Favourite Superheroes.

Who's your favourite?

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Dec 31, 2004
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Who are yours? I'm no comicbook geek, in fact, I think the last one I bought was a Sonic the Comic over 5 years ago, but I used to love all the Marvel cartoons (plus Batman: The Animated Series) on TV when I was younger. These are my favourite Superheroes, in order of greatness:

  1. Batman (It's Batman, who else could be #1?)
  2. Gambit
  3. Spiderman
  4. Nightcrawler
  5. Wolverine (He had to be there somewhere, didn't he? :P)

Also, Superman sucks.
Hiro Nakamura.

If we're talking conventional superheroes...


I wasn't really into comics when I was a kid, but I voted for Wolverine, because I liked him in the movies.
Wow Riom, our lists are very similar.

1. Batman - Beats everyone, no contest
2. Gambit - Kinetic card, kinetic card, trick card, ROYAL FLUSH
3. Hulk - Actually hated him up until last year with Planet Hulk.
4. Nightcrawler - *BAMF*
5. Humbug - Humbug is so awesome.

And yes, Superman sucks.
I also think Gambit Rocks. However, my love affair for gambit came after Grifter.

The whole thing with the cards is sex.
Superman sucks and you know it. Even pre-crisis Superman got his ass handed to him by Batman. Batman no longer needs prep-time against Superman...he's always prepared.

Superman could tear off Batman's head, but there'd be deadly kryptonite waiting inside the Bat's neck.

Besides on a scale of super powers Superman's not even ballsy anymore. Lots of people can tango with Superman.
Captain Stern.

Also - Batman is gay, and has no super powers. Period.
A haiku:

People in this thread
must be dense or retarded
Batman will rape you

one of the most bad ass superheroes:


also Goku is like the definition of the hero of the universe:

Also, Superman is the ultimate superhero, Batman is for emo kids

Superman is a ****ing joke. What a bland and uninteresting character.

Flaws are part of what makes a character interesting.

It's like when you are a little kid playing with action figures with your friends.

And one kid is like "my guy is bulletn proof" then the other kid is like "my guy can turn invisible", then the other kid is like "my guy can fly"

then the other little brat says "my guy can't die, he can fly, bullet proof, turn invisible, and can explode things with his mind"
-oh great, little prick.

In my opinion, this is how it goes-

1. Spiderman
2. Batman
3. Wolverine
4. Hellboy
5. Gambit
6. Spawn

Also - Batman is gay, and has no super powers. Period.

gtfo. Batman is a just a dude, and that's what makes him kickass.
Batman is so ****ing awesome he doesn't need any superpowers to **** you up, he's just that cool.
no one can compete with the DBZ warriors..
Debatable, Akira. Much as some people like to believe the DBZ warriors are the strongest living beings because they can blow up planets and they're OVER 9000, they're not the strongest beings--heroes or otherwise--ever written. Not even in Japan. Kenshiro of Hokuto no Ken could kill Goku with a touch.

And American heroes, people like the Surfer, or Sentry, or the Beyonder...grudgingly, even Superman pre-crisis could've tangled with Goku and given him a run for his money at SSJ4.

Also, Vegeta would be more like an anti-hero. Why'd you post a picture of Majin Vegeta? He's a villain there. :p

That was such an epic scene, too, and entirely relevant to the topic at hand, because of what he said about not wanting to become a hero like Goku.
I really dislike DBZ, sorry fans.

Theres just something about it I cannot stand, like with most anime.

I dunno if it's the bleached hair sticking up, or the rediculously muscular facial expressions, or the glowing light that seems to surround their bodies........ or just the silliness of the whole thing. I just can't stand it.

DBZ makes me think.... smelly 14 year old boy with lots of acne sitting in his basement masturbating to Anime.

Sorreh =X
Charles Xavier because he can control almost anyone, and Patrick Stewart kicks ass.
Debatable, Akira. Much as some people like to believe the DBZ warriors are the strongest living beings because they can blow up planets and they're OVER 9000, they're not the strongest beings--heroes or otherwise--ever written. Not even in Japan. Kenshiro of Hokuto no Ken could kill Goku with a touch.

And American heroes, people like the Surfer, or Sentry, or the Beyonder...grudgingly, even Superman pre-crisis could've tangled with Goku and given him a run for his money at SSJ4.

Also, Vegeta would be more like an anti-hero. Why'd you post a picture of Majin Vegeta? He's a villain there. :p

That was such an epic scene, too, and entirely relevant to the topic at hand, because of what he said about not wanting to become a hero like Goku.

i chose that pic because it was a bad ass pic of vegeta.

But let's be honest, silver surfer, superman can NOT beat goku..They'd put up a good fight at the VERY beginning of DBZ most likely but from the vegeta saga and on they're just no match for goku or vegeta and most of the dbz crew...

They're faster then light, they can blow up entire solar systems without breaking a sweat, they can train under like what 10,000x earth's gravity? They get bashed into mountains, ice, rock, lava, etc and still come back fighting even stronger...Saiyans get stronger after every fight so that alone is just incredible..

Sorry, but none of those american heroes can even put a dent in teh DBZ warriors

and zombieturtle, DBZ is actually more brutal and violent than most american comics/cartoons...i dunno why they remind you of a 14 yr old masturbating since DBZ doesn't even look like conventional anime?
Superman's faster than light, can punch planets out of orbit, becomes stronger by proximity to the light of a yellow sun. No one in DBZ has ever "blown up a solar system," either. :p

Surfer, as Galactus's herald, wields THE POWER COSMIC. Which means that he CAN choose to annihilate an entire solar system if he wanted to. Conversely, he can CREATE life with the power cosmic...something the Z warriors couldn't do without the dragon balls. And they certainly couldn't create galaxies like he can. He can absorb energy; any energy. Ki blasts? Absorbed. He wouldn't even need to, actually, since he could just control the energy and turn it right back around on whomever fired at him. And he can alter matter. Remember when Buu turned them into candy and ate them? Yeah, same thing with the Surfer. The power cosmic is the POWER F*CKING COSMIC. Next to the infinity gauntlet it's THE power in the universe.

In the Annihilus saga, you have no idea dude...just because the Surfer wanted to protect the sanctity of a solar system that was left destroyed by the forces of Annihilus (a god), he created a black hole with less than a snap of his fingers. A galaxy-swallowing black hole. And then he flew away. Because he's that bad ass.

And there's a bunch of people who're ridiculously powerful like that. Dr. Strange, for example. The dubs of DBZ, sending people to "another dimension?" How about Strange really DOES just send you into another dimension, for eternity? What're you going to do, big bang attack your way out? You're STUCK. Problem solved.

We're not even getting into the REAL heavy hitters, people like Sentry and the Beyonder.
Batman and you're wrong if you think otherwise.

Superman sucks complete and utter ass.
Superman's faster than light, can punch planets out of orbit, becomes stronger by proximity to the light of a yellow sun. No one in DBZ has ever "blown up a solar system," either. :p

Surfer, as Galactus's herald, wields THE POWER COSMIC. Which means that he CAN choose to annihilate an entire solar system if he wanted to. Conversely, he can CREATE life with the power cosmic...something the Z warriors couldn't do without the dragon balls. And they certainly couldn't create galaxies like he can. He can absorb energy; any energy. Ki blasts? Absorbed. He wouldn't even need to, actually, since he could just control the energy and turn it right back around on whomever fired at him. And he can alter matter. Remember when Buu turned them into candy and ate them? Yeah, same thing with the Surfer. The power cosmic is the POWER F*CKING COSMIC. Next to the infinity gauntlet it's THE power in the universe.

In the Annihilus saga, you have no idea dude...just because the Surfer wanted to protect the sanctity of a solar system that was left destroyed by the forces of Annihilus (a god), he created a black hole with less than a snap of his fingers. A galaxy-swallowing black hole. And then he flew away. Because he's that bad ass.

And there's a bunch of people who're ridiculously powerful like that. Dr. Strange, for example. The dubs of DBZ, sending people to "another dimension?" How about Strange really DOES just send you into another dimension, for eternity? What're you going to do, big bang attack your way out? You're STUCK. Problem solved.

We're not even getting into the REAL heavy hitters, people like Sentry and the Beyonder.

Recall: Buu, Goten, Trunks and Piccalo in the hyperbolic time chamber (a completely different dimension). Their energy alone ripped open a portal to the regular dimension so they can get back.

But either way i guess it's kind of stupid to compare superheroes because they all live in completely different worlds of their own. lol
Batman, since he's an antihero and owns baddies without superpowers.

Second would be these guys:
I remember when Power Rangers wasn't the series that just wouldn't die.
But either way i guess it's kind of stupid to compare superheroes because they all live in completely different worlds of their own. lol
The real reason it's stupid is...they're all heroes! They'd be buddies; why would they want to fight each other? Which is why we need a supervillain thread so the superheroes have someone to combat.

French Ninja said:
6 teenagers with attitude
The Green Ranger is your God.
Oh no, it's the dreaded Banana Bastard and his cohort...

...Dead Pocket!

Who will stand up to the might of a banana wielding rapist and a skeletal wielder of deadly Hot Pockets?

Have no fear, Captain Canuck and his Canadian Bac-o-ray will get the job done! Have at thee villains!
Dead Pocket
Holy fuck. That is the most incredible thing I have ever seen come out of the hero creator, and I've seen some ballsy things. My jaw is literally slack at how fucking awesome that is.

Get on my table of awesome right now.
Let us just come to a consensus:
The Red Ranger was a bitch and the Blue Ranger was the greatest.
Holy fuck. That is the most incredible thing I have ever seen come out of the hero creator, and I've seen some ballsy things. My jaw is literally slack at how fucking awesome that is.

Get on my table of awesome right now.
I eat your funny bone.

Let us just come to a consensus:
The Red Ranger was a bitch and the Blue Ranger was the greatest.
William Cranston had nothing on Jason Scott. Jason will keel you.

Also I'd hit Kimberly.
I remember when Power Rangers wasn't the series that just wouldn't die.

You remember? REMEMBER? *Looks around and see Power rangers SPD, power rangers mystic rangers*


Also, Az, SPD (Japanese SPD anyway) is awesome. Bokenger is the best thing to happen to the rangers, though. I shit you not it is almost as good as the original Power Rangers (which was Zuranger in Japan and a bunch of other rangers tied together). Bokenger in the west, though, "Operation Overdrive," is complete and utter ass.