Zombie headcrab halloween costume?


shadow of chaos

i recently bought a werewolf halloween costume for £45 then i was thinking how awesome a zombie headcrab costume would look

scare everyone no problem ;) what do u people think?

this should be made!.. official that is.

btw im talking about a real costume not a game costume, it could be made out of mainly latex except for the clothing etc
does valve have anymore of those cuz i want one to, just havent checked in a while.
LOL a headcrab halloween costume. i would rather be a headcrab zombie lol and the kids can be headcrabs.
damn.. i was hoping to scare some people making those weird zombie half dead moans in a costume ;)

i actually searched google to see if there was a costume but no luck.

Nobody else thinks it would be cool?, come on.. its not just for kids :)
thats pitted :(

would be hard to make

guess need find some good shop to custom make one based on the model..

is possible?
go find some one who can sew, like your grandma *in my mind: (shit i hope she not dead...)*
Zombie costume shouldnt be too hard to find/make...a headcrab, on the other hand...but yeah, it'd look bad ass...
Ask FlyingDebris how to make one. He made a few awesome costumes quite a while ago.
Geez, I wander off for a while and they make and sellout an official plush headcrab :(
i emailed some online place that supposedly does custom costumes, so i asked how much it would cost for a half life 2 zombie to be made.

i bet they will email me saying wtf is a zombie with a headcrab .. or it would cost something like £800 :angry:
i recently bought a werewolf halloween costume for £45 then i was thinking how awesome a zombie headcrab costume would look

scare everyone no problem ;) what do u people think?

this should be made!.. official that is.

btw im talking about a real costume not a game costume, it could be made out of mainly latex except for the clothing etc

That would be both the most nerdiest and coolest thing ever.

Go for it!
but not that many people would know what its from, thoughs who do would be "nerdy" as well and think its cool... those who dont know would just be freaked!
Just the same it'd scare the hell out of kids if you opened the door with long ass fingers and moaning with that thing on your head....
no u got to get a recording of the zombie screams and wire it into ur doorbell, then put the speakers in the bushes and come limping around the corner of ur house...
ask and yee will recieve


this was back before hl2 came out so it was more based off of the scientist zombies. Too bad i never got around to wearing it anywhere. The front of the headcrab was more opaque than i originally planned, thus rendering me blind. I still have the crab though. Hoping on updating it to match the hl2 crabs at some point

PS i did have stuff done for my arms and fingers but it looked REALLY bad so i'm not including those pics
ask and yee will recieve


this was back before hl2 came out so it was more based off of the scientist zombies. Too bad i never got around to wearing it anywhere. The front of the headcrab was more opaque than i originally planned, thus rendering me blind. I still have the crab though. Hoping on updating it to match the hl2 crabs at some point

PS i did have stuff done for my arms and fingers but it looked REALLY bad so i'm not including those pics

I loved your metrocop suit
my costume

now...i put the costume off until the last minute...i know i know...i could have done a lot better (as in last minute, bought the long sleeve shirt the night before, and started making it around 2 pm halloween, then had to go to class at 4. At this point I only had red spray paint, which was not working out)...and all the stores were out of fake blood---and the costume store I called didn't have claws that could pass for a half life zombie.

Also, I originally hadn't heard of how to make fake blood, so I bought some red spray paint at K-Mart (where I got the white t shirt--(I don't have a car, so I had to ride the bus..so I'd rather just go to 1 store)

The spray paint didn't look too believable & was becoming a real pain in the ass (as I had come to despise by 4 pm when I had to go to class)...but then a friend suggested a fake blood recipe. I paid him to go to a store here & buy me the stuff to make it (while I was at class). When I got back at 6:00, I started making the fake blood & continued the costume---but I think I needed a couple more drops of green dye (to offset the pink-ish quality to just the red dye). I really started running out of the fake blood I'd made, and I didn't have any more red food dye, so I had to decide I had done the best I could. I finished around 9 pm (including time with a hair drier I borrowed to dry the fake blood on the shirt faster so I wouldn't get it on the hat. The hat is an official valve headcrab hat.

The claws I made by origami (then covered them with medical white sports tape...originally spray painted them red--until I found out about making fake blood...then I used that instead)

I had surgery a little while back, so the only pants I can wear without it hurting are 2 pairs of jogging pants I have (one in the picture)..so I couldn't do much about zombifying the pants.

The result: (via an album on my facebook page)

and http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sctm/v106/63/45/33308011/n33308011_32517800_392.jpg

I did put the tiny bit of fake blood I had left on my arms & hands. I didn't want to risk the fake blood getting onto my headcrab hat, so I didn't really do anything to my neck

The funny part is that at the DJ party I went to (at 9 pm)--there were some gamers & were like DUDE YOU'RE A ZOMBIE FROM HALF LIFE!! And one guy showed up as master chief (from halo...i know...would have been better if someone was gordon freeman)---and basically we were battling each other before the party started...it was rather funny.

And I'd do the zombie walk and make zombie noises & all

Midway through the KSLU party, I wen to a bar, and quite a number of ppl there knew what I was...it was soo great---or at least couldn't quite place what I was but knew I was something from a game. At one table outside, 2 guys at the same time went "WHAT THE F..CK are you?!?!" and then right after that 2 guys at the same table yelled, (at the exact same time) DUDE!!! A HALF LIFE 2 ZOMBIE!!! CHEERS! (then we clank beer bottles & all) lol then I became known just as "Half Life" for the rest of the night. "Hey half life! Come over here so we can take a picture w/ you!" You get the picture...it was great

Enjoy the pictures (kind of lame I know...these were just the ones I had other ppl take w/ my digital camera...don't have any pics anyone else took of me yet)


  • KSLU half life zombie pic 1.jpg
    KSLU half life zombie pic 1.jpg
    54.9 KB · Views: 767
  • KSLU half life zombie pic 2.jpg
    KSLU half life zombie pic 2.jpg
    53.5 KB · Views: 525
Why doesn't anyone direct him to me. I am the only one here who actually made a zombie costume? (I think?)

I could have told you how, but you would have hated the mass amount of work.

it's in my signature link
Yeah, you really need to see zombie-turtle's costume to see what it should be.
Why doesn't anyone direct him to me. I am the only one here who actually made a zombie costume? (I think?)
Last post date before this bump = Oct 2006
zombieturtle01 join date = Mar 2007
Last post date before this bump = Oct 2006
zombieturtle01 join date = Mar 2007

Oops, I didn't even realize the year of this thread, my mistake.

Wheres the link to the one guy's CP suit?
Oops, I didn't even realize the year of this thread, my mistake.

Wheres the link to the one guy's CP suit?

If I do end up going to a game/art college next year, I am definately making a wearable Headcrab for halloween :)
-oops, meant to edit that last post, not quote it =X
My avatar is of me wearing a cobbled together at the last minute companion cube on my head at a poorly attended Halloween night at Uni. 2 people recognized what it was, though were unhappy to admit to it.

And Thread Necromancy is bad kids.
how on earth can a persons first post be to bring back a dead thread?? just searched for costume?
Wait a minute... are there actually any female zombies anywhere in Half-Life...

Edit: Omg! Keep this topic away from Tollbooth Willie!!!