Favourite Superheroes.

Who's your favourite?

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Never got into the comics or anything, but I was practically raised on the X-Men cartoon (the original, good one), and I always loved him for some reason. Wolverine would probably be a close second.
This was just a test shot for a Freakazoid comic they were considering, but sadly it never got picked up. But, check it out (hotlinked because hueg):


That is ****ing metal.

If Batgirl 2 was on there, I'd have voted for her. Until she inexplicably went evil. :/

/EDIT Oh, Blue Beetle III is pretty awesome as well.

//EDIT I would have voted Bats but, you know, Batdickery. That bastard pretty much got Spoiler killed. Damn you Dan DiDio! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!

Its happening again! *dives out of window*

In all seriousness Batman. All people who don't like batman are Supermans sex slaves.
Holy Batman, Batman.

Batman is doing quite well, even for Batman.

Haha, not quite, but that animation style is strikingly similar. Same studio maybe?

Goddamnit, this is the best cartoon intro ever (probably).


Christ knows how Jubilee got a spot in the intro though, considering how ****ing useless she was.
Superman just plain sucks. What the hell was that writer thinking? Okay, I'm making a superhero, what powers should he have? Hmmm. Flying, that's good, and super strenght, and invunerablitiy, and super-speed and eye beams, and x-ray vision, and ice breath. Oh, I think I've made him too powerfull, let's give him some arbitrary weakness. I know! Pieces of his home planet will kill him (because he's actually an alien despite being almost identicle to humans)!

Also, he doesn't seem to have to breath, because I've seen him surviving in space, but I've also seen knock-out gas working on him. He also seems to lose his powers instantly when he goes to a planet without a yellow sun but he can maintain them indefinatly underground, where there's no natural light.
id say batman just because he doesnt need any superpowers to kick ass. he does it straight up oldschool AND he has a bitchin car.
in my opinion the coolest and bests and more interesting of the superheroes are the xmen

but if I would have to choose one I will say batman since in my opinion is one of the coolest concepts in superheroes

but there is also spiderman so the truth I cant choose

superman is more like a god that decided to help the people of the planet
My best friend is a big fan of Superman, many stuff in his bedroom!
Haha, not quite, but that animation style is strikingly similar. Same studio maybe?

Goddamnit, this is the best cartoon intro ever (probably).


Christ knows how Jubilee got a spot in the intro though, considering how ****ing useless she was.
Great intro. I loved the original DBZ (By that I mean the intro that was in the first series of the US dub) and the intro for Outlaw Star too. But I suppose they're technically anime, not cartoons.
Damnit, Jubilee was always one of the most awesome Xmen.
My best friend is a big fan of Superman, many stuff in his bedroom!

You'r friends with Seinfeld?

Also, the best hero is my brainchild. He'll force you into submission by the power of overwhelming pity for him:

Now that I think about it the Spiderman and Incredible Hulk cartoons had really good intros too. I guess it was a Marvel thing :P

Damnit, Jubilee was always one of the most awesome Xmen.
Jubilee sucked and you know it!
You get mad props from me for remembering the pilot episode of the X-Men cartoon. MAD props. While I adore the 90s cartoon, I had a soft spot for this team, mainly because it had Dazzler, who was a useful version of Jubilee. The arcade game by Konami was based off of this team, and I almost always played Dazzler.

Haha, not quite, but that animation style is strikingly similar. Same studio maybe?

Goddamnit, this is the best cartoon intro ever (probably).

Christ knows how Jubilee got a spot in the intro though, considering how ****ing useless she was.
"At least your name makes sense. I'm Jubilee; I blow stuff up." Much as I like Jubilee, she really was useless.

Also, different studios. They were both distributed under Marvel Entertainment Ltd., but the pilot was handled by Sunbow (who did Transformers!) and the '92 cartoon was done by Saban (of Power Rangers fame) and Akom animation studio.

Not the best cartoon intro by a longshot though, my friend. Not even the best X-Men intro. Best X-Men intro...personally I think it's a toss up between Pryde of the X-Men and the Japanese intro "Dakishimetai Dare Yori Mo." When the series was exported overseas Japan gave it two different intros; the other one is called "Rising."


Dakishimetai Dare Yori Mo:
my favorite super heroes have to be the punisher and grifter:sniper:
Gambit > Batman > Anything with 2 legs > Daredevil > Wonder Woman.

Haha, Wonder Woman - 0! Serves her right for leaving the kitchen!
Daredevil - most pointless superhero ever.

Omg! He lost the ability to see... and then gradually over time used his ears to visualise things...

Wtf...? So he can see...
No. That'd be like asking if Chuck Norris could beat Jesus? No thread.
wonder woman can "tame" me whit her lasso all the time she wants:naughty:
Gambit is by far the best super hero ever.

Yet they left him out of the movies.
