Zombie Skin WIP





Its for the HL2 mod No More Room in Hell
Nice - You make it yourself? what tools, etc? That will look awesome when all done and mapped onto a good head mesh.
its been applied, its in my banner for the forums if you notice on the forums ;).

I think I should get the zombie rank for uh, making a zombie :F.
looks awsome. only comments are:
Can we see it on the mesh? :p

and keep in mind that HL2 has special shaders for things like eyeballs.

looking great man!
that is @$@#ing awsome man,, does that use a photo as a base or is it hand painted? the fact I can't tell shows it really kicks ass :D
do u fancy teaching me how to skill? lol, I need someone to teach me so badly. Mainly because I am so stuck atm, its the same with zbrush as well :-/
yeah sidewinder, called normal mapping, we support it, and I have an unshaded version as well.

About teaching, I am just going to have to refer you to tutorials, there are many many tutorials. The key to photoshop is layers, learn to use them, and the blending modes are a great feature as well. The rest just takes a good eye ;). Anyone can learn photoshop, it can take forever to learn your style, I learned metal is just not what I am greatest with. Good luck.
that is @$@#ing awsome man,, does that use a photo as a base or is it hand painted?

I'd be very impressed if he had a photo of an actual zombie :)
I need another skinner, I don't skin weapons well, anyone care to help?
weve been looking for a weaponskinner for like 5 months now ... still no luck ... so GL to you finding one ;o
ugh, good luck to you too, I just picked up enin and thanez, well they are doing me some favors more like it, we need a permanent skinner though.
yea, clan of the dead goat has very good skinners, but enin already is in a MOD crew, is he not ? if he want's 2 mods, then cool for you :p
we had chimp_ do 1 model for us aswell (from CoTDG) but still havent found a person to really DO all our weapons/characters, and that sucks arse, we are learning to texture ourselves atm, but we do hope to find a real skinner though ;p
Heh, what did you say?

"Hey grandpa, you look like a zombie, do you want to be in a computer game?"
it's from a human reference site, i'v seen this dude before :)