WoWs downfall?

I want to, to be honest. Leveling up for me was the most fun in WoW, especially doing it in a good guild. Whether or not they'll have good content at level 70 though is questionable :\.
FTW. Please please please good lvl 70 group instances.
PvE is boring. PvP is fun.

DAoC = Win for PvP. Been playing it for 5? years or so, 40+ classes keep me busy.. ;)
PvP's only fun in WoW if you can keep up with the epics. And that involves either PvE, or grinding PvP hard to get warlord's gear. Try saying it's still fun after that.
My guilds in AQ40/Naxx, big thing atm is gearing up our warriors...bwl doesn't like to drop Wrath ><

Basically, my name is Pzyko, and I'm an addict.

Also, the big thing before with each faction having a unique class Blizzard couldn't have buffed Shamans at PvE because then they would have had to buff Paladins at PvP and then they would end up being the same damn class.

This way Blizzard can make both classes more unique without having to worry about faction balance, and Horde can now have PvE EZmode just like the alliance have had for the last year, minus fear ward of course.
PvE is boring. PvP is fun.

DAoC = Win for PvP. Been playing it for 5? years or so, 40+ classes keep me busy.. ;)

Yeah, you can't really beat DAoC for PvP. What server do you play on? I play Hib on Pellinor/Kay/Iseult/Lancelot
Downfall? Don't make me laugh, people have been saying just about every decision Blizzard has made would lead to World of Warcrafts downfall. Honor system? Downfall. Dishonorable kills? Downfall. Too much raid content released in 1 year? Downfall. Battlegrounds? Downfall. Yet as we all know it has in reality been getting larger and larger after all those changes were made.

Personally I see very few negatives about this particular change. Lore? We have seen nothing but a few small blurbs, of course it won't make much sense, on top of that this IS Blizzards game, and all Blizzards lore they still have the same original writters doing this new stuff (there is a post by Chris Metzen on the official forums appologising for a few changes). Shamans not being needed in raids? Since when does this mean shamans can't also recieve new PvE buffs? No differences between horde and alliance? Oh please there was only 1 difference before and it was with just two classes, this is something I think everyone will get used to after the first few months of release.
The entire key to a good MMO is keeping it simple, and WoW is about as simple as it gets, hence why it is played by just about everyone
PvP's only fun in WoW if you can keep up with the epics. And that involves either PvE, or grinding PvP hard to get warlord's gear. Try saying it's still fun after that.
I prefer PVP over PVE but that is just my opinion. And I think PVP is fun no madder what type of gear you have.
I prefer PVP over PVE but that is just my opinion. And I think PVP is fun no madder what type of gear you have.
Yeah, sometimes. Just not when you spend more time rezzing than in combat.

Oh, and running into whole, organised groups of guildies with voice chat on the opposing side in BGs (all the damn time) = FTL :(
TBH, the only thing that will kill WoW is how gear oriented it is. That wouldn't really be a problem, but it is when that gear only upgrades the damage you do but doesn't change anything about your defense. WoW PvP becomes more and more a game of twoshotting eachother. Fights aren't long or interesting any more, it's all about blowing your cooldowns and doing as much damage as possible in the lowest time. Your HP or armor doesn't scale nearly as much as your damage does. Even as a paladin I can bring a warrior down in 10 seconds and paladins are a defensive class.

A good example of this is comparing the pre-made characters on the testservers of 1.10 and 1.11. In 1.10, the PTR had tier 0 gear on the characters (and some BWL level gear in neck/trinket/weapon slots) and there was a HUGE difference in the length of fights compared to the 1.11 PTR where characters were dressed in tier 2 with AQ epics wielding Ashkandi's and stuff. Mages were hitting fireballs for 1600, but they still had the near same HP as the 1.10 mages had.

Extend this trend into the expansion and PvP will become nothing but oneshotting. Especially if you consider how powerful the 41 point talents will be (Blizzard says they will be strong enough to be as attractive as a 31/30 spec, so do the math). Blizzard needs to fix how defense scales versus offense.
Oh, and running into whole, organised groups of guildies with voice chat on the opposing side in BGs (all the damn time) = FTL :(

That's pretty much the situation on our server. An Alliance guild called Local Defense essentially allows anybody to join and, using an honor cap system, help everybody get their High Warlord rank. Once you're done, you can leave.

Nothing like that on Horde side, and we get trounced in nearly every BG game. I'm considering just relegating my PvP to twinks.
Nothing like that on Horde side, and we get trounced in nearly every BG game. I'm considering just relegating my PvP to twinks.

Really? I've played on three servers, and every one the Horde do the steamrolling.

The most fun I had in WoW was group PvPing. Getting 15 people in a vent and going against other organized teams in AB was a blast, and I remember we once even did it with AV. THAT was fun.
Yeah, we're kind of the exception. We have some of the top Alliance guilds in all of WoW.

But apparently some big Horde guild on another server heard of our plight and decided to transfer over, intending to set up a similar system and bring some balance.