Zombine Speech?


Moxie Wolf

was listening to the sounds and I dunno if its just me but I hear words,

this is what I hear

I can't understand the first, but the last word I hear is "Over run"

"Infes *moan* tations" (Infestations)

Zombine_alert5: ?
"Contact" (maybe?)

last word after the groan sounds like "inbound"


last word sound like "Perimeter"

"Sector is *takes breath* Not secure"
"Sector is not secure" and "Contact" are things that the combine says here and there. They may be zombines, but they can still speak. Not to good though.
Hmm... I wonder if their radios still function? And if so, does this mean the rest of the combine can pick up the tortured moans and keep tabs on zombie infestations?
You can hear the radios key up at any rate. It makes me think the radios are built into the throat or something (as part of the modification) and since you never see them move something near their mouth when they speak. Along these same lines, I think the reason for them having only the bottom of a head is two-fold. One, Valve didn't want to come out and draw the completed Combine head. Two, the 'altered' head is too augmented to be of use to the headcrabs (who usually interface through a biological medium), so the head is (digested, thrown away, scraped off, whatever) so the headcrab can get at the beginning of a useful part of the nervous system, which appears to be the brain stem or top of the spinal cord judging by what's left of the Combine's noggin. Yuk!
What this also makes me think is that Combine attacks are not going to be as well coordinated in the future because it will be hard to communicate among all the zombines keying their mics and filling the airspace with their groans and screams...

...unless they can change frequencies...
I can hear it now:

"Shut your ****ing mic off newb."
"What are you 12? Go back to counter strike"
"Dudes, lets just change servers"
GTGear said:
I've never seen that before. Awesome picture.

Nice picture, but wholly innacurate. It's pretty much a given that CP's are not modified like that. It ought to end with the head of a Combine soldier.


6 5 4 3 2 1 GO GO GO

I love the Combine speech :D
Ridge said:
...unless they can change frequencies...
What are you crazy? There is nothing in the game to indicate they have that kind of technology.
Ridge said:
What this also makes me think is that Combine attacks are not going to be as well coordinated in the future because it will be hard to communicate among all the zombines keying their mics and filling the airspace with their groans and screams...

...unless they can change frequencies...

As if they ever were coordinated with the non-existent AI in HL2 :-D
Moxie Wolf said:
I can't understand the first, but the last word I hear is "Over run"

last word after the groan sounds like "inbound"

last word sound like "Perimeter"
"Biotic *gurgle* overrun"

"Necrotics *gurgle* inbound "


"biotics inn periiimmmeetterrr"
Slater said:
As if they ever were coordinated with the non-existent AI in HL2 :-D
The AI is there, there just aren't many opportunities for it to show off in a series of linear corridors with no option to flank you.
RakuraiTenjin said:
"Biotic *gurgle* overrun"

"Necrotics *gurgle* inbound "


"biotics inn periiimmmeetterrr"
Biotic is used to refer to antlions.
Necrotic: Synonymous with dead. Necrotic tissue is dead tissue.
Revenge said:
The AI is there, there just aren't many opportunities for it to show off in a series of linear corridors with no option to flank you.
Along with the fact it only takes a couple of pistol shots to kill most enemies. The zombine was a nice change of pace.:D
jimmyjam said:
I've only ever heard them call zombies necrotics
Do you think the word tic would be describing an insect or a human host?
No, Necrotic is referrring to Zombies. They only say it when Zombies are around. I've never heard them say it when a headcrab was around. It just doesn't make sesne the other way.
The official list of Combine alien designations:

biotic= antlion
necrotic= zombie
parasitic= headcrab
Who may post some .wav files of the sounds from the game? I'd like to hear these screeches without the din of other stuff going around.
from the sound of it, it would seem that the zombines are repeating their last words prior to zombification. Considered that if they had been crabbed they would have been overrun by necrotics/oarasitics in an infestation zone and saying those sorts of things.
interesting, maybe also the zombines are mimicking? like the grabbing grenades or the speech, hearing com chatter and seeing the grenade use, maybe they can learn to imitate?

If their head were intact I'd guess that they are still somewhat awake and react as they normally would, just more confused and brain damaged, but its seen that the head is gone so.. dunno
Flyingdebris said:
from the sound of it, it would seem that the zombines are repeating their last words prior to zombification. Considered that if they had been crabbed they would have been overrun by necrotics/oarasitics in an infestation zone and saying those sorts of things.
This is one of the most interesting things I've heard so far concerning zombies. It seems quite plausible as well.
I think the whole medical motif with the Overwatch terminology is brilliant and creepy. "Necrotics", "Sterilizers", "Amputate"... Gordon himself is referred to as a "Staph Infection".

Any way, my guess is that those were there final words before getting crabbed. I just don't know how they do it without a head.
Moxie Wolf said:
don't think you can legaly, I just used GCFScape
GCFscape is legal. You own the files, you have the right to extract them.
he was replying to the previous poster, who asked to have files posted
the legality of THAT is debatable, but the legality of gcfscape was not in question

and oh, you don't own the files, you have a license to use them but only under the terms of the EULA
Actually, don't most EULAs mention the prohibition of reverse engineering?

Anyway, I doubt it actually is illegal. Any prohibition probably concerns the actual engine itself, and not to mention the fact Valve is a huge supporter of third party development.