Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Demo Released

Does not run on steam. Its about a 20-25m demo
For now, the demo looks like it won't be on Steam.

Yeah, Steam is not needed.
Heh, then why is this on the HL2.net news page? :P
I'm checking this out. Gamer's Hell is fast (+500kb/s) and no wait.
Great demo, buying for sure. Source engine has gone along way.
Wonder if they'll do an MP demo before release as well...
Because this title will be released on Steam in the future. And it's a Source-based game.

2 for 2.

link? i havent seen any announcement saying this will be on steam. i know it uses source, and the beta is on steam, still doesnt seem likely for ubi to release it that way.
Yay! Bad it's not available on Steam, though. I <3 Steam.
Been following this game since back when it was Arx Fatalis 2, or so we thought, and I am definately buying it. Gonna shop around for preorders. It's a shame I can't have it now though.

Oh, and awesome demo. Just awesome. Too bad I'd seen most of it from before.
I think this is the biggest file I will ever d/l. Either they get it up on Steam or a torrent cause it's very slow, even for a cable modem. :x
It felt like I did it in 5minutes and to think it took hours to download 1.4gb. I was pissed when I couldn't fight that Ogre at the end.

Very good use of source engine, in fact, it makes HL2 look like a different engine all together! Really good, I could play the part with the Orcs in that room over and over again, I kept kicking them off the edge, or one in to another so they both went off the edge... loads of fun and to think it will be like that all the way through! Never laughed with enjoyment to myself when playing a game for a long time.

Great stuff, the demo was more of a "teaser" on how short it was + the ending. :P
40 something mins left been waiting for this one.... I canna' waita' no mooore!
I think this is the biggest file I will ever d/l. Either they get it up on Steam or a torrent cause it's very slow, even for a cable modem. :x

get it throw Internet dOWNLOAD manager, %300 times more connection.

with out IDM my download is @ 340kbyte max, with IDM = 857kbyte-790kbyte :)
Fight the Ogre

It felt like I did it in 5minutes and to think it took hours to download 1.4gb. I was pissed when I couldn't fight that Ogre at the end.

It is a very short teaser to my mind, too short to be a real demo. In retort to not being able to fight the ogre, if you add a few strings to your games shortcut to enable cheats and add the neccesary binds to your config file, you can just noclip around the 'trigger' that starts the end vid and you get to fight the ogre dude. Hes quite tough and has a few navigation nodes missing but its quite good fun and makes the demo last longer!
going for my 2nd download now, cuz the first one installed with no errors, and then i would open the demo my pc would just lock up....looked online and read through the ubi forums and i guess people are just having a ton of problems, though no one here have mentioned it in this thread.....so we shall see if 2nd time is a charm.
Oh god I love this battle system. I also love the quick switch, mouse-wheel function. Obviously expected since it's using the quick switch in HL2, but it works awesome.

I like the interface too, and the tree skill system.

I love it, I'll be buying it.

Only problem I ran into was a CRC error in the installation, Ignoring it and nothing bad happened in the demo... so I don't know what that was.
Wow... that kicked MAJOR ass. The combat was fantastic. This is staying on my wish list for sure :D
Because this title will be released on Steam in the future. And it's a Source-based game.

2 for 2.

Ahh, makes sense. Then haul ass Steam! Get it up.

I actually can't wait to play this either. :)
I think this is an excellent example of a game that manages to be fun and engaging without trying for 'combat realism'. Realism came in physics, and the use thereof, and that was enough to make it really really fun.