Creepiest PC Game Level Ever?


The Freeman
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
I think so.

It's the haunted hotel from Vampire Bloodlines.
Having had the pleasure of playing it myself and thoroughly soiling myself while doing so... here it is in all of its glory.
meh, ravenholm was just messed up for me...way more than this lol

also almost every level in silent hill kills this one in creepy-ness
I must be the only person that wasn't scared while playing Ravenholme.

And I've only played Silent Hill : The Room, so I can't really say if it's scarier or not.
Meh, didn't really scare me. Only when I saw the ghost on the opposing balcony did I get a bit worried. The rest of the level was just props going out or moving which doesn't phase me much.

I've heard good things about shavingbridge cable in deadly shadows
Meh, didn't really scare me. Only when I saw the ghost on the opposing balcony did I get a bit worried. The rest of the level was just props going out or moving which doesn't phase me much.

I've heard good things about shavingbridge cable in deadly shadows

Ah, Thief 3.

I still have yet to play even the demo of it.

I loved the first one, I even played a multiplayer mod based on thief called Thievery for UT99 for a couple of years.
Hello? The Cradle? Seriously. Actually, make that almost the entire last half of Thief 3; the statues, the hag, it was all very disturbing...

Also, I found being hunted by Far Cry's Trigens extremely creepy but apparently nobody else did. :p

There's other stuff I'm sure. Are we making a distinction between 'creepy' and 'scary'? The former disturbs; the latter puts you in mortal fear.

SCARIEST level ever might have to be Operation Flashpoint's After Montignac. Damn, that game was immersive...
What about System Shock 2? Sure its old, but I can hardly play for over half an hour at once at night cause it creeped me out so much.

EDIT: Finished watching, wasnt very scary to me (yeah, its a small view and poor quality). I though F.E.A.R. had much creepier, cramped areas than that, and the halucinations came outa nowhere.
Never played System Shock 2.

That Bloodlines level creeped the crap out of me though. Sometimes STALKER gets me too, but its not in any particular area.
I must be the only person that wasn't scared while playing Ravenholme.

And I've only played Silent Hill : The Room, so I can't really say if it's scarier or not.

Silent hill 2 ftw.
Cradle level - my god i hated and still hate it so! :|

Maybe in the summer i'll reinstall Thief 3 and go again :O

<3 Garett

That Vampire level wasn't too bad for me, and Ravenholm was fun :D
the marine campaing of the alien vs predator games

you are in the dark whit the worst flashlight in the history of videogames and when something appear in the motion detector is worse,and is all quiet until 10 mothafockers run at you screaming and you just shoot the aliens like a dumbass whitout releasing the trigger
Thief 3 - Shalebridge Cradle


Especially the bit where you're climbing the stairs to the attic area.
That level in SWAT 4 with the cult that killed those kids really got to me. First few times I couldn't go down there.
all these creepy levels are getting me excitied about Jericho :D
I'm not good with scary. That level was the reason I never replayed Bloodlines over and over and over and over...

Thief 3 - Shalebridge Cradle


Especially the bit where you're climbing the stairs to the attic area.

dam I hav to say that was good

where is the rest?

but is just a big dark place or what? couldnt see shit
after playing the silent hill series i can say nothing else i've played creeped me out as much as it. The different games in the series have different kinds of scares, sh2 was quite disturbing whereas sh3 was visually terrifying, i was scared to move in some areas, its just the incidental stuff that gets you in silent hill games...

f.e in silent hill 3 when you first enter the construction building and get to the top floor, after you walk a few steps, you hear the muffled sound of the door on the bottom floor closing, then footsteps coming up the stairs, constantly getting louder, i kept expecting someone to bust in on me but nothing, sh is full of these moments, check out some of the threads at gamefaqs on it...

the cradle was awesome too, apparently it was influenced alot by sh.

i felt the hotel in vampire:bloodlines to be not up to the level of games like sh at all.
Good old FEAR: Little girls + me = scared.


and oh my god, any scene where that little girl appears then flashes out (like in the vents when she crawls really fast at you), i think i ***t myself.
I must be the only person that wasn't scared while playing Ravenholme.

I wasn't scared by Ravenholm at all. Found it a little tiresome more than anything.

..Also, I found being hunted by Far Cry's Trigens extremely creepy but apparently nobody else did. :p

The treehouse level? I found Far Cry quite the average game, but as I was slowly creeping across the catwalks and bridges, watching below into the mist as figures crept through the foilage and I cast my eye on a merc jeep that I could have sworn was manned a couple of minutes ago, I felt pretty damn isolated and afraid. :P

Moved to General Games.
I think so.

It's the haunted hotel from Vampire Bloodlines.
Having had the pleasure of playing it myself and thoroughly soiling myself while doing so... here it is in all of its glory.

I would agree with you about the Hotel level. Very difficult to miss the poltergeist activity that throws lamps and such at you :(
Every other level in FEAR is the creepiest level in video game history.

Not necessarily scariest, though.

Honorable mention: The doom3 level where there are prisoner-zombies of some sort trapped behind glass, banging their heads/hands on the glass.
The most scaries moment in a game must have been when the main character in Dark Corners of the Earth said: "Its coming, I can feel it..."

You need to hear it to understand it, it did not get any less scary considering I thought it was a Shaggoth and I knew what a Shaggoth was. Although the hotel escape level was very frightening as well.
The most scaries moment in a game must have been when the main character in Dark Corners of the Earth said: "Its coming, I can feel it..."

You need to hear it to understand it, it did not get any less scary considering I thought it was a Shaggoth and I knew what a Shaggoth was. Although the hotel escape level was very frightening as well.

I really want to play that game.

Every other level in FEAR is the creepiest level in video game history.

I thought they were very, very tame...
The most scaries moment in a game must have been when the main character in Dark Corners of the Earth said: "Its coming, I can feel it..."

You need to hear it to understand it, it did not get any less scary considering I thought it was a Shaggoth and I knew what a Shaggoth was. Although the hotel escape level was very frightening as well.

That's the Lovecraft game right?

Damn, I still need to read those books.
The ****ing hospital in Silent Hill 2 was absolutly UNPLAYABLE at times. I honestly had to take a break every few minutes.

BTW, Ravenholm was not scary at all.
Silent hill 1 scared the living shit out of me, 2 was also scary

For the rest, that level in bloodlines, where you are in the house that is covered in human skin inside, and everything is made from human flesh.
dam I hav to say that was good

where is the rest?

but is just a big dark place or what? couldnt see shit
Get the rest on the right menu of youtube. It's not as dark as it seems in the vids. The noises are probably the scariest part.
I must admit, FEAR really gets my heart going. That game scares me everywhere with that little girl.....I mean, you hear something, look ahead, and that girl is crawling at you like a freaking zombie..

Oh god.
The creepy stuff about Alma is her back-story. It's pretty dark for a video-game.
I think so.

It's the haunted hotel from Vampire Bloodlines.
Having had the pleasure of playing it myself and thoroughly soiling myself while doing so... here it is in all of its glory.

That level can never scare you like the first time, however that video skipped two ghost appearances you can see. If only it wasn't riddled with bugs, I loved that game. :(

FEAR didn't scare me as much as I expected, of course I did jump a couple of times, (For example when the pictures of the interrogator victims flashes on your screen with the sound, that kind of crap gets me.)
I must admit, FEAR really gets my heart going. That game scares me everywhere with that little girl.....I mean, you hear something, look ahead, and that girl is crawling at you like a freaking zombie..

Oh god.

The crawling women under the floor in Fatal Frame (I forget which one) is a lot worse than her. Fear did not scare me, the hotel in bloodlines did not scare me, you get the idea. Those type of horror effects are lame.
The School is Silent Hill was pretty mean the first time through, especially the evil little baby things.

Apart from that the first level as a Marine in AvP and the opening mansion segment in Clive Barkers: Undying.
its a long time since i've played undying but you go somewhere and then return to the mansion when its all dark and thundery and i remember it being ****ing scary
there was a pretty scary scene in the first e3 presentation for fear, it was set in the office complex, the player walked up to a blocked exit with the shutters down, the screen flashed white quickly and alma comes running screaming at the shutters, made me jump watching it, it wasnt in the final game...
Well ill admit that the labratory levels of FEAR were pretty creepy, but, when first playing through it, Ravenholm had me the edge the most, since it was 1am and i had a GCSE exam in the morning lol, i loved every minute of it, obviously i have played through it four times now so aint scary anymore, still fun to play though.
Oblivion creeped me out ..but not in the way the devs intended ...Oblivion's models while highly detailed had this unearthly unrealistic look to them ...there were times I'd round a corner and there in front of me would be an npc stuck near a doorway who would turn to face you with a vacant unhuman stare ...creepy
Oblivion creeped me out ..but not in the way the devs intended ...Oblivion's models while highly detailed had this unearthly unrealistic look to them ...there were times I'd round a corner and there in front of me would be an npc stuck near a doorway who would turn to face you with a vacant unhuman stare ...creepy

I'm....I'm not the only one...