Zombie Shooter 2 Competition


And here you can see why :D
<object ><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9VDvgL58h_Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9VDvgL58h_Y&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed></object>
obviously: this

be honest ppl:
whats worse?
a zombie feasting on your brains
one doing it while its on fire?
A copy of Left 4 Dead 2

Try and scare them off with a superior zombie game (I can only guess :P)
Likelihood, it won't work... You'd be better off with the Steam version (a.k.a. Bare hands)

It will break the moment you try to do anything with it.
A Shamwow!


Sure it wouldn't work very well against zombies, but I've heard that they're really good for soaking up the blood after being bitten! +1
An empty water bottle.


Honestly, what could you do with it?
Fill it with water and keep it with you wherever you go!

Hope people notice the subtle reference to a previous contest >.>

Also and,


What's more pathethic than killing yourself!!! That make yourself the most useless weapon there.
Silly Bill, football prowess is of no use in a zombie apocalypse.

hahaha you need to do more pics like that (also get some boots)
Closed: announcing winners within the hour. Standby.
Winner 1:
Linguistic Skills

Try to soothe the zombies into sitting down and just talking things through with you.

May I propose...GNAWAWAWA BRAAINS. I agree.

Winner 2:

Let's buy 'em out!

Money to a zombie, is like a fish with a bicycle.

Winner 3:
That took some balls, credit to you (although he does work as a security guard and carries a mean looking torchlight)

Winner 4:


You can't even use it as a distraction.
Cardboard cubes = air. Useless, I agree.

Winner 5:
Silly Bill, football prowess is of no use in a zombie apocalypse.

I thought Millwall were a dirty & tough team? I guess this is worse.

Congratulations to all 5 winners and thanks to everyone who took part.
Congrats to Danimal, Lone Wolf, Zephos, Reginald and Jeru
Awarding Zephos, so Glenn agrees that Munro is useless.

My influence grows!

EDIT: You guys gave me a duplicate code LOL
Fixed Danimal's problem, I'll send you a new one later today. Stand by!
For the record, mine worked fine. Thanks hl2.net. <3
We've tested some of the other keys we still had and they look like duplicates too. Seems a select few are bad keys and the others were fine. This means we've requested replacement keys for the dead ones and waiting for the devs to send them back. Odd that most of them worked, but some didn't, sorry for the delay guys. I'll forward the keys on asap.