I lol'd at this maths joke.

I rofl'd.

Math jokes ftw!
I get it, but I don't know what LIM is; assuming 'limit', maybe?
**** i always confuse shamrock and shakermaker. Goddamit.

Oh and the jokes pretty fun, thnx for posting it.
I get it, but I don't know what LIM is; assuming 'limit', maybe?

When something is written like that it means that X is moving closer to the listed number, infintly close in fact without acually reaching that number. Mathematicians use that so they can divide by zero legally. :O
Yeah, I study maths at the university. I think I might write my master paper about Topology...
What did the cow say as it was slipping off the roof?
It was the cowefficient of friction :P.
Not sure how you would spell the answer. It sounds better when it's said.

What do you call a perfectly smooth island?
Haha, that was brilliant. Mainly because it included pokemon...:|
a klein bottle is a higher dimension equivalent of a mobius strip. It is a 3d shape with only 1 surface

this one always cracks me up.

Except neither statement is true. lim(1/(x-8), x->8) doesn't exist, even if you allow for infinity. It goes to +infinity from one side and -infinity from the other. Sort of funny, but it'd be much funnier if it were true. The Pokemon one is infinitely better (or worse :)).

Integral z squared * dz
from 1 to the cube root of 3
Times the cosine of 2 pi over 9
equals log of the square root of e.
Except neither statement is true. lim(1/(x-8), x->8) doesn't exist, even if you allow for infinity. It goes to +infinity from one side and -infinity from the other. Sort of funny, but it'd be much funnier if it were true. The Pokemon one is infinitely better (or worse :)).

thats true i guess they were only considering right handed limits..
No, A meant answer. And the coefficient of friction is just mu where 0 <= mu <= 1.

"Three statisticians decide to go out hunting with their bows and arrows. They're sitting behind a large rock in the woods when a large duck flies by. The first statistician takes a shot from behind the rock and he undershoots the duck by 5 ft. The second statistician takes a shot at the duck, but overshoots the duck by 5 ft. At that, the third statistician jumps up and screams, "You got him!!""
I was taught that mu can never be greater than one. I don't suppose you're thinking of situations where something like a magnet or glue are involved, are you?
A sphere has two surfaces, an inside and an outside, a klein bottle has only one surface

them......................................................................................ok I dont get it:rolling:
I was taught that mu can never be greater than one. I don't suppose you're thinking of situations where something like a magnet or glue are involved, are you?

Anything that has really good grip, rubber on concrete in dry weather, steel on steel if it seizes up. Do a bit of trig and you will find that the slip angle for a coefficient of friction of 1 is 45 degrees, so anything that can stay put on a 45 degree angle has a coefficient of friction equal to or greater than 1.

RJMC said:
them......................................................................................ok I dont get it
The klein bottle evolved from the study of topology (mathematical study of fundamental shapes)

A mobius strip is a piece of paper with only one surface and one edge, so if you start drawing a line along the surface, you could get anywhere on the strip without taking the pen off of the paper or going over an edge.

A klein bottle is an object with only one surface, and in 4d it has no edges. The lack of edges makes it hard to drink out of though.
The klein bottle evolved from the study of topology (mathematical study of fundamental shapes)
A klein bottle is an object with only one surface, and in 4d it has no edges. The lack of edges makes it hard to drink out of though.

so is like a super mobius strip? btw I know what a mobius strip is but how is the 4D?
so is like a super mobius strip? btw I know what a mobius strip is but how is the 4D?
I think the "fourth dimension" that the Klein Bottle exists in is either an imaginary dimension (as time is generally considered to be the fourth dimension), or an actual fourth dimension that I have absolutely no understanding of.