I bet that romanticdevil would have shut his xbox down if he saw a picture of her...yikes.
The reporter walking in on the tv screen and coming out into "the real world" was probably the lamest effect i have seen on the "news."

I blame the parents and the stupidity of children. Therefore I blame the schools as well. I also blame the country for our freedom of speech.
I blame religion for scaring us to the point where new innovations are always met with fear, superstition and paranoia. to be on the safe side all religion must therefore be banned and all of it's followers put to the sword in the name of human progress. it's for the best
^ this guy doesn't **** around...
I don't know how you can just say religion is to blame for that. I'm pretty sure it's just human nature to fear change. Religion has nothing to do with it.

That's not to say religion doesn't have other problems. But blaming it for humans fearing change? That's a gigantic leap.

I mean sure religion can be against change when that change specifically conflicts with what religion teaches, such as homosexuality... But that's something completely different, and we are past most of the ideas religion wasn't ready to accept in history. So, getting rid of religion a long time ago might have been a good idea, but now it's kind of a lost cause. Besides the fanatics.
At least it isn't as bad as the Nintendo DS pedophiles that are driving behind you, texting your children as they play in the back seat. No doubt they are driving with their knees, one hand on the DS, one hand in their pants.

^ this guy doesn't **** around...

you can be my Grand Inquisitor. the irony will be awesome!!!

I blame religion for scaring us to the point where new innovations are always met with fear, superstition and paranoia. to be on the safe side all religion must therefore be banned and all of it's followers put to the sword in the name of human progress. it's for the best

Yeah... no. That's as nutty as the religious fanatics.
stop being such a wuss. mass extremination of religious folk will surely drive up the world's IQ ..also more resources for the rest of us so we dont have to worry about things like the enviroment and self-immolation (or at least curb it). More breathing room, less reruns on TV during Easter, less god bless yous after sneezing and a sharp decline in the number of people wearing pointy hats
Good thing you're such a joker.
I think reports like this can be easily avoided: capital punishment for people who use the word "cyberspace" as a way to describe the internet in a serious manner. It would be 100% effective.