Built mah own mouse (kinda)

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
I would have put this in the hardware forum but it won't let me hotlink >:(

I've always been struggling with uncomfortable mice. And I had always dreamed of a perfect, small, lightweight mouse. Using 'professional gaming mice' has always been an annoyance to me, since I still felt like I was moving a mouse with my hand instead of just looking around in the game. As a serious competitive gamer, this has always been troubling me. A proper, small mouse with proper gaming performance didn't seem to exist. So, about a week ago, I finally snapped and got busy building my own mouse to my likings. I found an old microsoft ball mouse that I found quite comfortable. So, the idea was to build the hardware of a good performing (optical) mouse on the market into this small thing. Luckily, I found that my Razer Deathadder had very small internal hardware, which was another reason for me to think I could pull this off.

Took me 30 hours of work, but it's done.




The main buttons and scrollwheel are from my Razer Copperhead. This is the 4th and final solution for the buttons I've tried, cause it's the only one that works properly. It looks pretty terrible compared to the professional work of razer and logitech, but it works wonderfully, including the side buttons.

Here you can see pics of progress and a bunch of random crap.

I'm VERY happy how it turned out. I wasn't sure I was gonna make it all the way, with everything working, till I was done today. And I'm very happy with the results, I find it an awesome mouse! With it I've already pulled of some awesome shots in Css that I could never have done with my previous mice. It's very, very lightweight (55 gram) compared to regular mice (the mx518 is 95 gram, which is the only one that's still intact after this project, lol).

I might give it a good looking finish someday, but for now it works, and that's all I care about for now.
<3, and like I said, if you were marketing this;


(reference with second posted picture)

The Brick Stag, would work extremely well, methinks. Red LED with a paintjob like that, and it'd look pr0.

Email Razer :P
It's got a reason to be there, but it's pretty sturdy without it. A pin broke which makes it not hold together perfectly. So I use tight tape to keep it squished. I might glue it stuck when I make a nice finish, but that makes it unopenable.
I don't see how that thing could be comfortable, although I realize it's probably just because i've yet to actually hold the thing in my own hands.
Foam? I don't see what you mean. The buttons are made from plastic. They're from my Razer Copperhead.

And haha, yeah some crappy shops I did with my D: pic.
If your main concern was pushing it around and moving it, why didn't you just work out a little, build your muscles so it wouldn't feel like pushing it around.. Plus you get muscles?

Other then that, looks very ghetto. :)
Build muscles to move a mouse? I didn't realize it was such a strenuous activity.
Which is why I suggested it in the first place. If moving your mouse is an annoyance, you need more muscles. Period.
Which is why I suggested it in the first place. If moving your mouse is an annoyance, you need more muscles. Period.

No... if moving a mouse is an annoyance, muscles don't need to be considered... I think what needs to be considered is what's preventing the mouse from moving smoothly and easily on the pad.
I'm tired...

I opened the thread and was wondering why there was a mouse, not a house.
Damn, I need some sleep. I thought you built your house. (Kinda)
