i need your input

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you don't know what your talking about, have you thought this through?

firstly: IT WASN'T A BREAK UP LETTER!!!!!!

secondly did you think i threw it at her and then ran away? no, we talked about it for months, it was looming for quite a while, and as i said i took her to the airport, i was with her every step of the way, and guess what? I WASN'T A MUTE!! the letter was an extra, some 'i'm missing you' thoughts to read on the plane.

your post clearly shows you haven't read the opening post in this thread, or any of the others.

Um... who said I was addressing you, or suggesting that you wrote a break-up letter? Read my post again... it was written generically and in response to the people who were talking about break up letters. I simply gave my 2 cents on what I thought about break up letters.
I admit, I don't actually read anyone's posts. I look at a thread title, search the page for my name, and come out with one of many generic answers based on an educated guess on the contents of the post.

-Angry Lawyer
How effective!

btw, was it a peanut-butter and jelly sandwhich?
Salami, actually. I'm not really one for sweet sandwich fillings/

-Angry Lawyer
Well like I said, a giant ****ing snake was infront of me.
Um... who said I was addressing you, or suggesting that you wrote a break-up letter? Read my post again... it was written generically and in response to the people who were talking about break up letters. I simply gave my 2 cents on what I thought about break up letters.

uh.. so why were you talking about break up letters in a post that has nothing to do with them?

admit it, you're digging a hole...
I'll quote him so he dosen't go through the trouble:

"Um... who said I was addressing you, or suggesting that you wrote a break-up letter? Read my post again... it was written generically and in response to the people who were talking about break up letters. I simply gave my 2 cents on what I thought about break up letters."
thanks for your input shaker, moving swiftly on...

Um... who said I was addressing you, or suggesting that you wrote a break-up letter? Read my post again... it was written generically and in response to the people who were talking about break up letters. I simply gave my 2 cents on what I thought about break up letters.

uh.. so why were you talking about break up letters in a post that has nothing to do with them?

admit it, you're digging a hole...
uh.. so why were you talking about break up letters in a post that has nothing to do with them?

admit it, you're digging a hole...

because everyone else is?

rofl this is the most hilarious thread btw
you know there was actually some nice discussion about the TOPIC before someone posted that. if you're going to post that, at least have a second part of the post that actually contributes.
lol best thread I have seen in a while, cherry, when you went to the off-topic section of this forum and post something this stupid, generally something that really is rather pathetic and sad to be bringing to a forum of a computer game, then yes, you will be ripped for it.

Learn from your mistakes
get your box munching face outa here cherry, we have no need for the likes of you
everytime you're sarcastic god makes your girlfriend blow off another one of your mates.
everytime you're sarcastic god makes your girlfriend blow off another one of your mates.

That would be apparant, but I haven't had a girlfriend since I left secondary school 2 years ago. Boo yah!
so are you saying you've never had a girlfriend because you're 20? or you havent had one for two years. either way, you need to get out more mate.
so are you saying you've never had a girlfriend because you're 20? or you havent had one for two years. either way, you need to get out more mate.

having read your letter to your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend or whatever, i would say you're the one that needs to get out more....... mate.
Well it was actually 1 year ago, because I have just started A-Levels at college. Im 17, not 20, I had a girlfriend for the last two years of secondary school and she moved up north after finishing. Oh, and I get out plenty thank you very much, including college 5 days a week, work on a tuesday and thursday night and all day saturday, 3 1 hour lessons of karate a week, football and the pub with mates on a friday night and occasional outings here and there. So quite frankly, ill ask when I want you advice...
Well it was actually 1 year ago, because I have just started A-Levels at college. Im 17, not 20, I had a girlfriend for the last two years of secondary school and she moved up north after finishing. Oh, and I get out plenty thank you very much, including college 5 days a week, work on a tuesday and thursday night and all day saturday, 3 1 hour lessons of karate a week, football and the pub with mates on a friday night and occasional outings here and there. So quite frankly, ill ask when I want you advice...

lol, i said get out more and you listed work and school, that's not quite what i meant love. also, there is an edit button.

and i really don't see why my letter means i don't get out.
lol, i said get out more and you listed work and school

youre either too stupid to have been in college or you were/are such a loser in college that you dont know that it is probably the best environment to make friends.

and i really don't see why my letter means i don't get out.

and thats why you need to get out more
You just want her to show you the video of her and her girlfriend.
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