zombie spawning troubles




could you pro folks give me a hand at solving what I think is a relatively simple mistery of the automatically spawning zombie in my map. I'm trying to follow a video tutorial on how to make a npc spawn (npc_zombie in this case) and these are the steps I do:

1) I create a basic hl2 dm map with light and spawn point
2) Add a npc_zombie called zombie01 and check the "template NPC" flag.
3) Add a npc_template_maker called zombie01_template and I set the "name of template NPC" to zombie01
4) Add a brush tied to trigger_once entity. As outputs I add one single "OnStartTouch", target it to "zombie01_template" and as reult I set it to "Spawn"
5) Add an ai_relationship next to the zombie. Set "Subject" to npc_zombie and "target" to "!player", "disposition" to "hate" and "priority" to 90, "StartActive" to YES and "Reciprocal" to YES.

At this point, if I load the map the zombie is SUPPOSED to spawn as soon as I cross the trigger brush and it is supposed to attack me (without hurting though). It's exactly what happens in the video.

What happens in my map though is that the zombie is ALREADY spawned by the time the level loads, and that it simply stands still in one single spot without doing anything but turning towards me...

I'm sure there's a single simple step I'm skipping somewhere, and I'd be really grateful if you could point it out, because it's getting creepy :)

please could you tell us what the web address is so i can have a look at the video tut.
actually I'm afraid that link might be down.. is there any way you can figure out if there's something wrong with those steps I wrote?
You try doing this in Half Life 2 SP?
I don't think HL2DM can use npc's