WoWs downfall?

I played WoW trial for an hour and a half. My conclusion: bandwagons ****ing blow.
I played WoW trial for an hour and a half. My conclusion: bandwagons ****ing blow.

Because getting to level 6 is a good indication of the game, amirite?

OT: Yeah... this is... stupid. Well, on first glance it is. It can work out, seeing how faction balance is no longer a problem to buff the classes (they can now buff paladin tanking and shaman DPS for example).

It can work, just don't have a lot of faith they can make it work. They also don't seem to care much about lore, lol.
Because getting to level 6 is a good indication of the game, amirite?
Yeah, before you get addicted. Addiction != Good game. If it's not even fun for the first 6 levels then it's obviously not a good game. I think one should be able to tell if he's going to like the game by then. If anything the first couple levels should be the most fun, it can only get more repetitive after that.
I got hooked at level 10, when my rogue could dual wield. (everything before that is really basic training, and is repetative since you don't have hardly any moves yet) Thats when it got fun, once I got some moves and could hold a weapon in both hands. I now have 3 characters level 53-60, and a bunch of level 30's.

Good game/ should have been better though. I might play it again one day, but I probably will just come back for one month and see whats new and maybe go ahead and get 3 level 60's and check out the new weather effects or whatever they were talking about before I stopped playing.
WoW doesn't get addictive until level 60 :D

when I got to lvl60 I stopped playing,all you do is repeat the same raids over and over,and the raids aint even fun....
Best part of the game is leveling from 1 to 55.
Oh, **** this. I like having that one class distinction between Horde and Alliance. Now I'm going to have to live with the shame of having Paladins on Horde, something which was previously exclusive to the Alliance. Please keep the EZ mode class to the EZ mode faction, you bastards.

God, I ****ing hate Paladins.
when I got to lvl60 I stopped playing,all you do is repeat the same raids over and over,and the raids aint even fun....
Best part of the game is leveling from 1 to 55.

raids and lvling suck. PVP is where its at.
when I got to lvl60 I stopped playing,all you do is repeat the same raids over and over,and the raids aint even fun....
Best part of the game is leveling from 1 to 55.

Actually, I thought doing instances like Scholomance and Strat were really fun, especially back in the day when having your full Tier 0 set made you "hardcore."

What server are you on, ab?
This is not going to lead to the downfall of WoW. More people are playing WoW now then ever before, and when the expansion comes out the numbers will get even bigger. I really doubt everyone is going to quit just because horde get paladins and alliance gets shamans.
I'm not really going to play until the Expansion comes out, that's for sure. I don't really see the point of spending my nights raiding for better gear when they're just going to add a new level cap soon. Plus, I'm really bored of the game in general. I do have my account up though for my brother, so I may try out the whole twink scene or something like that.
What server are you on, ab?

Skullcrusher. A server shoved in the far back corner of a dark basement room at Blizzard's HQ, collecting dust and struggling to keep stable. When every other server gets their routine checkup, the technician looks at the sad pitiful Skullcrusher server and says "**** those guys". He probably then pisses on it for good measure, which may or may not account for our frequent, horrendous, raid-wiping lag spikes that happen every two hours or so.
And for some insane reason, people keep transferring over to this hellhole.
WoW's major problem is its faction imbalance. On my server, alliance outnumber us horde 2:1, and for the most part its the same on most servers. Then the shaman review came out which did nothing to improve shaman viability in raids, and i was pissed with the Windfury nerf (i have a 60 warrior and shaman). Blizz then went on to piss off both the horde and the alliance when they announced the Windfury totem nerf, which literally destroys horde DPS in raids, and would cause an even larger imbalance since many Horde raiders went to the alliance because they have it MUCH easier in raids than horde.

There is the problem with unstable servers. Lately my servers has had major latency issues, and its been like this for months.

Now blizzard adds blood elves, which pisses me off since i hate regular elves, now i gotta put up with naked elves dancing in Org. and we get pallies now (which blizzard probably believes will fix the imbalance issue) but this will most likely make almost all shaman obsolete.

Sigh, i'm leaving the game once my account expires on Aug. 3.
That's not an imbalance. On my EQ2 server, the sides are tipped at least 10:1. It's insane.
People will never stop playing WoW until the next big thing comes along, they can talk all the shit they want about how bad the game is, but it's the old case of "Counter-Strike" where no matter how much they bitch, they never stop playing
A lot of people are saying Darkfall Online and/or Warhammer and/or Vanguard are going to be the "next big thing" though.
I already kind of decided I wasn't getting the expansion, so meh :)

That is, unless they add something worthwhile that isn't raid or PvP grinding.
I just don't like the idea of paying a subscription.

Thats why I play GW over WoW.
WoW's major problem is its faction imbalance. On my server, alliance outnumber us horde 2:1, and for the most part its the same on most servers. Then the shaman review came out which did nothing to improve shaman viability in raids, and i was pissed with the Windfury nerf (i have a 60 warrior and shaman). Blizz then went on to piss off both the horde and the alliance when they announced the Windfury totem nerf, which literally destroys horde DPS in raids, and would cause an even larger imbalance since many Horde raiders went to the alliance because they have it MUCH easier in raids than horde.

There is the problem with unstable servers. Lately my servers has had major latency issues, and its been like this for months.

Now blizzard adds blood elves, which pisses me off since i hate regular elves, now i gotta put up with naked elves dancing in Org. and we get pallies now (which blizzard probably believes will fix the imbalance issue) but this will most likely make almost all shaman obsolete.

Sigh, i'm leaving the game once my account expires on Aug. 3.

The windfury totem nerf is fake. Well, not fake, but they're not gonna do it. Anymore, that is.
I'd agree, it won't be a 'downfall', but it basically removes the major difference between Alliance and Horde.

The longest I've been hooked on an MMORPG is for 1 month... do I need help?
I'm glad I cancelled my sub, well sort of... gah I miss wow!
I thought it was a bit lame at first, but I do understand why they're doing it (I might even make a B-Elf Pally :o ). At least now they can make Paladins tank effectively.
everyone stop playing WOW and tell blizzard you'll never buy anything from them until we get an RTS called Starcraft 2 and an MMO in the Starcraft universe.
It's true. Bandwagons suck for the most part. WoW blew from the start.
It's true. Bandwagons suck for the most part. WoW blew from the start.



*Ahem* Err...

I'd say WoW and any other MMO requires a certain mindset. The kind that finds it satisfying in watching your character progress, gear up, look badass, get stronger with each level, and one-shot the pissants 30 levels lower than you. Ego probably has a lot to do with it, but oh well. I will concede however that WoW can be mind-numbingly boring if you don't have good people to play it with. Not necessarily friends, but a good guild, dependable acquaintances, and cohesion in raid teamwork can make up for all the grinding that goes into it. A lot of people scoff at this statement, but it is true that a large part of the game's quality depends on its social experience.
meh, as much as i don't care for wow anymore, games like this don't die overnight, and by overnight i mean 2 years.
Skullcrusher. A server shoved in the far back corner of a dark basement room at Blizzard's HQ, collecting dust and struggling to keep stable. When every other server gets their routine checkup, the technician looks at the sad pitiful Skullcrusher server and says "**** those guys". He probably then pisses on it for good measure, which may or may not account for our frequent, horrendous, raid-wiping lag spikes that happen every two hours or so.
And for some insane reason, people keep transferring over to this hellhole.

If it makes you feel any better, I transferred from Stormreaver (another crappy lag server) to Korgath, a brand-spankin'-new server with GREAT HARDWARE AND NO LAG, and that was total bull. The new servers are pretty much just as bad.
All of the European servers I play on have fantastic connections speeds and stability. Pwnt.

-Angry Lawyer
I'd say WoW and any other MMO requires a certain mindset. The kind that finds it satisfying in watching your character progress, gear up, look badass, get stronger with each level, and one-shot the pissants 30 levels lower than you. Ego probably has a lot to do with it, but oh well. I will concede however that WoW can be mind-numbingly boring if you don't have good people to play it with. Not necessarily friends, but a good guild, dependable acquaintances, and cohesion in raid teamwork can make up for all the grinding that goes into it. A lot of people scoff at this statement, but it is true that a large part of the game's quality depends on its social experience.
QFT, except for the raiding part. WoW for me was fun when I was in a good, close-knit guild, just grouping for quests and dungeons and advancing our characters. Endgame raiding was really not my bag, atleast not the way WoW's done it. I went for 2 MCs the whole time I played, and that's all it took for me to get sick of it.

That's why I'm so looking forward to Vanguard, where the emphasis is on grouping and community.

All of the European servers I play on have fantastic connections speeds and stability. Pwnt.

-Angry Lawyer
Damnit, you just reminded me of something. Back at WoW's launch Blizz promised they'd come out with a method for transferring from US to EU servers. I was depending on this to join the clan we had formed at the time (Order of the Crowbar, was it?). But the longer Blizz seemed to put it off, the more the rest of the guild pulled away in levels, and the less it seemed worth it.

Going on two years later now, and still nothing -_-
So lets say you have a pally on the alliance side. Will he become a horde or will he still be alliance?
He'll stay Alliance.

Ok, I am not looking forward to getting to lvl 70! It is hard enough to get to 60. Just thought I would add that comment considering that the expansion is going to have lvl 70.
Not EXACTLY sure what that means in reference to my comment, but ok.

I want to, to be honest. Leveling up for me was the most fun in WoW, especially doing it in a good guild. Whether or not they'll have good content at level 70 though is questionable :\.