Canada and Denmark in Land dispute this the start of ww3?

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May 5, 2004
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"Canadian Defense Minister Bill Graham set foot on the 1.3-square-kilometer (1/2-square-mile) Hans Island on Friday, saying his country has always regarded it as Canadian territory.

Denmark also claims the island, roughly 1,100 kilometers (682 miles) south of the North Pole.

"We will hand over a note to Canada in which we will express our viewpoint," [too bad bush didnt try this tactic before he invaded Iraq] said Foreign Ministry spokesman Peter Taksoe-Jensen. "Hans Island is our island."


as a canadian I feel it's my duty to say: "Denmark is evil!! they eat babies and make WMD for fun! Hans Island belongs to Canada just like the moon belongs to America"
As a Canadian I feel it is my right to march accross the ice and occupy the island proving its ours! I'll carry the big flag, so whose with me?!
I'm with you ...although I'll have to make a trip to the US and get me some guns ..........wait there a Timmy's on Hans Island?
land, money or religion...perfect reasons for war..:rolleyes:

OffTopic:Ooohh!! 777! JACKPOT!!!
canada and denmark arn't even close to each other!

(btw, where's a map that has the island on it?)
I hope Canada and Denmark get into a war that utterly destroys both countries.... that'd be 2 down
Icarusintel said:
I hope Canada and Denmark get into a war that utterly destroys both countries.... that'd be 2 down

...well that would bump you up 2 spots on the Worlds best countries to live in list
CptStern said:
I'm with you ...although I'll have to make a trip to the US and get me some guns ..........wait there a Timmy's on Hans Island?
Timmys are everywhere, I bet there are at least two of them on the island.
CptStern said:
as a canadian I feel it's my duty to say: "Denmark is evil!! they eat babies and make WMD for fun! Hans Island belongs to Canada just like the moon belongs to America"

Don't forget the Danish rape rooms.
The Mullinator said:
Timmys are everywhere, I bet there are at least two of them on the island.

2 of them? there's no disputing Hans Island is canadian now!
Canada and Denmark are arguing..then the US jumps in and destroys the entire island and says "There, now there's nothing to argue about anymore :D. Now..Back to stealing oil HAHAH!! :E.
Well if you guys want any help planning an invasion just give us a call.
no thanks ...we want to keep our land after we take it from the Danes ;)
i'm rooting for Denmark, though without Stern fighting Canada actually stands a chance of winning..... syke ;)
aww you're just jealous you dont have any foreigners to shoot :E
Canada and Denmark wouldn't recognise a war if it sat on their faces...

Just please someone keep bush from hearing that there's a dispute over a small bit of land somewhere, he'll have to invade somewhere else;)
Icarusintel said:
i've got plenty nearby... they're called illegal immigrants

yes but we wont go to jail for shooting foreigners ..our government encourages it ....well, so does yours I guess we're even :laugh:
If you're messing with Denmark, you're messing with us!

I think it's time for a transatlantic war.
It's not like you would stand a chance, we would take the secret road...


  • Secret road.jpg
    Secret road.jpg
    85.8 KB · Views: 324
You really, seriously, and honestly need to stop bashing America out of spite.

The_Monkey said:
If you're messing with Denmark, you're messing with us!

I think it's time for a transatlantic war.
It's not like you would stand a chance, we would take the secret road...

That picture made me laugh so hard I almost cried. :)
CptStern said:
no thanks ...we want to keep our land after we take it from the Danes ;)

Well, alright. But you may still want to ring us up for an exit strategy or two. We've got plenty of them, albeit they remain untested by us.
qckbeam said:
Well, alright. But you may still want to ring us up for an exit strategy or two. We've got plenty of them, albeit they remain untested by us.

hehehe ...well there's always a chance it may work ...if in doubt we'll just blame Mexico ;)
Seriously, call in the British. We have great experiance in 'settling' territory disputes over tiny islands that no-one knows about. :)

You should probably think about fortifying the island against enemy attack. Building a big tower on it and yelling insults is a good tactic.
OMFG. I smell nuclear winter on the horizon. A battle of 2 true superpowers is about to commence. This is not just one for the Canadians and the Danish, this involves everyone. Once a conflict of this magnitude ignites, there can be no winner. None shall escape this storm. None shall...*argh-!*...sarcasm too...much..! blurring...irony overdose...just a..***bbish...island...full'o'trees...


Speaking rationally for a second, you have to admit that Hans Island sounds just a bit more European than Canadian, although not quite Scandinavian. Face it, Stern, you guys are just jealous of, bacon...?

Whatever happens, if you need a hand, just give us Brits a shout. We're well up for tagging along and joining in an unnecessary fight, we've been doing a lot of that lately. Just show us where to shoot :sniper: ooh, the political barb...
Laivasse said:
Speaking rationally for a second, you have to admit that Hans Island sounds just a bit more European than Canadian, although not quite Scandinavian. Face it, Stern, you guys are just jealous of, bacon...?

Dude, Canada is written all over that island.
too bad denmark would roll over your peasant army.
gh0st said:
too bad denmark would roll over your peasant army.

Maybe blue helmets signify peace, but when well thrown they can hurt eyes.
Canada and Denmark in Land dispute this the start of ww3?

lol Canada has a military?

:P Kidding thanks for Afghanistan help
we have don cherry and his secret plad attack, thats enough to scare off any nation.
CptStern said:
yes we have a military ...perhaps you recognise this guy
General Romeo Dallaire is a cool guy, if it hadn't been for typical bungling by idiots in the UN he could've crushed those murderers and stopped genocide.
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