What has been the happiest day of your life?


Apr 24, 2004
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So far, which day has been the happiest of your life?

me? I cannot remember right now but I will make an effort later.
I can't really think of one. It's not that I've lived some awful life, it's just that I can't think of one day that was miles better than any other day.
I don't think there is a best day of your life....the only best day of your life would have to be a day that would completely change your life for your benefit and the benefit of your family and friends...winning the lottery is a prime example. I've never experienced anything like that, so It's hard to find a best day of my life.
Nothing seems all that good in hindsight. Pretty much every day that kicked ass had some asskicked penalties later on related to it...
Every new day becomes my most hated so I would say yesterday.
Christmas day, 5 years old, I got a power ranger robot toy you controlled with a remote. It ****ing pwned.
Any night where I've been intoxicated at a certain friend's house with others. There have been many of them, and I can't remember the exact order of events from any.
Best time of my life?

Playing JV Football for my highschool -- tackling the jerks and the assholes at practise was well worth the effort. :D
I don't think I've experienced it yet. I still have a lot ahead of me. And honestly, I can't think of a past one.
I have never experienced what I would call the happiest day of my life. I have had happy days... but nothing on a level that could be construed beyond normal.
The happiest day of my life SO FAR would be the day I started going out with the girl of my dreams.
Primary school. Everything was so easy, no concerns about health or anything, you just lived life full of imagination and no one has any grudges about each other.
1) Getting married

2) Birth of my first son

3) Birth of my second son

4) Birth of my third son
Just hanging out with a group of old friends. I never wanted the day to end...
Christmas day when I was 7.

Or perphaps the Aim Higher residentcial me and some people from my school went on at livepool uni for a week. The aim was to encourage us to go to uni after we finished our A-levels, they paid for everything took us to restaurants with disco thingies in everynight, paid for everything and even gave us 20quid cash. That was the best week ever.
One that sticks out at the moment... the day we got a Playstation. I was so stoked I was riding around and around the driveway on my bike squeeling like an idiot pretty much non-stop until we went in to pick it up.
1) Getting married

2) Birth of my first son

3) Birth of my second son

4) Birth of my third son

Unless your wife gave birth to your three sons simultainiously during the wedding that dosen't count as your happiest day! D:

Nah, I'm kidding. <3
I would have said the same thing until she dumped me.

Yeah. I have thought about what would happen if that were to occur. I suppose that would be grounds to form the 'What has been the worst day of your life?' thread.

But it's not happening. :P
Probably my birthday this year. Me and my girlfriend went sailing ofr the weekend (I had my birthday on saturday). Just her and me. The weather was perfect, the company even better :)
One that sticks out at the moment... the day we got a Playstation. I was so stoked I was riding around and around the driveway on my bike squeeling like an idiot pretty much non-stop until we went in to pick it up.


OT: No idea. Tomorrow? D:
I guess it has to be the last day of summer camp at RAF Leeming with the Air Cadets.
Two great things in one day.
1) Went flying in an RAF basic trainer, taking off behind a flight of four F16s.
2) Disco at the town's RAF club. Great girl, first dance. Then on the way home that night, the coach broke down for four hours. :naughty:

Never saw her again after that, but it doesn't matter. The memory is what matters.
Seven or eight years ago now...the ATC gave me some of the best times of my life. Some bad times too, but you gotta take the good with the bad.
I find it kinda funny how you can remember the worse days easily but the happier days with more difficulty.
probably the day I got my driver's license and lost my virginity (can't remember the exact order though)
Like someone said earlier, it's kind of hard to pick the happiest day of your life when nothing extremely signficiant happens to you.

But i'll pick a moment that i'm thinking about where i was the happiest.

It had to be when i was 10 years old. My entire neighbourhood gathered for a massive game of cops and robbers. It was really dark outside and I remember hiding in a tree. My entire team was captured but I was the only one out. I remember it took them more then an hour to find me...i felt like a ninja, i had all this confidence, it was freaking awesome!
I can't pick a favorite day, it's impossible. But the last great time I've had in a while was last weekend, I went to Nashville with some friends (with a girl friend too) and watched the Louisville MTSU game, then went hiking for the rest of the weekend. The other best time I've had was a school weekend trip to Chicago lst year. Great times.

This weekend was kinda sucky though. The heater in the house isn't working, I lost 10 dollars in poker, Louisville didn't play well, and I got 1st degree burns on my hands from Lanagna (it wasn't even mine).
1) Getting married

2) Birth of my first son

3) Birth of my second son

4) Birth of my third son

Does that mean you love your first son more? :O

Mine was probably the five days that constituted Reading festival. Good music, good friends, good women, good beer, good times. :E
Can't think of one inpartic'lar. Uuhm recently though? Probably learning a couple of card tricks and impressing friends. Makes me smile when others are amazed.