Zune - Microsoft's iPod Killer

I can't believe you're actually going out trying to spread the word about a music player that you won't even be making money off of.

It's just that it pisses me off so much that people buy products based on brand recognition... "Everyone has an iPod... They must be cool! I should get one!"

This is what the casual customer usually does. They barely take any time to look at any other alternatives. Apple has really built up it's "hipster" and "cool" vibe, and this is what draws people in.

What I try to do is just show people that you need to evaluate everything out there, and see what's the best choice for them...

For example, if there's some guy who just wants to carry a few CD's of his, then I would probably advise him to get one of the lower-end versions of any MP3 Player. Things such as the iPod Nano or any of the smaller Creative MP3 Players.

I realize that I don't get money off of it, but it just makes me feel good that I'm helping people to realize they shouldn't just jump on the bandwagon, and to be original and independent thinkers. Sounds dumb? Yes. Does it work though? Yes. :borg: