I feel so incomplete :(


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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My life feels incomplete. I feel like I haven't really done anything with it, that I haven't accomplished much.

There are so many things I still want to do, yet I haven't really done any of them, and don't forsee any of them happening in the near future.

It just feels like my life up until now has lacked substance.

You're 16 for christ's sake. Your life has barely started.
My life feels incomplete. I feel like I haven't really done anything with it, that I haven't accomplished much.

There are so many things I still want to do, yet I haven't really done any of them, and don't forsee any of them happening in the near future.

It just feels like my life up until now has lacked substance.


Join the Army.

It will all come in time - but next time you walk out onto the street, do something different.
My life feels incomplete. I feel like I haven't really done anything with it, that I haven't accomplished much.

There are so many things I still want to do, yet I haven't really done any of them, and don't forsee any of them happening in the near future.

It just feels like my life up until now has lacked substance.


Sell yourself to buttsex. You'll feel complete and not empty, both ways.
Hey, we all get our fair bout of nihilism someetime in our lives.

But I still say join the Army.
Do a barrel roll.

Te he he chuckle chortle tee.
My life feels incomplete. I feel like I haven't really done anything with it, that I haven't accomplished much.

There are so many things I still want to do, yet I haven't really done any of them, and don't forsee any of them happening in the near future.
Don't think about the things you want to do. Just do them. Don't sit on your ass waiting for them to happen, make them happen.
You're barely 16 - you're in the most unproductive days of your life. If you wanna do something, go get some guitar lessons (both theory and performance) or piano... or hell, even take some painting lessons.

Do anything different than what you normally do; just stop the same ol' boring routine, and start with something new and fresh, but most importantly, exciting and that you're interested in.
No- Join the Navy! You can sail the seven seas! (Okay.. maybe 1.. or 2)

You need to find something that you enjoy, and spend load of money and pointless hours doing it. Or just hang out here more.
Learn to play the banjo.

Remember to have a best friend named timmy too.
How can life suck when you live in Hawaii!? Come to dark cold sweden and you shall see the true face of depression...:(
Everyone needs balance in their lives.

For me to have a good day, I need to do:

Exercise, so I feel good about myself and feel better physically
Something social, this is the most important properlly
Some work, be it school work or for money so you know you've accomplished something towards a long term goal that day
Something Intelligent, I'm trying to become a bit more cultural, so reading a chapter of a book suffices for this.
What do you want to do for a living? Id incorporate something relating to your dream-job personally.

Start playing guitar, learn alot about cars, BUILD SOMETHING, grow pot (currently my hobby, but I digress), learn a foreign language, do some stuff to build up your resume!!!!

Theres a million dumb reasons not to do something....just do it


edit: start a website...you know a good amount about computers...
Exactly what Solaris said, all with a smatering of gaming goodness on top.
Also, belonging to an organisation, whether sporty, religious, or charitable, or whatever can help. Charity work makes you feel pretty good, a couple of months back I did a sponsered swim for breast cancer, and I really felt like I was worth something, and that I was helping and had a purpose. In short, the physcological effect was well worth the physical effort.
Generally, living a healthy lifestyle makes you feel better.
How can life suck when you live in Hawaii!? Come to dark cold sweden and you shall see the true face of depression...:(

Oh man, don't remind me of the winter nights :/

See ya in half a year sunshine! You bastard!
How can life suck when you live in Hawaii!? Come to dark cold sweden and you shall see the true face of depression...:(

Cold and dark makes me happy. I loved living in Alaska. Half the year was all dark, half was all light even at midnight. It was great!

What's great is we even got respite from the cold at times, since it warmed up to 70 degrees in the summer. I mean is that awesome or what? Best of both worlds. Super-cold and warm but not too hot.
"I feel so incomplete" sounds like something your girlfriend says as she nears 30 and obsesses on ticking clocks and empty nests and before you know it you're married with 2 kids and a mortgage

you're not a 30 ish woman are you sinkoman? ......if so, are you hot?
"I feel so incomplete" sounds like something your girlfriend says as she nears 30 and obsesses on ticking clocks and empty nests and before you know it you're married with 2 kids and a mortgage

I think somebody is a little unhappy with the way his life turned out!
Maybe try something which will make a difference somewhere. Then you might fell like your life has some kind of purpose. If I were you, I'd become a medical test subject, but then I'm not you, so you might want to try something else... I dunno, something like what Piggy said.
masturbation, intense masturbation..light a candle, light a motive, step down, step down


Write something or start making maps for video games.
I think somebody is a little unhappy with the way his life turned out!

ummm no ..it was my idea to get married, and my decision to have kids ...however I know of a few of my friends who were married early and now are either divorced or baggin something on the side ..I married late in life when I decided I was ready. Dont assume you know me from words written in a forum on the internets
ummm no ..it was my idea to get married, and my decision to have kids ...however I know of a few of my friends who were married early and now are either divorced or baggin something on the side ..I married late in life when I decided I was ready. Dont assume you know me from words written in a forum on the internets

Joke much?

I love you stern, I wouldn't say anything that intends to hurt your feelings in such a situation. I said what I said because it was ripe for the picking.
Hihi teenage angst.

Isn't that more of, "OMG MY LIFE SUX!"?

It will all come in time - but next time you walk out onto the street, do something different.

Can do captain :thumbs:

Wait. Sinko is 16?

Yes, how old did you think I was?

Don't think about the things you want to do. Just do them. Don't sit on your ass waiting for them to happen, make them happen.

Sounds like a plan, although certain things just don't seem to work out too well when you do that :P

How can life suck when you live in Hawaii!? Come to dark cold sweden and you shall see the true face of depression...:(

Trust me, i'd be a lot happier in Berkley or San Francisco or Switzerland. Hell, Sweden is one of my "must visit" countries.

It's not all "sun and fun" here. People down your parts are probably always thinking "umg hawaii sun and surf and babes", while we think "umg sweden snow and snow and SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!".
I instinctively believe everybody to be older than myself.