Zing! a forum powerplay plays out behind the scenes

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what is this site?

i wanna go there, sounds like a nice place.
*snip* (without the space between *snip* and *snip* of course.)

It's a extreme right wing politcal site and some other bullshit...

/me whistles
Also it ain't a nice place...the forums are filled with racist and possibly "neo-nazis".

I can't confirm the former, but the forum has a bunch of racist tho.
that site makes me lol

hehehe i think that deserves a ragging by somethingawful.com
i joined...

but now i can't think of anything to write.

edit: i viewed a bit and couldn't wait to come back to civilization....
Heh, turns out I've already met these folks in this thread. (link)
Never knew Bod was a member of their club, but in retrospect it makes perfect sense.

It appears these 'warriors' go to protests, incite violence, get beaten up, and then use their manufactured victimization to masturbate a collective sense of moral superiority.
It's strangely parallel to Bod's crucifying himself out there.
"Oh, they are censoring my views. Woe is me. Oh those liberal brutes are cruel boo hoo."

They've convinced themselves that they are victims of their Vast Liberal Conspiracy when society rejects them. Unaware that it's not because of left or right (or chicken-wing, as Pi Mu Rho so ably put it); not because of some good-versus-evil, black-and-white conflict of the ideologies.
They are rejected simply because they are assholes. Just as Bodacious was. And was.

And if I should ever turn into the whimpering sort of git who goes around picking fight-after-fight just to have a good cry over the bruises, I hope the mods have this same good sense as to ban me and put me out of our misery as well.

So if any of you so-called warriors are reading this from the fan-club you've devoted to yourselves (which you probably are), I have an important message for you:

I am a pawn of the jew-run media! Howard Stern is the King of Talk Radio! Baba Booey! Baba booey!

I hope that provides you with more of the comforting outrage you love so much.

I can't find it!!!! I've tried searching for "halflife2.net liberals" which presumably would be two words mentioned in their threads but i couldn't find it. I also tried searching the quotes by ^Ben but NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've been called worse by better.

It takes a long time for people to realise that I'm toying with them, and that they're continually just playing into my hands. I suppose that makes me a troll. Oh well.

* Pi Mu Rho lurks under bridge.

Can I join in?

/me has whiskey
Ahh the controversy! I love it! :laugh:

..reminds me of something;

Shut up!
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Bloody peasant!
Oh, what a give-away. Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about. Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?
Got to love Monty Python. :D

I fear the irony of it would be lost on him though. :rolling:
kirovman said:
Got to love Monty Python. :D

I fear the irony of it would be lost on him though. :rolling:

Don't fear it, enjoy it ;) :thumbs:
Mechagodzilla said:
Heh, turns out I've already met these folks in this thread. (link)
Never knew Bod was a member of their club, but in retrospect it makes perfect sense.

It appears these 'warriors' go to protests, incite violence, get beaten up, and then use their manufactured victimization to masturbate a collective sense of moral superiority.
It's strangely parallel to Bod's crucifying himself out there.
"Oh, they are censoring my views. Woe is me. Oh those liberal brutes are cruel boo hoo."

They've convinced themselves that they are victims of their Vast Liberal Conspiracy when society rejects them. Unaware that it's not because of left or right (or chicken-wing, as Pi Mu Rho so ably put it); not because of some good-versus-evil, black-and-white conflict of the ideologies.
They are rejected simply because they are assholes. Just as Bodacious was. And was.

And if I should ever turn into the whimpering sort of git who goes around picking fight-after-fight just to have a good cry over the bruises, I hope the mods have this same good sense as to ban me and put me out of our misery as well.

So if any of you so-called warriors are reading this from the fan-club you've devoted to yourselves (which you probably are), I have an important message for you:

I am a pawn of the jew-run media! Howard Stern is the King of Talk Radio! Baba Booey! Baba booey!

I hope that provides you with more of the comforting outrage you love so much.


who are the 3 guys in the pic?

more pwnage:

PiMuRho said:
I couldn't ban you unless you told me what your political inclinations were. After all, I wouldn't want to mistakenly ban a Liberal, would I? I have double standards to maintain!

Awwww I've been missing out on all the fun. Makes me wish I wasn't so addicted to World of Warcraft right now.

Anyway to sum up my view of whats going on in my own nerdtacular way:

OtherWebsite == potential neo-nazis;
if (OtherWebsite.discovers(halflife2.net) == true)

K I cant resist patting myself in the back (my false modesty is an excuse to redicule):

Huggybear said:
Funny, I see a lot of that on your forum. you can attack conservatives all you like, but they dont dare attack back.

CptFREEDOMstern said:
try looking beyond the first page ...maybe it's cuz the topics arent so in your face as is the case here, ("gay democrats threaten the very fabric of democracy!! fascist atheist god less devils!!") so it's not that noticeable

I kill me :laugh:
Private website. Our rules. We don't ban based around political affiliation.

Funnily enough, freedom of speech doesn't exist on the internet.

Put up and shut up :)
Funny how it's only him and that other yoda guy bitching about it.

Noone else seems that bothered (including their forums), just interested in having a laugh at his expense.

If it was me, I wouldn't shame myself with a blatently loosing battle.

What does he think Pi Mu Rho is going to do

"Oh, sure, gee Bodacious, you have a good point. We are facists. Tell you what, I'll unban you and let you spread more flames on the forums and invite more people to continue your personal war against Liberals"

He fails to realise that this is about him inviting people to attack the regular members in the forum, not about political stance. That was the grain of rice that broke the camel's back.

I don't see the other conservative regulars getting banned... one of them was even a writer for the site once, right?
I'm debating with myself if I should sign up to their forums and put in a comment...hmmmm...
the more the merrier ...beware they're prone to knee jerk reactions and foaming at the mouth hysterics
I've learnt something...
Conservatives don't tend to support conservatives... at least when one of them is throwing a tantrum - they distance themselves from that arguement.
Tr0n said:
There...got my comment in.

Ok well here goes my comment...

Listen up folks...It's a ****ing privately owned website/forum on the internet.It ain't a god damn country...freedom of speech is null there.If say I was a mod/admin and I didn't like you...I could easily ban your ass and get away with it.Why?Because it's someones property...

It's like if you go into someones house and you made a comment they didn't like then they can kick you out without getting jailed and then if you didn't leave they would call the cops and they would make you leave.It's that simple...but hey the funny part is the mods didn't do that.They banned bod for an attack on those forums which can grant them the right to ban your ass on the spot.Hell the admin could ban all 30,000 thousand members if he wanted to and get away with it.It's privately owned and also is on the net which grants the freedom of speech total bullshit.

...and Bod stop bitching about it like a little girl...You got banned so just shut the **** up and deal with it.Ether that or stick your dick up your ass, squat, and takes a piss because you sure are attacking like a little girl.

Tr0wned! :O
hehehehe Hi2U you is teh funny

yay! 50 posts in 2 days ...on a whacko righty forum no less! ...heheh I have more posts than Bodacious does on that site
Being a troll (not on here) is teh uber-fun.

Yeah, I've got double standards, so sue me :laugh:
Yea..their so called "freedom of speech" is being used against them. :laugh:
Tr0n said:
Yea..their so called "freedom of speech" is being used against them. :laugh:

*NEWSFLASH* the commie terrorist enemies of America have ATTACKED THE WHITEHOUSE with a barrage of "Freedom of Speech Missles"

President Bush who was inside at the time is in intensive care with a sore eardrum.

In other news...I've resorted to very immature insults on their forums :o

Cheers to trolling! :cheers:


And looks like the thread just descended into chaos, there's not much hope of recovering from that nonsense... *dusts off hands*

If anyone witnessed that, sorry you were subjected to my evil side :devil:

Looks like the Liberal Facists have annexed that thread, hehe.
As much fun as it is, I'm going to have to to ask you guys to stop trolling those forums. Just want to make it clear that we at hl2.net in no way condone aggressive action against other forums.

Or something.
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