The New Art Contest #1: Voting Thread

Pick your favourite entry.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
The New Art Contest
-=Voting Thread=-

Before voting, view the entries here.
You may NOT vote for yourself.

Topic: Create a vision of City 17 in your own way.
As this is the first contest, the topic is deliberately vague. You could draw a fight scene, paint a decapitated building or Photoshop a picture you took. It doesn't even have to feature the city itself, so long as you capture the atmosphere and "feel" of life there. Remember, it must be HL2 themed.
does freeman have a dildo on that pic?
Oh wow lol. Forget the last time the logo was changed. :O
Why do I keep reading 'grab your breasts,' and why does Alyx's epression make it all the funnier?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

You know... I think I'm just going to do some serious full time pixel art for the next week. I'm going to do this contest as well as keep Isotown updated.

Look out, A super-veggie-awesome pixel art is coming.

I'll try to make something. Dont know if ill complete it because I have several other projects going on at the same time.
Someone mentioned in the news thread that more time should be given. I agree with this. How about 2 weeks?
I'd have no scruple with changing the time limit. I was considering making it 2 weeks in the first place. Would most people be happy with this decision?

[Edit] Okay, time extended.
Idea: It might be wise to, instead of using a poll, have a voting thread where people post to cast their vote. And, you have to have like 50 posts in order to vote. This way, people won't be able to make a bunch of accounts and vote for themselves to give themselves an unfair advantage.
My Entry

This is my entry. It took me around 38 hours of continuous oil painting to achieve this stylistic look.


[SUI-EDIT]: As you can see here, doodles will not be accepted into the contest, and will be moved into the discussion thread. Please do not post entries that you have not invested effort into.


  • final.jpg
    12 KB · Views: 323
That hurts people like me :(
(and it may give others an incentive to spam)
I'm sure you can get 25 more posts in two weeks... That's like less than 2 posts a day.
**** me, I've been in ms paint for the past 10 hours. I'm about halfway done with all the linework/proportioning.

I bloody well won't need 2 weeks if I continue at this rate. :P
Looking forward to seeing an Iso style combine city?
Idea: It might be wise to, instead of using a poll, have a voting thread where people post to cast their vote. And, you have to have like 50 posts in order to vote. This way, people won't be able to make a bunch of accounts and vote for themselves to give themselves an unfair advantage.

Don't worry, I'll be able to tell if people are using duplicate accounts. Anyone who does so will have all their accounts banned, and their entry disqualified. I'll think about disallowing votes from users with less than a set post count, though.

Are in-game screens (edited in photoshop) allowed?

No. If you did that, the game would be doing all the hard work for you. If you want to photoshop something, go out and take a picture.
goddamit, i wanna make an epic pic, but i simply dont seem to have the time. sep 1st week is too FAST!! im gonna take an awesome pic of a city like area in my country, then I will take a light probe image, and make an awesome pic by adding 3dsmax models of APC, Metrocops ect in!! dam, if i had the time..
goddamit, i wanna make an epic pic, but i simply dont seem to have the time. sep 1st week is too FAST!! im gonna take an awesome pic of a city like area in my country, then I will take a light probe image, and make an awesome pic by adding 3dsmax models of APC, Metrocops ect in!! dam, if i had the time..

I'd have no scruple with changing the time limit. I was considering making it 2 weeks in the first place. Would most people be happy with this decision?

[Edit] Okay, time extended.

Now go and take youre picture :p

Staff can enter, as it's going to be a public vote.

Depending on how it turns out, we might have "judges" in later competitions, though. Right now I'm just sticking to the old art contest rules, but it's all malleable.
What I dislike about public votes it can be more of a popularity contest than the actual content. :(
Yeah... I was thinking about that too.

It's not really a big deal who wins though, to me. This is going to be the most epic pixel art I've ever done and that's all that matters.

I think some good judges who provide full reasoning to support their decisions would be best. I'm putting a ****-ton of hours into this project. I'm already up to about 12. Most non-artists can't appreciate intense dedication.
I started earlier today. Got my Xbox set up and had a wander around some interesting landmarks in Half Life 2. Going to do something in the vein of the intro to the game, something involving the railway depot, graffiti, tenant buildings, lots of wires/cables/pylons, sewer stuff, etc.

Still doing some rough sketches whilst juggling college work. :(
Yeah... I was thinking about that too.

It's not really a big deal who wins though, to me. This is going to be the most epic pixel art I've ever done and that's all that matters.

I think some good judges who provide full reasoning to support their decisions would be best. I'm putting a ****-ton of hours into this project. I'm already up to about 12. Most non-artists can't appreciate intense dedication.
Wow veggie you are my hero!