Zombie Mod: Recruiting


Dec 27, 2004
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Hey everybody. I've been thinking up this idea for about 2 days now... but beliieve me i'm a quick thinker. My idea is to make a zombie genre mod, using the hl2 engine. The mod will be a bit like 28 days later (the film). For those that haven't seen it, i will explain what the mod will be like. The mod will take place in the present day.

"It all started in the headlines. Small villages were reported to have a virus. A virus which was taking control of the blood. Noone thought much of it at first. But soon it wasn't in the headlines anymore. It was on the street corner outside... Coming in through your window.

People were urged to evacuate. It was all too late. A mad panic for civilisation took place. Some of those infected got into the evacuation planes and ships.

When there is no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth."

The main character will be an ordinary citizen of whom has to escape the claws of the virus. He will start in his home town. At first it will be normal, but on the radio and tv as he progresses... In corner shops etc etc. Soon the character will see disturbing scenes such as a car speeding down his road - the driver being attacked, bitten by the passenger etc etc.

Soon enough all hell will break loose and he'll be on the run, finding weapons here and there, trying to escape from town and eventually the whole country.

For this project, we need
Project Leader: Piranha
Project Co-Leader: (Position not yet filled)
Modeller 1: (Position not yet filled)
Modeller 2: (Position not yet filled)
Concept Artist: (Position not yet filled)
Storyline Writer: Piranha
Skinner 1: (Position not yet filled)
Skinner 2: (Position not yet filled)
Mapper 1: (Position not yet filled)
Mapper 2: (Position not yet filled)
Coder 1: (Position not yet filled)
Coder 2: (Position not yet filled)

If you'd like to help, please post here and i'll get in contact.


28 days later doesn't have zombies.

It really just sounds like a bunch of scenes from the zombie films thrown together and nothing original.
Dark Elf - http://www2.foxsearchlight.com/28dayslater/

Uh whats that in the top right?

Danny Boyle reinvents zombie horror

EDIT: Are you thinking of The day after tomorrow? LOL!

It won't be a bunch of zombie films put together. Have you ever played a game where you can be someone that is fleeing from zombies... no! So lets do it, using the great engine that valve have created for us.

Scene Ideas
1) Zombies/creatures chasing you, doorways blocked. You have to smash your way through before they reach you with your crowbar.

2) Zombies/creatures chasing you up stairs, You pick up anything thats there and throw it down so they cant get up.
Ok thinking about it, its not very original at all. You were right Dark Elf.

Howabout a nuclear reactor explosion which mutates animals and humans alike in the vicinity... I'm thinking of something like Chenobyl. Then, the game would all be about escaping from the blast zone.

The main character could have been sent to that town by helicopter as the explosion happened... business trip or something. Perhaps the helicopter tries to land and gets blasted by the explosion. Forcing it to prepare an emergency landing. Leaving the character and the crew low on health, they seek refuge before they attempt to escape from town.

Howabout that?
Possible Mutatee:


(Quick Sketch)
MetalPiranha said:
Dark Elf - http://www2.foxsearchlight.com/28dayslater/

Uh whats that in the top right?

An error

28 days later contain no living dead, just people infected with the rage virus. It was just easier to call them zombies for the general public who wouldn't understand the difference when shown a short 35 second trailer when the film first came out.
I'd be interested, but first I need to know 2 things:
How old are you?
What do you do besides being "Project leader"? Map? Code?
Hey Fragger, I'm 15.

Nice to meet you finally, your tutorials helped me with some skinning i was trying to do.

I'm going to be project leader, storyline developer and do some concept art here and there. I will generally help out everyone when they need it - you know, what project leaders do. I will do my best to bring the project together.

Thanks for your interest - Could you pm me your msn?


It's generally bad for the project lead not to have some area of expertise (besides Bullshit artist :D); if you can't actually push some area of develpment by doing some of it yourself, you won't get much respect, nor will you recruit anyone.

Aside from this, you need to start with some exciting gameplay idea, not just a setting. It sounds like you're proposing a generic FPS (new levels, new textures, new sounds, new enemies, new weapons). This mostly means just a lot of art work.
Yes, this mod will be a total conversion for half life 2, single player. This mod is being created, firstly for a great mod, but secondly for me the whole team to learn about all the other aspects of modding HL2. Skinners can learn more about Modelling, Mappers can learn about coding, etc etc

The mod is going to be one which generates fear and tension - running away from mutated zombies, blocking their path... never knowing whats round the corner.

Remember the first time you player HL2 and you were running from the Metrocops up the stairs and through the building. That tension will be increased 1000x in this mod, creating a whole new experience for gamers.
Hey, Metal..I might be able to help you with some mapping...IM me on AIM if you'd like..

Hey Seal - I would, but i don't have AIM :p

I have msn though... do you have that?
Well, sorry to say this, but whoever starts a mod needs to be able to bring something to the table. Also, the fact that you're 15 doesn't really help. Don't think I'm trying to stifle your ideas, but I'm just being realistic.
A mod is a lot like a job, but harder.
I'll sit and wait what happens with your mod, and if it ever takes off, I'll jump in to help.
Good luck.
MetalPiranha said:
Remember the first time you player HL2 and you were running from the Metrocops up the stairs and through the building. That tension will be increased 1000x in this mod, creating a whole new experience for gamers.

I doubt that, being as they are pro's and well, you've no experience.
Ok I understand. I'll try and make this mod myself - I know it'll be impossible - but at least i can learn some stuff in the process.

Thanks anyway,

Or howabout someone else takes up the challenge... and i'll just watch in to see whats happening so i can learn stuff from it?

I'll supply you with the ideas, the storyline and... i can do a good website:

www.underworldwarriors . t k

Just 2 examples of my work.

Does anyone want to take up the challenge?
Anyone able to make a mod will have their own ideas.
Therefore :
1/ You will never recruit a team willing to work with you if the only thing you bring to the table is "I'll organise it all".
2/ No-one is going to make your mod for you. Technicly this is the same as the first point, but needs to be seperate for you to realise it.

If you want to be involved in mod making, your best bet would be to actually learn a skill (I'd suggest map making, as it's easiest), and join another mod team. Learn from the experience and go from there...
Count me in.... I'm a beginner but I'd like to have it be a learning experience. I have a ton of experience modelling and have won several awards in character design and animation.

I also understand programming things very well, although I don't know much of it. I won't be able to do AI scripting or anything, but I'm a fast learner and I'm good at making simple changes that end up making a big difference.

Actually the main reason I'm interested is... yesterday was really my first day messing with Half-Life 2, and I also watched "Shaun of the Dead". I was thinking about how the zombie-type characters in half-life games resembled those in shaun of the dead, dawn of the dead, 28 days later, even "zombies ate my neighbors" for all you old-school gamers. I was thinking it would make a cool mod as well.

Anyway I use msn, my addy is darkjon64 at hot mail dot com. email or MSN me and we'll see if we can start on something!

The Dark Elf said:
I doubt that, being as they are pro's and well, you've no experience.

don't you think you're being a bit harsh on him? Being a member of staff on this site you'd think you'd be at least more tolerent if not supportive of people who want to make mods of the game this site is about.
But it's true... sometimes the truth isn't the nicest thing to say, but it needs to be said.
He has no modding skills at all, and is claiming (in effect) that he's going to make a game 1000x better than HL2... should everyone cry "excellent ! sounds great ! can't wait !" and get his hopes up, or be realistic and tell him the facts ?

From what I've read, it seems like "just the facts, mam" has removed one "going nowhere" mod from existence, saved MetalPiranha a few weeks of his life, and released a new mapper into the world... much better than seeing him desperately bumping this thread every few days until he finally gives up sometime in Feburary.
MetalPiranha said:
Yes, this mod will be a total conversion for half life 2, single player. This mod is being created, firstly for a great mod, but secondly for me the whole team to learn about all the other aspects of modding HL2. Skinners can learn more about Modelling, Mappers can learn about coding, etc etc
If you want to learn more about modding, why don't you start with a simpler engine. Wolfenstein 3D comes to mind.
It's like those sites where you send a "beta" map that has more bugs than a dead dog, or a skin that looks like you just applied a filter to it and say "This is a nice map/skin by so and so. Download it and give it a try" instead of saying "well, this guy tried, but it seems like he needs to learn a little bit more. Download if you want and let hm know what he can do to improve this". Next thing you know, we have 400 maps/skins that are completely worthless. The truth may hurt, but lies hurt more in the long run.
Blitzenkreig said:
If you want to learn more about modding, why don't you start with a simpler engine. Wolfenstein 3D comes to mind.

I've modded Red Alert 2 and GTA:VC. Believe me, HL2 modding is a lot different. A lot harder.