Big bike accident


Sep 11, 2006
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Got out of hospital on Monday night...

Last Sunday (as in not the one just gone) I was going round a bend when the rear tyre spun out without warning...probably on leaves, I've since figured.
One moment I was happily hanging off the bike, the next I feel the bike slip out from under me and I can feel I'm tumbling through the air, then I'm laying on the ground in total agony unable to move my legs. Turns out I'd actually hit a tree, at 60mph to boot so I'm pretty lucky to be alive.
Country lane so nobody around, I just lay there screaming until some passing cars stopped and they called the ambulance. Quite possibly the longest several minutes of my life waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the worst thing was not being able to do anything. It was like one of those TV emergency reconstructions, except I was living it.
The police turned up first, and thought I had nothing better to do than be ****ing interrogated at that moment in time. And I got two ambulances and nearly a dozen medics, several of them seemingly solely to carry me onto the hardboard. Getting me onto the ambulance was a painful and time-consuming process, and they promptly cut my leathers off once they'd done so. :(
Broken left leg, dislocated left hip and ankle - skin damage to my right leg and elbow but nothing major. My right shin is still numb to the touch, though.
Turns out I'd had no circulation to my foot since the crash, so they had to pull it back into place urgently and if they'd been a few minutes later I could have lost my foot. Snapped my hip into place in the ambulance too, even on the laughing gas it was a pretty painful experience.
They bandaged my leg up in A+E, x-rayed me and sent me up to a ward, where I stayed until today. The break in my leg is apparently a C3 fracture, the worst kind - the lower leg was shattered into 6 pieces. Took them two days to decide what operation to do, in the end they settled for an external fixation - I now have a metal tube down the side of my leg with screws drilled into the bone holding it all into place. That will stay in there for another 6-8 weeks, and then they'll remove it - depending on the state of the bone, they'll either leave it in a cast or stick a plate in.
I'm on crutches at the moment, it will be about six or seven months before I'm fully recovered - but at least I will recover fully. The most difficult thing at the moment is that I have to do everything for myself as my family are disabled themselves - I can't carry anything while walking, it makes simple tasks very challenging. Plus I'm in constant pain, despite taking three different painkillers, two of which are prescription only every four hours.

It put me off bikes for a couple of days, but now I just can't wait to swing a leg over again. I'll certainly be much more careful in future, though...I'm now disabled to the extent I'm not sure how I can even take a shower, isolated, in pain and financially ruined thanks to the crash.
ffs repIV that's twice (that I know about) ..besides the broken bones and scrapes and bruises it's good to see that you're (mostly) ok

wtf man, try to be more careful, you've already caused permanent damage, you should rethink riding a bike

/end Stern father persona
ffs repIV that's twice (that I know about) ..besides the broken bones and scrapes and bruises it's good to see that you're (mostly) ok

wtf man, try to be more careful, you've already caused permanent damage, you should rethink riding a bike

/end Stern father persona

Yeah the other time was no biggie, I did it good and proper this time. I'm in no hurry to repeat the experience, so I'll probably ride like a granny when I finally get back on a bike. It'll be April/May time before I'm capable of riding again and even then I can't see how I'll be able to afford to replace my trashed bike etc. so I've got plenty of time to reflect on things in the meanwhile...
Benefit system is ****ing shit, I'll probably be lucky to get 100 quid a week. And social services won't provide any care for me because it's only a temporary disability. The one time in my life I need some help and they do sweet **** all, seems it's only the wasters who get anything out of our benefit system...
I have to pay more money in bills and debts each month than I'll be bringing in, it's a disaster.

It's not permanent damage though, fortunately. Except for the arthritis. :)
holy ****, how can one get those type of damages with just a bike crash? Im scared now
I edited to be more stern and fatherly like

what if it had been worse off, I recall you saying you supported your family, you're not invincible

again glad you're ok but man you're not really changing your outlook except by saying you'll drive like a granny for awhile

jebus I sound like my dad when I wanted to buy a bike
holy ****, how can one get those type of damages with just a bike crash? Im scared now

Imagine the kind of damage you would sustain if you hit a tree at 60 miles per hour - trees are solid objects that don't budge an inch!
I got off very, very lightly - I'm extremely fortunate to be alive, and even more fortunate that I'm not permanently disabled as a result.
If it wasn't for my race leathers with masses of lower leg armour, they probably would have amputated my leg.
Good to hear your "ok". I've taken some bad spills before but nothing like that. Be thankful it wasnt your head. good luck
Glad you're (for want of a better word) okay.

Doesn't insurance go any ways to covering the loss of the bike and income?
I edited to be more stern and fatherly like

Well, you're living up to your name. :D

what if it had been worse off, I recall you saying you supported your family, you're not invincible

again glad you're ok but man you're not really changing your outlook except by saying you'll drive like a granny for awhile

jebus I sound like my dad when I wanted to buy a bike

The thing is, people aren't expected to give up other hobbies and activities when they injure themselves - only motorcycles. I don't really understand that. If you have a near-fatal car crash, nobody asks if you're going to drive again, if you break your leg in a horse riding accident, nobody questions your commitment to horse-riding (even though horse riding is actually 20 times more dangerous than motorcycling, statistically).
I caused the accident by trying to attain silly lean angles on a leaf-strewn country lane in October - the change in my outlook is that I won't ride like a twat in future and will thus avoid similar incidents.
Good to hear your "ok". I've taken some bad spills before but nothing like that. Be thankful it wasnt your head. good luck

Thanks - I didn't know you rode though. :)
At the end of the day, once you come off your fate is just luck really isn't it?

Glad you're (for want of a better word) okay.


Doesn't insurance go any ways to covering the loss of the bike and income?

Nope - I had third party only insurance. Comprehensive is stupidly expensive when you're 21 (?450 a year as opposed to over ?2600).
Not that you needed to put me off vehicles...


How many crutches?
I'm glad it wasn't more serious, I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Not that you needed to put me off vehicles...


How many crutches?

Two...I can't put any weight at all on the left foot for at least two months. Having said that, I fell over the night I got home and almost fell over today when my crutch slipped on the wet bathroom floor that looked dry and my foot touched down for a fraction of a second. Both times hurt like ****, and we had to call the ambulance to get me up when I fell over.
I have a real appreciation for how difficult life is for disabled people now.


Glad you're OK(ish) ... How's the bike?

Stabilisers eh. :E
Cheers...the bike is pretty much junk. It's about a foot shorter than it used to be, the whole rear end is squashed in towards the middle of the bike, the numberplate is completely missing and indicators and such are hanging off. The front fairing is also smashed up - but the engine and possibly the front forks/wheel etc. look ok so maybe I could sell those.
Had to pay 190 quid to get it out of storage - scamming bastards. My own breakdown cover could have taken it back to my house for free.

I'm glad it wasn't more serious, I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Thanks. I'm looking at it in stages - at the moment I can't wait to have this...this...thing removed from my leg. It will feel blissful.
Well, you're living up to your name. :D

The thing is, people aren't expected to give up other hobbies and activities when they injure themselves - only motorcycles.

well I'm sure there's droves of people giving up knitting after accidentily stabbing themselves in the eye with the needle ..or one handed woodworkers who give up their whittling tools after an accident involving a bandsaw and an unbutton shirt sleeve

i could go on :)

I don't really understand that. If you have a near-fatal car crash, nobody asks if you're going to drive again

well that's not true, my uncle wont drive after his father and mother were killed in an accident

if you break your leg in a horse riding accident nobody questions your commitment to horse-riding (even though horse riding is actually 20 times more dangerous than motorcycling, statistically).

tell that to christopher Reeves ;)

I caused the accident by trying to attain silly lean angles on a leaf-strewn country lane in October - the change in my outlook is that I won't ride like a twat in future and will thus avoid similar incidents.

ya but not only do you have to avoid that but there are things you wont be able to avoid stupid drivers ..all it takes is a little bump from a driver making a lane change to end your life/seriously injure you ..and it's not like you'd give the driver as good as they gave you ..their reaction will most likely amount to "oops" while they'll be cleaning you up with a hose and a pushbroom

I kid (mostly)

repIV said:
I have a real appreciation for how difficult life is for disabled people now.

and probably a new found respect for your free healthcare, no?
dam I better dont try to ride bikes since even by walking I get distracted very easy a lot

it will be like

*<RJMC> riding on bike,a sexy woman whit a short shorts walk nears and <RJMC> keep eyes on her, <RJMC> falss trough a cliff*
well I'm sure there's droves of people giving up knitting after accidentily stabbing themselves in the eye with the needle ..or one handed woodworkers who give up their whittling tools after an accident involving a bandsaw and an unbutton shirt sleeve

i could go on :)

You'd have to be pretty special to accidentally stab yourself in the eye with a knitting needle. :D

well that's not true, my uncle wont drive after his father and mother were killed in an accident

It's an exception though. With driving and other activities, people accept the risks and they generally go back and do it again if they have an accidents.
With bikes I think it's more a case that people have a pre-conceived notion that they are horribly dangerous regardless of the facts.

tell that to christopher Reeves ;)

I don't think he can hear me. :|

ya but not only do you have to avoid that but there are things you wont be able to avoid stupid drivers ..all it takes is a little bump from a driver making a lane change to end your life/seriously injure you ..and it's not like you'd give the driver as good as they gave you ..their reaction will most likely amount to "oops" while they'll be cleaning you up with a hose and a pushbroom

I kid (mostly)

Well yes...and I will have to reconsider using the bike to commute. London in rush hour is extremely dangerous, I can't count the number of near misses I've had. Especially in the morning - drivers do much more stupid and idiotic things when they're rushing to get to work it seems.

and probably a new found respect for your free healthcare, no?

It's not free. ;)
My experience here is that the NHS is brilliant at emergency medicine, but shite at after-care. Once they've treated the injury, they want to clear the bed as soon as possible so they can put someone else in there. You become an inconvinience. I'm not really ready to be at home - as evidenced by my falling over, but I can't go back into hospital. And the state won't give me any care at home, regardless of the fact that I can't do much for myself and my family can't do much for me either. They just basically dumped me at home, and left my family to sort out the mess.
Social services were really rude to me, like I had some kind of nerve to dare ask them for help - it seems you only qualify for care if you're permanently disabled and dying soon anyway. Not if you're a good taxpayer taking a bit of time out. I haven't washed my hair since the day before the accident, and I have no idea how I'm going to be able to.
The system sucks.
I can imagine his response being somewhat dismissal. The NHS is not free! :p

And seriously dude, just walk.
You'd have to be pretty special to accidentally stab yourself in the eye with a knitting needle. :D

hey I'm sure it happens ..along with accidental macrame hangings, emergency removal of darts from foreheads, "accidental" chess pieces embedded in anal cavities, etc etc

It's an exception though. With driving and other activities, people accept the risks and they generally go back and do it again if they have an accidents.
With bikes I think it's more a case that people have a pre-conceived notion that they are horribly dangerous regardless of the facts.

no I think it's pretty much that even the simplest accidents can be fatal ..besides the fact that it's a little irrational to stop biking due to an accident the odds are not in your favour dont want "third time's a charm" to become a reality

I don't think he can hear me. :|

and if he could hear you, it'd take him 15 minutes to reply, what with the gasps, the whirring of the life support machines etc (for this I am going to hell :O )

Well yes...and I will have to reconsider using the bike to commute. London in rush hour is extremely dangerous, I can't count the number of near misses I've had. Especially in the morning - drivers do much more stupid and idiotic things when they're rushing to get to work it seems.

yes I see it every day ..I went from a 15 minute commute every morning to almost an hour and I see people doing stupid shit at every turn

and yes it is free dont pay out of pocket expenses do you? you dont see what your tax dollar does so in essence it's free ..much in the same way that you're not supporting the war in iraq by paying taxes
Unfortunately we are supporting the war in a way by paying our taxes. Its the cruel harshality :(

And that is a word... now.
I can imagine his response being somewhat dismissal. The NHS is not free! :p

And seriously dude, just walk.

I would, but I can't. :D

hey I'm sure it happens ..along with accidental macrame hangings, emergency removal of darts from foreheads, "accidental" chess pieces embedded in anal cavities, etc etc

Well yes.

no I think it's pretty much that even the simplest accidents can be fatal ..besides the fact that it's a little irrational to stop biking due to an accident the odds are not in your favour dont want "third time's a charm" to become a reality

According to stats worked out by an advanced instructor I know, if you ride a motorbike for 30 years you have a 1 in 28 chance of being killed. Not really impending doom.

and if he could hear you, it'd take him 15 minutes to reply, what with the gasps, the whirring of the life support machines etc (for this I am going to hell :O )

So he got Stroggified? :O

yes I see it every day ..I went from a 15 minute commute every morning to almost an hour and I see people doing stupid shit at every turn

Yeah...ironically I had a pretty bad journey into work the Friday before the crash. I had some guy come into my lane without looking and nearly drive into me, a taxi U-turn right across my path to name a couple and I commented when I got in that I might just take the tube in future, or one of these days I'm going to break a leg. How prophetic. :D

and yes it is free dont pay out of pocket expenses do you? you dont see what your tax dollar does so in essence it's free ..much in the same way that you're not supporting the war in iraq by paying taxes

The tax bill would be a lot lower without the NHS. As it stands, I feel like I'm being screwed over by a system that wants nothing more to do with me once the targets have been met.
If I had private health cover, they would have moved me to a private hospital after the operation with much higher standards of care and rehabilitation, and I would have been entitled to stay there until I was 100% ready to come home and the facilities were in place to allow me to be safely at home. As it stands I'd prefer to be back in hospital, it was a lot easier and less painful.

I'm gonna go jump into bed for a while now, I need to rest my leg. Cya later. :thumbs:
Damn, sorry to hear what happened, but glad you're going to recover. Take care. :thumbs:
Sorry to hear about that, repiv, I hope your recovery will go as smoothly as possible.

Sorry to hear that the system ****ed you over.
Ouch, you're lucky tho could have been much worse at 60...

That's a lot of the problem with bike accidents, luck, you could come off at 80 and live with a few grazes if you skid right or you could come off at 10mph and go under a lorry a car accidents severity tends to be more predictable on the speed your going.
Urgh... NHS makes me think of bad hospital food, puke and ill people smells. And that horrible smell of clean... not like clean, but like fake clean.
According to stats worked out by an advanced instructor I know, if you ride a motorbike for 30 years you have a 1 in 28 chance of being killed. Not really impending doom.

wtf? those odds are horrible, the odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 18585

So he got Stroggified? :O

yes, but somehow they forgot to reanimate his body along with his head ;)

Yeah...ironically I had a pretty bad journey into work the Friday before the crash. I had some guy come into my lane without looking and nearly drive into me, a taxi U-turn right across my path to name a couple and I commented when I got in that I might just take the tube in future, or one of these days I'm going to break a leg. How prophetic. :D

any other premonitions? you're not seeing any winning lottery numbers are you?

The tax bill would be a lot lower without the NHS.

I'm sure it is, but there's other non essential services that could be done away with the war in iraq

As it stands, I feel like I'm being screwed over by a system that wants nothing more to do with me once the targets have been met.
If I had private health cover, they would have moved me to a private hospital after the operation with much higher standards of care and rehabilitation, and I would have been entitled to stay there until I was 100% ready to come home and the facilities were in place to allow me to be safely at home. As it stands I'd prefer to be back in hospital, it was a lot easier and less painful.

but of course, in one of those scenarios, you're footing the bill in the other everyone is footing the bill

nothing stops you from goijg to a private rehab even now ..and if you're cash strapped now, imagine what an addiotnal charge of $100,000+ would do to you?

I'm gonna go jump into bed for a while now, I need to rest my leg. Cya later. :thumbs:

hope you get well soon
How can one on crutches jump... the nearest I've ever seen is Whatsername in Portal...
Repiv, how comfortable are you in front of a computer? Do you have the bad leg raised on something?

Oh and post a picture, im interested in what your cast-thing looks like
Glad you're still in one piece mate, that's a close one.

You can still use your hands, right? Want to get some COH in, to pass the time? I'm horrible now, I haven't played online in like six months.
:( Sorry to hear your story. I don't know you, but I hope you're feeling better soon!
Glad to see theres no permantant damage. Be more careful next time, you little whore you.
Fuck me. Good thing you're alive.

Can I have your foot if you actually ever do lose it?
Damn, sorry to hear what happened, but glad you're going to recover. Take care. :thumbs:

Sorry to hear about that, repiv, I hope your recovery will go as smoothly as possible.

Sorry to hear that the system ****ed you over.

Ouch, you're lucky tho could have been much worse at 60...

Thanks guys. :thumbs:

That's a lot of the problem with bike accidents, luck, you could come off at 80 and live with a few grazes if you skid right or you could come off at 10mph and go under a lorry a car accidents severity tends to be more predictable on the speed your going.

Yep. A friend of mine came off on the motorway at over 120, slid down the hard shoulder and walked away completely uninjured.

Sounds like you drive like an idiot. Ive seen so many bikers who drive like that, and I cant understand how they dont realize that they're just going to **** themselves up doing that.

A highly ignorant comment to make, as without knowing the stretch of road and bend in question you cannot possibly comment on an appropriate speed for it. There are plenty of bends that can be taken at 150 leaving a much higher margin for error than I left on that bend.
Also, I didn't run off the road, the rear tyre ran out of grip. There's a big difference.


wtf? those odds are horrible, the odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 18585

Over a 30 year period? Sounds rather generous to me. According to the sites I've just googled, your lifetime chances of dying in a motor vehicle accident are 1 in 84. Not to mention, 1 in 5 for heart disease, 1 in 7 for cancer, 1 in 24 from a stroke and 1 in 218 from falling. Kind of puts it into perspective a little.

yes, but somehow they forgot to reanimate his body along with his head ;)

Perfect candidate for Futurama...

any other premonitions? you're not seeing any winning lottery numbers are you?

I wish.

I'm sure it is, but there's other non essential services that could be done away with the war in iraq

but of course, in one of those scenarios, you're footing the bill in the other everyone is footing the bill

True, but it demonstrates the severe limitations of our healthcare system.

nothing stops you from goijg to a private rehab even now ..and if you're cash strapped now, imagine what an addiotnal charge of $100,000+ would do to you?

A modest sum per month for private health cover versus an enormous bill for a week or two in hospital...hmm...

hope you get well soon

well insurance doesnt usually cover everything, and then there's always being at the whim of the insurance company interms of what procedures they'll cover, what percentage they'll cover, what doctor will see you ect ..not too long ago i another forum an american was lamenting the fact that he had to pay just over $4000 for a hospital stay for an appendix removal even though he was insured ..$4000 out of pocket cost for something that is completely routine

anyways, i really dont want to turn this into a healthcare debate ..stay off your feet, try not to wig out on the meds and stay off the bike for awhile :)