Zombieland - Theatrical Trailer 1

Looks like a good laugh and a nice bit of action - I'd go to the cinema for that one.
I dunno, zomcom's only work if they are British, otherwise its just another Hollywood dross flick.

I'm torn. I saw allot of zombie killing there, and killing zombies is fun, but where is the struggle for survival, where are the annoying stereotype characters you hate so much but love because you know they will ALWAYS get eaten horribly somehow.

I'm with warped, I'd watch it for free.
What's the bet Woody Harrelson's character dies at the end.

Harryz said:
Apparently Bill Murray plays a zombie, I'm there.

Shit yes.
Looks alright.
I'll check it out on DVD.
I'd see it. Mainly because of Harrelson. It doesn't look like much of a comedy though.
Woody Harrelson driving an Escalade with a Dale Earnhardt "3" on the side gets a lot of points from me, so I'm interested.
Before you all decide whether or not to see it:

Woody Harrelson's character's entire goal in that movie is to find the last twinkie on earth.

Its gonna be amazing.
Apparently Bill Murray plays a zombie, I'm there.

Movie just went from a maybe to "if I have money in my pocket when I next pass the cinema and its showing and I am not gonig anywhe"....

Ya know what, **** it, I'll go see it.
You think zombies are a laughing matter, boy?

Darky, I have a long dagger taped to the underside of my desk, a hatchet by the door, a bug out bag in my closet, a map of the local area with defensive points highlighted and a willingness to survive.

Zombies are not a laughing matter, but the film looks like it might. And don't call me boy. :P
I'll see it. For free.

Looks alright, no Shaun Of The Dead though.