Half-life 2: Episode Story Overview


May 15, 2004
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We haven't got our content pages for EP1 up yet, but this I wrote up might help aid people in the right direction as to the story. It isn't great, but here it is:

A rippling explosion was just moments away from devouring both Gordon and Alyx. Gordon had just done critical damage to the dark fusion reactor in an attempt to thwart Dr. Breen’s escape from Earth, gone against his dire warnings “You don’t know what you’ll unleash…” and delivered the final blow to the Combine Citadel. The portal array was collapsing, the reactor was approaching critical, he’d never make it – but his perception of time was lost, and again he was taken away from the unfolding events of the world, lost and confused…
The so-called ‘G-man’, Gordon’s ever-ambiguous employer, now well aware of his abilities, placed him in stasis – timeless cold storage wherein it was kindly brought to Gordon’s attention that several offers for his services had arisen, and the ‘G-man’ was contemplating them. However, he politely reminded Gordon he was unable to elaborate, and departed before anything else could be said. Locked within the darkness between dimensions, Gordon was left ponder what had unfolded.

“Tell me Dr. Freeman, if you can, you have destroyed so much, what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing? I thought not.”

Breen’s comments still echoing through Gordon’s mind – was he right? What had he achieved?

Within moments of being encased within his timeless prison, a white opening appeared within the blackness of space and the illusive figure of the G-man entered, a sinister smile across his ghostly face. Gordon’s time had come again. Had he taken up one of the offers? So soon? G-man opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. A faint blue illuminated the black void. The G-man blinked, and worriedly cast his look left and right, thoroughly unexpecting the breach. A low, almost grunt liked chant filled the silence, and a series of spiralling energy attacks began to push the G-man back, keeping him at bay. A row of ethereal Vortigaunts appeared – the source of the incursion.
Looking a foul combination of both confused and deadly, the G-man re-adjusted his tie and cast a threatening look. Two Vortigaunts appeared and grabbed Gordon by the arms – pulling away. As he felt himself departing his timeless prison, the G-man uttered a final few words.

“We’ll see about that!”

Gordon reawakens to the sound of falling rock, a low mumbling and a voice all too recognizable. His eyes open to Dog, who proceeds to pull Gordon out of the rubble. Alyx is with him. Over the moon to see that he is alive she runs up to him and embraces him, before gently backing away, slightly embarrassed. Gordon is reunited with his gravity gun, and Alyx brings him up to speed on the situation. She’s slightly confused as to how she escaped, only remembering fragments of their time spent on the tip of the Citadel. “Breen falling. A large explosion and…Vortigaunts?”

Gordon’s former colleague at Black Mesa, Eli Vance, is heard over the sound of the Citadel. Ecstatic, Alyx clambers up onto a ledge, saying that they’ve been attempting to contact him for hours. According to Alyx, Eli and Judith escaped the Citadel via one of Dr. Breen’s escape pods. Speaking of – what happened to Breen?

As Gordon follows he is given a chance to look up at the Citadel. A mass of swirling energy has replaced the tip, where Breen’s reactor was once located. What had he done?
He reaches the location of the monitor, to see the welcome face of his friend, Eli. Alyx informs him that they have found Gordon, but before Eli can respond Kleiner shoves his way onto the screen to bring them up to speed on the situation. The Citadel is in a critical state, and the core is on the verge of a cataclysmic meltdown – and its only moments before it blows and takes City 17 with it. As for as Kleiner is concerned, this is an excellent development – until he learns of Gordon and Alyx’s location. “Well, were still at the Citadel…”

Eli becomes faint, worried for his only daughters survival. Thankfully, Kleiner has an idea. Apparently, nothing but direct intervention in the core could delay the meltdown. It’d buy the evacuees of City 17 time, and save Gordon and Alyx’s life. It is agreed – they are to go back into the Citadel and attempt to delay the reaction. A brief farewell to her father, Alyx closes the monitor and makes her way around to the other side of the edifice. Gordon and Dog follow, the latter almost losing his life to a piece of debris.

After a short discussion on how they are to reach the Citadel, Dog conjures an ingenious idea. Retrieving an old van he beckons Gordon and Alyx to enter – he’s going to toss them across the chasm. After a cheery farewell he throws the van, and it reaches. Unfortunately the van falls into a broken vent shaft and begins a dangerous descent into the depths of the Citadel. Following a near death experience when the van falls into an abyss, they begin their journey to locate the now critical core.

The Citadel is beginning to fall apart. Energy spheres run loose, power conduits are exploding and Stalkers are attempting to repair what they can. It’s no longer the towering, monolithic structure that evoked both fear and conflict. The source of the Combines power in City 17 is crumbling, but not even Gordon could have expected how much a resounding effect his actions would have…

Eventually, they both reach a circular shaft, bathed in red. Glancing through the glass floor below reveals a series of ‘Synthetic escape pods’, and a chute leading upwards. Slightly worried, Alyx hacks into the command console to attempt to pin down a route to the core. Suddenly, Dr. Breen’s kindly yet sinister face appears. He is negotiating safe passage off Earth in light of the resistance’s success in City 17, but finds the destination they have set the teleporter to deliver him to is untenable. The Advisor suggests a host body. Somewhat bewildered Breen protests, but with little choice he reluctantly agrees. Something startles him, and the feed dies.

Alyx panics for a moment, firmly believing Breen to have perished in the reactor explosion. Suddenly, the monitor screens flicker to reveal the Combine advisor staring out at them. It disappears almost as swiftly as it appeared. Something is then shot under the floor from an unknown entry point. A fairly large, organic looking Synth appears below you, and at its snout lays the hideous upper portion of a Combine Advisor. A frightening thought flashes through Gordon’s mind – is that Breen? In his…host body? All too plausible. With escaping Earth out of the question, he could have resorted to his one last option to evade death within the exploding reactor chamber and transported into the host body. He perishes the thought. It couldn’t be…nobody could have escaped that reactor chamber.

The escape pod rises up into the chute, and the ever-curious Alyx knocks on the glass panes. Suddenly, they are both stricken with an indescribable pain as the escape pod disappears up the chute. Slightly caught off guard, Gordon and Alyx both hastily leave the evacuation chamber.
Slightly taken back they both continue their journey through the Citadel, also managing to recharge the gravity to the state it was in back in Breen’s reactor. The vast halls and pod chambers have been doused in a severe orange mist, further indicating the Citadels critical state. As they pass along a series of walkways and watch in awe as a group of Striders manoeuvre their way through the falling debris in an attempt to escape, a dropship veers into view, passes overhead and shakily grinds into the opposite wall, exploding somewhat and descending rapidly into the abyss. After re connecting several energy bridges they take a doomed lift down to the core and narrowly escape a plunge as they rush hurriedly towards the blast doors leading towards the reactor. The clock is ticking.

Gordon and Alyx enter through the blast door and make their way towards the control room ahead. Gordon notices something familiar on the monitor addressing the troops – the Advisor? Before he can ponder the thought they are attacked, and with the super gravity gun in his hands and Alyx at his side he makes short work of the elites. The image of the Advisor disappears. Alyx approaches the console, slightly confused as to why there are soldiers still at the core. The large panels open to reveal the extremely unstable reactor core – pulsating and throbbing dangerously, it’s already close to collapse. Oddly however, Alyx mentions it would appear the Combine are deliberately attempting to create a meltdown – but that would destroy the Citadel? Either way, Gordon has to go into the reactor and attempt to stabilize the core. There’s still time to buy a couple of hours, but they couldn’t override the meltdown even if they wanted to – it’s too far-gone.

Rather reluctantly, Gordon steps into the elevator and takes the plunge – leaving Alyx back in the control. She smiles, comforting Gordon somewhat – but taking a step into a de-stabilizing reactor is far from Gordon’s idea of fun…

Within the massive reactor core Gordon began by re-connecting the energy bridges leading to and from the control rooms. Having disposed of some troublesome Stalkers out to hinder his mission to stabilize the reactor, Gordon reached the first control room and began to stabilize the core. Crawling through energy orb conduits and repairing some of the extensive damage to the control rooms he succeeds in re-activating the remaining devices. The pulsating core reduces its size dramatically and the three rotating arms that remain around the Core move back into place. The Gravity gun returns to normal.
With the core stabilized Gordon returns to the overhead control room to greet Alyx, who’s happy to see him – bearing news both good, and bad. Whilst his actions within the core have stabilized the reactor, it’s not going to last forever and chances are it’ll only be a few hours before it expands again and begins it’s destructive course towards the Citadel outer walls.

Whilst Gordon was in the core Alyx did some snooping around in the Combine’s data and has come up with results. Due to Gordon’s to destruction of Breen’s reactor, he also took out the Combines tunnelling entanglement system and the Citadels only portal, which has inadvertently left the Combine cut off. Whilst good news it’s left the Combine with few options, and they’ve resorted to more drastic measures. In order to get a transmission out to the Combine universe they are going to have to destroy the entire Citadel in to punch a hole through interdimensional space. Alyx was right before, the Combine were trying to create a meltdown.

Fortunately Alyx has made a copy of the transmission and is eager to get it back to her father and Dr. Kleiner at the outpost outside the City. However, there is something else. She’s picked up a message – from Dr. Judith Mossman.
The monitor flickers and Judith appears – clad in a green overcoat.

She begins her message by explaining she has pinned down the location of the ‘Project’, and is fairly certain once she’s had a better examination of the site she’d be able to say for sure. Despite being somewhat hazy on how much of it may have survived intact or whether there’s anything remaining that could compromise their work if it were to be discovered by the Combine. Suddenly the feed flickers, and Mossman hectically glances right – she’s been discovered! Cutting it short she makes a run for it as the wall opposite explodes and soldiers pour in, gunning down resistance forces in the area. The monitor flickers again to reveal a snowy vista – a coastline, but more importantly, or worryingly, a small, unknown synth entity leaps toward the building. The feed dies.

Mossman is searching for something in the Arctic, and she’s in trouble. Worried Alyx takes a copy of Mossman’s message and the Combine’s transmission with the sole intention of reaching her Father. Gordon and Alyx depart the Core control room and make haste towards the nearest Razor train station. After a close encounter with Combine soldiers they manage to board the last outgoing train, and make for the wasteland outside the City – leaving the disintegrating Citadel far behind.

Pleased with the turn of events Alyx ponders as to the contents of the transmission, and praises their lucky escape – before she notices they are travelling in a Stalker cargo. Caught somewhat off guard she reluctantly wanders over to the open pod, and stares at the inhuman race of the Stalker. Stalkers are the ultimate fate for the human race. Essentially slaves stripped of all humanity, immortal in that they’ll never age and forced to lead a life of horror and regret.
Suddenly the train begins to vibrate violently. Alyx hurries over to the controls before realising something has caused the train to crash as it grinds uncontrollably off of the tracks. They both black out.

It’s only moments before Gordon regains consciousness – waking to the sound of vile, horrific screaming and Alyx’s pleas for help. Struggling through the wreckage he reaches Alyx – pinned to the side of the overturned car by a Stalker pod – the creature screaming in her face. Using the gravity gun to free her, she coils up in the corner – in almost child-like fashion, attempting to recover from the experience. Eventually, calmer, she clambers down, thanks Gordon gently and they depart the train.

Once Alyx has recovered she explains the now dire situation. They are both now stranded in the ruins of City 17, in the same boat as the rest of the evacuees – on foot to a train station in attempt to evacuate the city and avoid the Citadels imminent destruction.
Making haste they begin their journey through the lower levels of City 17, which is now infested with Zombies. As they continue they come across a Combine troop train, which has also de-railed. Within the mangled remains they find the rotting corpse of a Combine soldier – with a Headcrab latched to his head.

Following Alyx’s ‘Zombine’ joke, which Gordon doesn’t really find particularly funny, another Zombine, this one now on it’s feet and charging towards the closed door – pulls out a grenade and explodes on the spot, opening the door. As they progress through the under levels they find them themselves face to face with countless more Zombines, regular zombies and even fast zombies. With the aid of a few barnacles to stem the flow, they soon reach a multi storey car park wherein it is revealed exactly how much damage the destroyed reactor has affected City 17.

Antlions have now flooded into the City due to the failure of the Combine’s containment system. City 17 is now alike with the rest of the world, a rotting wasteland infested with Xen wildlife. Shutting off the Antlions burrows with burnt out cars they make a final stand within the underground whilst waiting for the arrival of a maintenance elevator. The sickening inhabitants of the area pour in. They both make it onto the elevator however, despite it being a little too close for comfort.
Eventually they reach the surface, and begin the Urban Flight…
Having the reached the central plaza, Gordon and Alyx can do nothing but gaze at the vista in front of them. The ruins of inner City 17 lay before them. Buildings have been reduced to rubble and resistance forces brought to their knees. A Strider moves through the wreckage. To think Gordon was fighting there not twelve hours ago. The Combines retaliation to the rebellion was immense, but as his sight glides upward to the Citadel it pales in comparison to what Gordon, to what the resistance has achieved.

Still towering above the City, and no less conflicting – but it’s presence now evokes achievement, rather than fear. The realities of Gordon’s actions come to him. Destroying Breen’s reactor ripped away the entire upper portion of the spire, where a fierce, swirling mass of energy has replaced it, causing ash to rain down on the City. The damage is immense.
As they tear their view from the wreckage, Kleiners voice fills the plaza. His face replaces his former Administrator, Dr. Breen, on the giant screens. He’s issuing evacuation notes and explaining to all remaining citizens the situation. At first he stresses that all remaining within City 17 must evacuate immediately, as the Citadel is tearing itself apart and will surely consume the remainder of the City once it blows. Safe zones have been set up around the city.
Kleiner, feeling the need to educate Citizens in the goings of the resistance, begins by delivering excellent news – the Combine are cut off from Earth. Having destroyed the City 17 reactor, it sent a pulse throughout all Citadels on Earth, shutting down all teleporters and severing their communication system. Stranded, and isolated, the remaining Overwatch forces are attempting to frantically restore communication in an effort to supply Earth with larger forces to combat the growing threat.

Sadly it is only a temporary state of affairs. However, with the time given to them Dr. Eli Vance, Isaac Kleiner and other resistance members have built a series of technological advances that are to be deployed in advance of the Combines return. As they move ever closer to making a stand, they are also training a new generation of scientists and technicians. He also kindly notes that the Suppression field has been shut off, and for those in the designated safe zones it is an excellent time to breed – repopulate the planet!

“For what the Combine fear most is not some tangible human weapon, but our will, our intellect and our ability to respond selectively and rationally to every terror they turn against us. We place our firmest hope in the human spirit, ever knowing how easily it may be shattered…”

With a greater reason for hope than in the last 20 years of the Combine’s oppressive regime and Breen’s management of the assimilation program, Gordon and Alyx begin their journey toward the station. Within moments a group of scanners spot them, attempting to pin down their location and retrieve the copy of the transmission. Within moments the Combine are already bearing down upon them. Battling through a variety of antlion incursions, and doing their best to push remaining citizens towards the station Alyx takes position in a sniper post and aids Gordon as he makes his way down the street to reach the Combine Garrison.

They make it, storm the barricade and slaughter the remaining Combine soldiers. Travelling into the Garrison they spot an ever-watchful Combine Advisor, survive an ambush and continue outside. Within the Garrison Square an Antlion guard is setting about butchering the remaining soldiers and over-turning an APC before setting her sights on Gordon. With Alyx providing covering fire from a nearby by balcony they vanquish the Guard and press on.
Eventually, after a series of close quarters street battles with pockets of Combine soldiers and remaining citizens they reach a safe-house, and meet up with Barney Calhoun, now looking severely worn after a week of non-stop street fighting.

Surprised to see both Gordon and Alyx alive after their assault on the Citadel he brings them up to speed on the plan. He’s rounded up the remaining citizens and is preparing to make a move towards the Train yards in an attempt to ferry them out of the City. Their meeting however is hindered by the arrival of scanners, who spot them in an almost desperate attempt to eradicate the copy of that transmission. Alyx and Barney agree to meet up at the station, whilst Gordon and Alyx divert the Combines attention as Barney rounds everyone up.
Before almost forgetting, Barney hands over a crowbar to Gordon, making a quick joke about it as they set off towards an abandoned hospital.

Diverting the Combines attention comes at a cost: a gunship is on Alyx and Gordon’s tail. Travelling onto the hospital they manage to down the gunship in the attic space and head inward. The Combine originally used the place as a command centre – but now it’s over run with Zombies, which have wrestled over control. Alyx gains a shotgun as they travel further in, dispatching both zombies and soldiers left and right.
Eventually they find their way out, but it’s not all plain sailing – they are spotted by the Combine again as they arrive at the Train station parking lot. Barney approaches them from behind an over-turned van, having just dispatched a metro-cop and decides they’ll be sending out the citizens in groups in order to reach the trains. Urgency is needed as the Citadel begins to flare up again, green electricity arcing around the spire.

It is agreed, and whilst Barney remains with the other citizen groups Gordon and Alyx make the journey through the train yard to reach the station. After several return runs and Combine attacks it’s down the last two, and Gordon and Barney make a final stab at the station. Sealing the station door in order to repel the Combine’s attack Alyx turns to Barney and tells him to depart with the remaining citizens – it’s not them the Combine are after.
Reluctantly, Barney agrees, and he hops onto the citizen train and bids farewell to Alyx and Gordon.

Now all that remains is for Alyx and Gordon to get out of the City – the Citadel is close to collapse. As Alyx prepares the train the Combine move in to neutralize Freeman, and he is forced to make his way back into the train-yard – a Strider hot in his tail. Ducking in and out of containers and avoiding the Striders heavy cannon, Gordon eventually manages to make it across to the other side of the tracks, clambering up a ladder and onto a rickety walkway wherein he’s able to utilize a series of scattered rockets – launching them into the Synth as it attempts to bring him down.
It’s not long before the Strider collapses, emitting an eerie groan as it collapses to the ground. Alyx, over the moon with how Gordon dealt with the Strider congratulates him and hurriedly urges him onto the back of the train. She sets it away and hops on.

The train begins to leave the station and City 17 behind. Passing through the industrial sectors of the City the train soon emerges in the open countryside – they’ve made it…or so it would appear.

A spiralling vortex appears around the tip of the Citadel, lightening arcing across the sky. Several pods are jettisoned from the exploding tower and they pass overhead – it’s the synth like escape pods they saw during the Citadel. As they pass over both Gordon and Alyx are stricken with the same pain, their view distorted…

Suddenly a beam of energy is shot up through the centre of the Citadel and out of the ruined spire. The vortex widens and the vista flashes a blinding white.

“Looks like that transmission is going out after all….”

The lower section of the Citadel explodes – the core has reached its peaked and torn it’s way through the outer layer. City 17 and the surrounding countryside are torn apart as debris is flung through the air – a maelstrom of epic proportions devours the train.


+100000 Fan points to you.
good job!
Samon said:
I am aware of the silly length :p
Well Episode One does take 4 hours to complete (or 3, if you rush like a moron), so of course it's long. Nice that you found time to do this, though, I'm sure it'll be helpful for a lot of users. :imu:
You seem convinced Alyx loves Gordon :p

Well written :thumbs:

20K fan points + 1 cookie for good grammar.
Actually, I think the last line has "No!" A bit muffled at the end. Cause wouldn't you go NO! When you're about to die? Or so you THINK!
You want's his body ;)

Nice job though, but you didn't explain something. Valve has said this was a first person shooter where you see only what Gordon sees...So why was he able to see the grunts at the beginning of EP1? That part confuses me. Did Valve go back on that? They could have explained how Alex was saved without it, and I believe they are smart enough to know how...Alex even says somewhere that she has a vague(sp) memory or the grunts chanting something and saving her...

Anyways great post.
Megalomaniac said:
Valve has said this was a first person shooter where you see only what Gordon sees...So why was he able to see the grunts at the beginning of EP1?

If the Gman could infiltrate Gordon's mind, so can the Vorts.

And what's the first thing the Vorts would tell him? That Alyx is safe.
Megalomaniac said:
You want's his body ;)

Nice job though, but you didn't explain something. Valve has said this was a first person shooter where you see only what Gordon sees...So why was he able to see the grunts at the beginning of EP1? That part confuses me. Did Valve go back on that? They could have explained how Alex was saved without it, and I believe they are smart enough to know how...Alex even says somewhere that she has a vague(sp) memory or the grunts chanting something and saving her...

Anyways great post.

People say that its a dream sequence, I dont know why.
Personally, Im fine with Valve putting that in there.

Oh and great post Samon, amazed that you went to the trouble to write all of this in such great detail.
Respect +1
iMMuNiTy said:
Well Episode One does take 4 hours to complete (or 3, if you rush like a moron), so of course it's long.
An hour and a half, without "rushing like a moron", but just knowing where to go and what to do.
Jeremyofmany said:
An hour and a half, without "rushing like a moron", but just knowing where to go and what to do.

Unless you used a speed hax, no way =P
iMMuNiTy said:
Well Episode One does take 4 hours to complete (or 3, if you rush like a moron), so of course it's long. Nice that you found time to do this, though, I'm sure it'll be helpful for a lot of users. :imu:

Yeah, that and there is a considerable amount of storytelling to be packed in there.

Plain goodness is all I can say, excellent work Samon :)
Unfortunately... i may never be able to play ep1... so I thank you... Praise Samon *repeat 1000 times*
Even though I don't read much, that was the best bit of storytelling I've read in a while, well done. I now understand the game a bit better since watching someone play through it on YouTube. Hallowed be Samon
Suddenly, Dr. Breen’s kindly yet sinister face appears. He is negotiating safe passage off Earth in light of the resistance’s success in City 17, but finds the destination they have set the teleporter to deliver him to is untenable. The Advisor suggests a host body. Somewhat bewildered Breen protests, but with little choice he reluctantly agrees. Something startles him, and the feed dies.

I guess we never know what happend to Breen, but this feed is only a recording taken from the end of Half Life 2 after we followed Breen from his office. But I still don't see why it is added to this scene. Maybe to remind us of the hole "host body" thing they have going. But wether or not Breen is still alive is uncertain I guess.
nice and explained in a detailed way, good job !
now people can skip epp1 and go on to epp2 !!

btw, i found epp1 pretty lame, i realy hope epp2 wil be better.
WOW. I just read it and can't believe how well you wrote it... perfect detail. Way too much time on your hands.
Did have way too much time on my hands. You wouldn't see that now. ;)

That was in my summer holidays last year.
Great writing. Great choice of words. You should do a summary for Episode 2.
Nice. I trust an episode two and p0rtal one are going to be prepared? Because that seriously kicked ass.
Wow...that's an amazing summary. One part puzzles me though...

According to Alyx, Eli and Judith escaped the Citadel via one of Dr. Breen’s escape pods.

I don't remember her mentioning that? Do you have to talk to her at a specific time or something to get this line of exposition?
Looking back now it isn't that well written. :p

I'm afraid there isn't going to be one for Episode 2 right away...this was done in the middle of Summer last year, and I'm back at College now so..

Apoc89, that was a cut line.
Ah, I see. Well, at least it's (somewhat) canon. I was recently wondering how they got out of there.

And although I'd love to see an Ep. 2 summary, I don't really need one. I'll experience the game myself. :D
Ah, I see. Well, at least it's (somewhat) canon. I was recently wondering how they got out of there.

And although I'd love to see an Ep. 2 summary, I don't really need one. I'll experience the game myself. :D

Maybe Breen had some human-fitted escape pods? Just for himself? Would've been a tight squeeze I imagine.

But how did Dr. Mossman get to the arctic in just one night?
Episode one seemed like a filler story to episode 2 But still epic
Great story! 100/10 for you mate! All tho this thread is a bit old >.>

But it's still good!
it was good, a bit short though, they could have stuck in a couple more chapters
Are you kiddin' me!? That was friggin' long already! Not for you? o_O
Of course not as long as a book but meh >.>
what is the point in this thread? :laugh: