
What kind of zombies?

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A pity those two (didn't find the second screen... Ok, I was too lazy to look for the second screen) zombies didn't make it to the final game, either.
I don't think those are a different kind of zombie just a pre-release zombie. They probably changed simply because they looked pretty bad.
AJ Rimmer said:
I don't think those are a different kind of zombie just a pre-release zombie. They probably changed simply because they looked pretty bad.
No, they're not pre-release. I doubt developers of any game include pre-release NPCs in their trailers.
iMMuNiTy said:
No, they're not pre-release. I doubt developers of any game include pre-release NPCs in their trailers.

Check out the original prison vids and watch for the antlions, you'll find you've just contradicted yourself. Or you could just look at the back of your HL2 box.
Yup. In fact that's kind of common practice among game companies.
Indeed. Things change. Things always change. Just tell that to Vivendi, who when manufacturing the hl2 boxes forgot that HL2 had developed since E3 2003.
Okay, I was too lazy to write... Now for the long post.

Antlions, Hydra, 2 more zombies and other things too small to mention weren't cut out of the game. They were stolen by a hacker from Russia. I live in a country where Russia has quite an influence, and we're neighbours. Thus I got my hands on the ripped version of HL2. The zombies where there, different antlions were there... Only Hydra wasn't there (only a non-textured model), instead, a text "Hydra will appear here". The map was done, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, and so on and so forth, thus it's a missing content, not a cut out one. Even on tellies have we been shown a zombie (the 'cut out' one)throwing a barrel at you on a coast. Pre-release? If so, Valve seems to be very picky and like to change everything the last minute. There's artwork for that, I doubt developers create maps and models, and suddenly "Damn, that doesn't look right.", deleting it afterwards...

If you were a developer, and you just got Half of your Half-Life stolen, would you say - "Sorry players, but we've been f**ked." or would you say that "We had a change of heart. That cool zombie you seen, isn't cool at all.". 2nd option, of course, I doubt I myself would buy a game hearing it has been hacked and lost some of its content.

It's no biggie for me, though. I just say it's a pity they weren't included.
iMMuNiTy said:
Okay, I was too lazy to write... Now for the long post.

Antlions, Hydra, 2 more zombies and other things too small to mention weren't cut out of the game. They were stolen by a hacker from Russia. I live in a country where Russia has quite an influence, and we're neighbours. Thus I got my hands on the ripped version of HL2. The zombies where there, different antlions were there... Only Hydra wasn't there (only a non-textured model), instead, a text "Hydra will appear here". The map was done, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, and so on and so forth, thus it's a missing content, not a cut out one. Even on tellies have we been shown a zombie (the 'cut out' one)throwing a barrel at you on a coast. Pre-release? If so, Valve seems to be very picky and like to change everything the last minute. There's artwork for that, I doubt developers create maps and models, and suddenly "Damn, that doesn't look right.", deleting it afterwards...

If you were a developer, and you just got Half of your Half-Life stolen, would you say - "Sorry players, but we've been f**ked." or would you say that "We had a change of heart. That cool zombie you seen, isn't cool at all.". 2nd option, of course, I doubt I myself would buy a game hearing it has been hacked and lost some of its content.

It's no biggie for me, though. I just say it's a pity they weren't included.

I've played the leak, alot of people have, hell everyone knows about it - but were forbidden to talk about it and rightly so, so don't.

The Hydra was NOT cut out because it was stolen. No. It was cut because the AI was not up to scratch, and was no fun at all. They didn't cut zombie models, because they were stolen - no, they were cut because content changes over time. Do people complain, do people really care about the model of the zombie? No.

And for the record, the hacker was german.

Its called game developement, it happens in every game. Look at the first screenshots of any game and things are changed. HL2 is no different, the leak didn't force any radical change to take place, hell - half of the levels from the leak are in the game anyway. The leak was just a set back.

No content was lost either, where'd you get that idea?
They don't delete things like that, they make them better. They look at their models and say: "What can we do to make this look cooler? Maybe make it less fat. Give it more detail. Give it a different colour shirt. Rip out its entrails and spew more blood onto their shirt and trousers..."
Trust me, everyone does it. You should check out the pre-release Half-life screenshots. Oh brother does that Barney look ugly..."
The zombie you say is missing has the same AI as the one in the game. They do the same thing. They just look different, and in my opinion better.
Things that don't work at all, like the Hydra, are deleted.
Also, everybody bought the game anyway, everyone knows about the stolen source code...hell it was the heated debate that lasted for months.
I preffer a medal :D Back to topic. I see one option for the poll missing... G-man!
I prefer citizen zombies, becuase if metrocops or overwatch would turn into a zombie, they would of course be much smarter! using military movements and tactics. :)
Salad22 said:
I prefer citizen zombies, becuase if metrocops or overwatch would turn into a zombie, they would of course be much smarter! using military movements and tactics. :)

What the hell are you on about? Military?
The only type of zombie that I want to see is the original version with the standard headcrab. The new fast zombies/headcrabs and poisonous zombies/headcrabs are CRAP.
"Three -Eight you've got your gun pointing in the wrong direction!"

"Three - Eight thats a nade it ain't for eating."
Samon said:
"Three -Eight you've got your gun pointing in the wrong direction!"

"Three - Eight thats a nade it ain't for eating."
They'd be fantastic for scouting though.

Rebel 1:
"What was that loud, low-pitched ungodly wailing that sounded like a human soul being put through unparalled torment?"
Rebel 2:
"Probably nothing..."

"Recon mission a success!"
URRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Threaaaaaad De-raaaaaailment...URRRR.....Succesfulllllllllllllllllll

URRRR.....must....debate....vort zombiiiees....braaains....
I would love to see combine zombies, especially if they were all different... just like the Chaos marines in Warhammer 40k, they could have mutated limbs cracking free of the restraining armour, grotesque skin creeping around the gas mask- they could look as scary as hell, and each could look unique. Personally I thought the Halflife 2 zombies were rather.. lame.
They were good, but when I got to Ravenholm I was expecting a horde to rival Dawn of the Dead. Not three to five at a time, damnit!

Although they got it right when it came to the graveyard at the end.
Suicide42 said:
I would love to see combine zombies, especially if they were all different... just like the Chaos marines in Warhammer 40k, they could have mutated limbs cracking free of the restraining armour, grotesque skin creeping around the gas mask- they could look as scary as hell, and each could look unique. Personally I thought the Halflife 2 zombies were rather.. lame.
For me lame looked only the clothing of the zombies. Why every classic zombie would wear a white jacket? I don't get why VALVe cut those other zombies. If they implemented all 3 classic zombies into the game, it'd be great. Argh! Attack of the same looking zombies!

Combine soldier zombies would look neat, but they don't kind of fit in. It'd be a horrible misguide in the storyline, as Combine soldiers have protective helmets, which are attached with care; even after a headshot by a magnum it remains. Hell, even after being bombed out with a grenade the combine soldiers still have their masks on. But yeah, I'd like to see them zombified. Especially the process (no sarcasm).
iMMuNiTy said:
For me lame looked only the clothing of the zombies. Why every classic zombie would wear a white jacket? I don't get why VALVe cut those other zombies. If they implemented all 3 classic zombies into the game, it'd be great. Argh! Attack of the same looking zombies!
Déjà vu, but lets forget about that.

Yes, zombies in other clothes would've been neat...
AJ Rimmer said:
Déjà vu, but lets forget about that.

Yes, zombies in other clothes would've been neat...
Anyway, I'd love to see the headcrabbed guy mutate. Source engine would get pwn3d! Unfortunately, so would our PCs...
why? why do all zombies have to look the same? In HL1 they all looked the same. Now in HL2 they all look the same. Why cant we have a slightly different zombie why? Is valve in some way opposed to this? Maybe its a homage to the original HL where all the zombies were former members of the science team. I dont know, all i know is that I want differnt zombies!
Sulkdodds said:
They were good, but when I got to Ravenholm I was expecting a horde to rival Dawn of the Dead. Not three to five at a time, damnit!

Although they got it right when it came to the graveyard at the end.

Shaun of the Dead was funnier
Bob_Marley said:
why? why do all zombies have to look the same? In HL1 they all looked the same. Now in HL2 they all look the same. Why cant we have a slightly different zombie why? Is valve in some way opposed to this? Maybe its a homage to the original HL where all the zombies were former members of the science team. I dont know, all i know is that I want differnt zombies!
Um, because that takes a lot of work?

Um, because it didn't affect gameplay or storyline?

Um, because it takes up more work for the CPU?
why? why do all zombies have to look the same?

It's a case of meaning over realism. In giving all the zombies exactly the same clothes, Valve is representing the loss of the 'self' - the ego - that comes with zombification. The induction into a mindless mass of moaning half-dead - and so the zombificationi process becomes a metaphor for the loss of individuality that the combine, and even (it can be argued) modern society enforces.

Maybe. :upstare:
Sulkdodds said:
It's a case of meaning over realism. IN giving all the zombies exactly the same clothes, Valve is representing the loss of the 'self' - the ego - that comes with zombification. The induction into a mindless mass of moaning half-dead - and so the zombificationi process becomes a metaphor for the loss of individuality that the combine, and even (it can be argued) modern society enforces.


Sulkdodds said:
It's a case of meaning over realism. IN giving all the zombies exactly the same clothes, Valve is representing the loss of the 'self' - the ego - that comes with zombification. The induction into a mindless mass of moaning half-dead - and so the zombificationi process becomes a metaphor for the loss of individuality that the combine, and even (it can be argued) modern society enforces.


Now my brain hurts. But a very good point, I think. *joins Samon in claping*
Sulkdodds said:
It's a case of meaning over realism. In giving all the zombies exactly the same clothes, Valve is representing the loss of the 'self' - the ego - that comes with zombification. The induction into a mindless mass of moaning half-dead - and so the zombificationi process becomes a metaphor for the loss of individuality that the combine, and even (it can be argued) modern society enforces.

Maybe. :upstare:
Never before has bullshit sounded so convincing. Bravo, I applaude you good sir!

Half-life 2 already had as close as any game came to unique NPCs with the citizens. (at least later on in the game) You can't have your cake and eat it too. (I'm not sure how that metaphor works in this context exactly, but it sounded good)
Never before has bullshit sounded so convincing.

Why thank you. :p

Personally, it never really bothered me that much. And when you think about the fact that everyone is made to wear uniforms, it kind of makes sense, even if Ravenholm WAS a resistance town. I mean, there aren't that many other places to get clothing.
Sulkdodds said:
And when you think about the fact that everyone is made to wear uniforms, it kind of makes sense, even if Ravenholm WAS a resistance town.
Yeah, but not white uniforms. :p
Well obviously that's to represent how innocent, happy and pure they were before zombification...

Or alternatively, Ravenholm is an old town and back when they filled it with headcrabs the uniforms were different.