Zombine Speech?

there isn't much to reverse engineer from a model or texture or sound file, really
Yeah, using gcfscape to unpack a gcf is no different from using winzip to unpack a zip file. Nothing illegal about either operation.
I Never Said gcfscape was illegal >_< I was answering about uploading them online... I don't care anymore actualy. I'm gonna go eat
can someone please post a winzip or rar file containing the sounds the zombies make and please also have the files that plays the sound. thank you
Once again, that is on thin legal ice. Just download GCFScape and unpack them yourself...
I heard that sorta thing, but it's rediculous because the Zombines lack a skull if you look at a headcrab-less corpse.
Just an interesting note:

zombine_alert3.wav is "Moove... *static*"
zombine_alert5.wav is "Coontact... *static*"
zombine_alert7.wav is "Necroootics iiinbound *static*"

zombine_idle2.wav is "Biotics.. *wheeze* overwhelm... *static*"
zombine_idle3.wav is "Biotics *growl (inaudible) *static*"
zombine_idle4.wav is "Sector's... *growl* not secure... *static*"

I have trouble decyphering others, input welcome.

-- Mikael Grizzly
Just an interesting note:

zombine_alert3.wav is "Moove... *static*"
zombine_alert5.wav is "Coontact... *static*"
zombine_alert7.wav is "Necroootics iiinbound *static*"

zombine_idle2.wav is "Biotics.. *wheeze* overwhelm... *static*"
zombine_idle3.wav is "Biotics *growl (inaudible) *static*"
zombine_idle4.wav is "Sector's... *growl* not secure... *static*"

I have trouble decyphering others, input welcome.

-- Mikael Grizzly
Yeah, I think the "It's a repeat of their last words" thing actualy looks plausable.

zombine_alert1.wav is "Biotic.. *gurp* overrun... *static*"
zombine_alert2.wav is "Infes- *wheeze* -tations *static*"
zombine_alert4.wav is "*wheeze ...target. *static*"

-- Mikael Grizzly
tics are parasites, and the headcrabs are parasites as well. And let's face it, you never see a Zombie without a headcrab attached. So yeah, Necrotic=Zombies.
-tic doesn't mean anything. It just sounds better that way.
-tic doesn't mean anything. It just sounds better that way.

More accurately, it makes it sound like a medical term and the Combine seems to be fond of using medical euphemisms for their actions.
Hello, this is an interesting topic but the debate about the word "necrotic" is just wrong.

tics are parasites, and the headcrabs are parasites as well. And let's face it, you never see a Zombie without a headcrab attached. So yeah, Necrotic=Zombies.

-tic doesn't mean anything. It just sounds better that way.

Necrotic is a proper medical word, it is the adjective for "necrosis" which is the death of tissue. These terms are most often used to describe rotting flesh on a localised area of someone who is still alive. One example of this is really bad frostbite, another example is untreated pressure-sores on people who are paralyzed and aren't on a special mattress. In these cases, the flesh is necrotic and the person has necrosis of the [whatever the area is].

Anyway, how this relates to what the Zombines are saying:
1) Zombies could be called "necrotics" because their flesh is rotting.
2) Headcrabs could be called "necrotics" because they cause necrosis in the victim.
Given that the reason that the headcrabs exist in such numbers in the hl2 world is because the Combine used them on civilians, I think that this is what the Combine (and therefore Zombine) are referring to when they say "necrotic" because it follows the clinical, descriptive Combine terms for anti-personnel weaponry like "Viscerator" and "Sterilizer" that ríomhaire mentioned. But I could be wrong ;)

However I am not wrong about the word necrotic
One thing i don't understand is how the headcrab got though the combines helmets
Well, the Combine seem to like to refer to the city as a body and resistance, animals etc as diseases so maybe they're saying there is necrosis of the city?
One thing i don't understand is how the headcrab got though the combines helmets
Three ideas:

1. Cracking the helmet apart with their claws and fangs. Successive leap attacks would break apart the helmet.

2. The headcrab could have constricted the maw real tight around the combine soldier's head, and broken both helmet and skull.

3. Digestive acids could've been used to melt away the helmet.

Don't usually like to pimp my own threads, but you guys should really check this out, because it already deals with this helmet question, the lack of zombine skulls, and the question of zombine speech. Personally, my opinion is that it's playback on the combine's voicebox radio.
If a headcrab can damage Gordon through his HEV suit, I don't see why they can't break through combine helmets (which seem to be much weaker)
Well, it seems like a headcrab would lunge at your head, and the Free Man isn't wearing a helmet...

Also, Darkside: If you happen to have written a 35-page treatise on this very topic, I think you're allowed to pimp it however much you like...
i don't think the combine refer to the headcrabs as necrotics, only the zombies.

I think they only refer to the crabs as "biotics" or as part of an infestation zone, they use the same terms when fighting antlions
Well, it seems like a headcrab would lunge at your head, and the Free Man isn't wearing a helmet...

Also, Darkside: If you happen to have written a 35-page treatise on this very topic, I think you're allowed to pimp it however much you like...

There are times when they hit you significantly lower than your head, though, and still do damage.

Plus, if they only hit your head, why would they still damage your HEV energy?
They refer to headcrabs as parasitics I think.

Also, there's no proof he doesn't/does wear a helmet. Both sources for this are unreliable (in OP4 he doesn't wear a long-jump modual either even though he should and in the HL1 model of the HEV suit there were no gloves)
zombine_idle4.wav is "Sector's... *growl* not secure... *static*"
i always thought zombine_idle4 is .....dangerous *growll* not secure..*static*
lol guess im wrong
was listening to the sounds and I dunno if its just me but I hear words,

this is what I hear

I can't understand the first, but the last word I hear is "Over run"

First part sounds like, "Bionic -- Over run"

Edit: Better yet, Biotic overrun. Several combine soldiers make mention of biotic overruns..

Antlions are referred to biotics apparently. The antlion invasion in the dark tunnels and "biotic overrun" makes sense. But if the zombines are missing their actual heads (Brains as well), how would they know phrases such as biotics, or how to speak even. With a standard human it makes a bit more sense they speak. They've still got a head and functioning brain. Unless the headcrab adapts the combine brain, or the combine brain is somewhere else in the body..
well the speech factor is exsplained through our friends at Wikipedia
the Leranx is removed when a human is turned combine and replaced with a speaker like device in the neck, witch is attached to the nerves of the brain.
headcrabs attach to the head to get to the brain.
Perhaps the headcrab heard what their Victum said last and is mimicing the sound.
or maybe it's muscle memory (like if you shoot enough hoops with a basket ball you get better and better). The Trama of being attacked by a headcrab may leave an imprint on the Victum's Psique and they really do say their last words over and over.
(or maybe I'm over analizing it)
This isn't purely on topic but today when I was playing through lowlife, the part where you first encounter zombines, I saw fast headcrabs hiding on the ceiling. I've completely missed that until now.:p
Also, there's no proof he doesn't/does wear a helmet. Both sources for this are unreliable (in OP4 he doesn't wear a long-jump modual either even though he should and in the HL1 model of the HEV suit there were no gloves)

I thought it was very obvious that there was a helmet...otherwise Gordon would of died in many situations.
Three ideas:

1. Cracking the helmet apart with their claws and fangs. Successive leap attacks would break apart the helmet.

2. The headcrab could have constricted the maw real tight around the combine soldier's head, and broken both helmet and skull.

3. Digestive acids could've been used to melt away the helmet.

While this Theory might not hold in the orignal Half Life because of a x-ray I recall from Opposing force, but here it is anyway.

I wanted to make a comment on how the headcrab most likely takes control of the host. I believe that the Headcrab's "beaks" are used to not puncture through the skull, but through the eye sockets because it offers the least resistance, disables the host further so their will is further broken to fight back, and it's the fastest path to the brain. And because that, it's a whole lot easier than cutting through the cap of the skull

Looking at a host when the headcrab detaches from it, you see that were the eyes are suppose to be, are just black and what looks like a bloody stream coming from them. Also the headcrab host's head is looking directly up which also correlates with the theory that the headcrab uses it's mouth to force it's victim’s head upwards to then use the "beaks" to cut through the eyeballs and access the brain.


From there it uses the "beaks" to inject it's DNA, or something similar to high-jack the host's nervous system like the Emerald Cockroach Wasp does with cockroaches and to alters it's form.

Now onto the Zombine

It also makes sense with the Zombine because instead of cutting through the helmet, the headcrab goes through the goggles (Made of type of plastic or glass) And access the what is left of the nervous system through the means mention above. As for what happens to the helment, perhaps the headcrab pulls it off and discards it (similar to a shelling) while the Combine is disoriented and then reattaches itself.

The speech is most likely a machanical glitch from the headcrab taking over the host, since I doubt the headcrab has much use for human speech, and wouldn't bother micking what it last said. Or the speaker box just goes off on it's own which goes back to the glitch idea.

Speaking of which, does anyone have wav files of the Zombie screams and Zombine voices? I am currently a Macintosh user so I can't use any software to extract the file let alone even play the game
was listening to the sounds and I dunno if its just me but I hear words,

this is what I hear

I can't understand the first, but the last word I hear is "Over run"

"Infes *moan* tations" (Infestations)

Zombine_alert5: ?
"Contact" (maybe?)

last word after the groan sounds like "inbound"


last word sound like "Perimeter"

"Sector is *takes breath* Not secure"

Zombine_alert1 "biotics overrun"

Zombine_alert3 "search"

Zombine_alert4 "target"

Zombine_alert5 "contact"

Zombine_alert7 "necrotics inbound"

Zombine_charge2 "chaaarge!"

Zombine_idle2 "biotics overrrun"

Zombine_idle3 "biotics in perimeter"

Zombine_readygrenade "bouncer"

And i think that zombines saying that what they saying in normal,sample is
"sector is not secure" the overwatch soldiers said this if you attacking them,or if they see grenade near to them they say "bouncer!bouncer!,and zombine said it too?,when he take grenade in his hands.Or if see you at first time they said Target!.SO THEY SPEAK SOLDIERS COMMANDS!:):):)
God this is so facinating. Does anyone know of a complete list of everything said by the Combine?

Also, about the "no-headed zombine", I reeeeally think that they still have their heads, it's just when you blow the headcrab off, the head gets taken with the crab. Makes sense to me!
You don't see the Zombine's head because Valve intended that to be so.
God this is so facinating. Does anyone know of a complete list of everything said by the Combine?

Also, about the "no-headed zombine", I reeeeally think that they still have their heads, it's just when you blow the headcrab off, the head gets taken with the crab. Makes sense to me!

Actually I don't think so, cause one time the headcrab hopped off like it does with other zombies and it didn't seem to have a head stuck in it... And if you look at the dead headcrabs on the ground after killing them they don't have a head in them. I think the head is destroyed when the headcrabs clamp down on them.

And this was a hell of a necro...
The headcrab wouldn't eat the whole head because then it would get all the plastic helmet and goggles and stuff. Unless they like to eat that sort of stuff. Or maybe there is no head becasue the combine head is smaller thatn it appears, therefore it turns into a bloody mass of stuff, or maybe we're just analyzing this thing more that Valve intended for.