Zombie Plan


Nov 28, 2004
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It's been done before.... I'm doing it again!!!

What is your Zombie plan should zombie take over the world and you somehow survive the initial plague?

Assume you are not immune to infection and guns are simply not as easily available as in most computer games!

I'd go for the docks. Grab a nice boat... would't forget to pick up a fishing rod either :)
My dad has plenty of guns and a secure gunroom, plus we have lots of saved water and tinned food. There's my plan.
I figure, since the statistical probability of surviving a zombie outbreak during the early stages is near nill, I'm content knowing I'll be eating people for the remainder of my unnatural days.
I plan on spamming right-click, so nothing can ever ****ing touch me.

I made this a while ago.
Dying probably, in the UK the combination of population density and lack of civilian armament makes survival rather unlikley.
I would either become a Taaaaaaaaaank or a Hunter and ask Witch out for a date.
If I get infected, I'm gonna try and die wearing a helmet and full body armour.

@Bob: Don't you have those incredibly awesome pubs that lock down into like, riot mode or something? Or was Simon Pegg just LYING to me?
If the outbreak doesn't begin here, I shall personally sever California's connection to the USA.

We shall become an island fortress.

edit: I'll die and become one with the legions of undead.
Just gonna grab my assault rifle and keep those Molotovs handy.
Dying probably, in the UK the combination of population density and lack of civilian armament makes survival rather unlikley.
This, although it does mean your best option is probably to join up with what remains of the country's organisational infrastructure, aiding the government or its army units/work corps as best you can.

If I get infected, I'm gonna try and die wearing a helmet and full body armour.
This is a very clever idea.
My plan is to become a zombie as quickly as possible.
I will likely give in and become a zombie.
Assuming they're slow rambling zombies instead of fast zombies, I'd go grab loads of slow-perishing food and drink from the shops while riots are still on, then hole up in either my room barricaded, or our loft where no one can get to without a ladder. Failing that, round up all surviving friends and barricade ourselves into the local pool hall which has very sturdy doors, and pool tables :D
Dispair, because the day the entite population of the UK falls victim to the slow, blundering walking dead is the day I lose all remaining hope in humanity.
I'd get zombified, die as a zombie, then haunt the living as a zombie master.
Nothing would happen to me. Children aren't in violent zombie apocalypses.
The Little Sisters in Bioshock were clearly caused by the great zombie apocalypse of '58.
Nah, I'm just horse-shittin' ya.
I planned this out with some friends a while ago. The plan was should one of us ever survive we get supplies and meet at a certain (semi-secure) place. Of course I have my own plan , I would go there and kill them both (assuming they also survive) and take their gear. I'll be screwed if I have to share supplies and risk living with potentially infected people. Of course it is more likely I would become infected like all the other people. Fun fact : the zombie apocalypse is my biggest fear , I must have spent a week of my life detailing my plan in my head , plus every time I hear odd noises in the middle of the night such as many emergency vehicle sirens or fireworks I assume the worst and start rehearsing my plan :eek:.
I figure, since the statistical probability of surviving a zombie outbreak during the early stages is near nill, I'm content knowing I'll be eating people for the remainder of my unnatural days.

That's the point where every zombie outbreak has failed so far. Up until you've got like 15 zombies loose it could be pretty easy to stop.

I dunno, it kinda depends, I've been meaning to try for Akimbo Assassin.
Well, I dunno.
We don't have that many available guns here in Canada.
I say move closer to the north and hope they can't stand the cold :D.
Well, I dunno.
We don't have that many available guns here in Canada.
I say move closer to the north and hope they can't stand the cold :D.

Congratulations! Guess what half of North America will be trying to do also!

Have fun arguing with the yanks over who is going to have to eat who.
If the outbreak doesn't begin here, I shall personally sever California's connection to the USA.

We shall become an island fortress.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay ;)

I'd probably get together a small group of surviving family/friends and head out to my dad's friend's house in the country... he has a bunch of guns, a huge farm/garden to grow food and is in the middle of ****ing nowhere. Then I'd probably build a zombie-proof treehouse and start making runs to the closest populated area for supplies. I think the USA would do pretty well in a zombie apocalypse since there are so many guns all over the place.
Yeah, that's the only reason I'm hesitant about my gun stance - I mean, what if there's a zombie apocolypse? Then we're screwed!
What if the zombies know how to use guns?

Then you're screwed.
Zombies can't use guns Danimal! That's unrealistic!