Zombie Theory:

Adios amigos said:
A Gonome is the next step of evolution from zombies:

Gonarchs makes baby headcraps, who grows to headcraps, who maybe finds a victim that it turns/mutates into an zombie, who grows/mutates into gonomes, that grows/mutate to ????barnacle????( :p )

And the reason the Gonomes only have scientist pants are, as Brian Damage said, they been around longer.

Haha, Headcrap? Are you sure you're not getting certain body systems mixed up here? :p
Adios amigos said:
I must have HL 2, right now!

1. you got the spoiler tags wrong in your sig.
2. its only suppost to be 4 lines maximum, this includes spaces.
Headcrap! BAH! So often I get called Edcrap online. And then I'm forced to shoot people.


I still wonder if we'll actually see headcrabbing; either with those corpsish-zombies or in a HL-style scripted sequence where a live human falls victim. In fact, I'd like to see friendlies being latched on to, knocked unconcious, and then turned into zombies at an appropriate time.
Edcrab said:
Headcrap! BAH! So often I get called Edcrap online. And then I'm forced to shoot people.


I still wonder if we'll actually see headcrabbing; either with those corpsish-zombies or in a HL-style scripted sequence where a live human falls victim. In fact, I'd like to see friendlies being latched on to, knocked unconcious, and then turned into zombies at an appropriate time.

Yeah, like those headcrabbed-but-not-zombie-yet scientists you sometimes find slumped in corners. You'd have to keep track of your squad at all times. They can wander off on their own now, after all.