Zombie help


Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
I have a few zombies placed around my map. They are dead and i want to lay them on the ground in different positions. They are NPC_classiczombie, they each have their own name but when i choose one zombie's animation eg. slump_a, every model on my map that can use slump_a will move to that possition, its really annoying me.
Any help.
when you say "choose one zombie's animation" do you mean in the model tab of the zombie itself? because those animations are just for reference. if you want a zombie to start slumped and then get up, you need to include a scripted_sequence telling the zombie to adopt a pre-sequence position of slump_a, then when the sequence is triggered, use slumprise to make it stand up. simply set a different slump position for all your zombies with their own scripted_sequence, and your zombies will do the business
yes the model tab. But all i want the zombie to do is just lie there "dead". Or is there another way of making the models spawn on the map other than the defult ragdoll position
UltraProAnti said it. Use a scripted sequence for getting the zombie to stand up. And then the pre-action animation you set to the lying down it of the animation.

thats all thats to it i think.
Or if you want the zombie just to lie down dead you can put a prop dynamic with the zombie model and give the animation on the default animation property.
I think this works too.