Canada and Denmark in Land dispute this the start of ww3?

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The Queen!

Starting territorial wars with Canada means you're starting them with the UK and the Aussies too!
Heh, I live in Denmark and I've never heard about this before. It sounds like this all over the news in Canada O_o
But you guys can have it I don't care tbh :P
If Canada and Denmark were to have a would be a game of chess. Now that's a war! stupid chess :(

BTW, I think most people in Canada, don't care whether they get the land or not. Our Country is already full of other natural resorces that we have yet to mine or extract.
Hey rakurai, Que quieres a comer o tomar?

Or would you prefer something..asian..(*looks at name*)

TenaciousPLo said:
Hey rakurai, Que quieres a comer o tomar?

Or would you prefer something..asian..(*looks at name*)

Something about what I would like to eat? I can understand vaguely (better for me to hear it than to read it) but not fluently.

CptStern, how is that narrowminded? It's a good thing, promotes strong allegiance.
mortiz said:
Wait a minute, that's the entire Canadian military! If they're going to the Arctic who's defending Canada!? Oh noes!
we are. like we always have. like we always will. we have a massive army not just to protect us, but the entire continent we are on. the canadian military is there for mudslides and plowing the streets when it snows too much :D
gh0st said:
we are. like we always have. like we always will. we have a massive army not just to protect us, but the entire continent we are on. the canadian military is there for mudslides and plowing the streets when it snows too much :D

No way, the U.S. military isn't doing anything until Canada admits it was wrong about subsidizing Canadian lumber.
gh0st said:
we are. like we always have. like we always will. we have a massive army not just to protect us, but the entire continent we are on. the canadian military is there for mudslides and plowing the streets when it snows too much :D

ya when we need someone to do the dirty work we know who to call
Pff.. To end this dispute, Norway would just claim Canada. Click
Though then we would probably claim Hans island too, and we would be just as far. :p
Just cut the island in half and set up a toll booth. It's a high traffic area so both nations will be laughing all the way to the bank.
I come from Denmark and I don't care who get's that island, as long as Denmark stays out of wars then I'll happy because I don't want see my house bombed because of some stupid island.
wtf is this? the thread is 4 years old. did you just find out about the dispute?

also, so many memories of past members; the Mullinator, SAJ, hell even Hapless and gh0st

also this made me lol:

Rakurai Temjin said:
Hmm, on the subject of language, I went to McDonalds today, and they started speaking Spanish to me :/. It's starting to become a big problem.

it must have been before his conversion to a homeboy chivato living in the barrio ese
You have no idea who you're messing with Stern. Denmark will totally cut off Canada's LEGO supply. And then Canada will make a pledge to become independent of foreign LEGO.
You have no idea who you're messing with Stern. Denmark will totally cut off Canada's LEGO supply. And then Canada will make a pledge to become independent of foreign LEGO.

On another note, the largest windmill and shipping companies are Danish as well.
I come from Denmark and I don't care who get's that island, as long as Denmark stays out of wars then I'll happy because I don't want see my house bombed because of some stupid island.
wtf? Why are you bumping threads from 2005. Stop please.
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