag" means inventory and the bottle "alchemy"), and he's bitching about it. What, a single screen with everything crammed into it would be better?
This is the first time i disagree with him, he was way to harsh on the game. You can't judge a game like this on it's first chapter, cause like in most RPGS that's the most boring part. This is a game you need to get used to it because it does things differently he just never gave it a chance. How can he complain about combat styles you can quickly change between them with the press of a button, and it adds some tactics instead of being uber at everything. He worst review yet, play the game complete and review it or don't bother.
Last time he openly complimented a game he got a bad review.
I like how he went "hold on a minute, this is a mumorpager!"
I can't say I enjoyed the last minute machinima segment in the least, the humor wasn't very biting or witty and the animation was extremely sub-par. Stick to reviews, Yahtzee.

Disagree with your first two points, third point: It was the openings sequence from painkiller. He didn't do the animation.
PC gamer master race lol....Oh and the painkiller sketch at he end...funny.


Quite good.
Funny :) Maybe he's not as much of a fanboy as I thought.