Survived my first Phishing attempt!! :D


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: YO wats up
[] CyberPitz: hi there
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: guess what
[] CyberPitz: do i know you?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: yea
[] CyberPitz: ok then
[] CyberPitz: what am i guessing
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: do you know applezor told me how to get 10 free games for steam
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i didnt beleave
[] CyberPitz: dear god.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: dude
[] CyberPitz: I'm sure valve will just let some glitch survive where people can get free gameszors!?
[] CyberPitz: Do you need my account name and password fort hsi?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: YES
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: yes
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: man
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: pls
[] CyberPitz: *sigh*
[] CyberPitz: what's my account name?
[] CyberPitz: is it this name?
[] CyberPitz: <
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: idk just give me
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: CMN
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i need acount
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: pls
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: just check it at steam page
[] CyberPitz: what games do I get free?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: UP LEFT SIDE
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: every game
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: you want
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: tp
[] CyberPitz: I thought you said I could only have 10 games?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: but 10 diferent games
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: for steam
[] CyberPitz: thats not allg ames?
[] CyberPitz: there are more games!
[] CyberPitz: I CAN PIXCK
[] CyberPitz: ANY 10 GAMES YOU MEAN!??!!?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i know thyere more but steam say only ten
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: free
[] CyberPitz: WOW
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i know how to get it
[] CyberPitz: why can't I do it through my account?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: ive a friend who work for steam hes a moderaitor and he show me that
[] CyberPitz: Hmmm
[] CyberPitz: tell me how to do it
[] CyberPitz: then I can help others!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: so if you want to im gonna show you how
[] CyberPitz: ok show me!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go to your imeil
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: SEND MESIGE TO
[] CyberPitz: why would steam use a different email server than what they own?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: Subject : ###UnlockConstantValueMode=1###
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: no that the steam server
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go
[] CyberPitz: Oh?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and send
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: mesige to it
[] CyberPitz: what message?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go to your email and just you have to send mesage to
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: Subject : ###UnlockConstantValueMode=1###
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: with you username
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and your pass
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and you will
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: have
[] CyberPitz: and it will unlock games?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: 10 different games
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: for steam
[] CyberPitz: Hey, just a quick thought. Talking with Mark Healy as well, and he says this is a scam, and I need to run some cmd prompts to get your IP address to forward to them so the authorities can get you for phishing...
[] CyberPitz: so, just stay right there and I'll get that information for them
[] CyberPitz: Ok, they told me to run a "traceroute" on you, and that's how I find out where you live.
[] CyberPitz: Cool, I guess Valve are going to have a hay day with this one
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: stfu
[] CyberPitz: I shouldn't!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: im going to ownd you acount
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: hahaha
[] CyberPitz: that will be hard, sir.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: my friend will
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: hes vac
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: moderator
[] CyberPitz: The large range of stupidity you are showing makes me sad that humanity is this retarded.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: k
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: cia
[] CyberPitz: yeah, some moderator making thousands of dollars in dollars
[] CyberPitz: will want my account
[] CyberPitz: OOHHHH NO
[] CyberPitz: seriously, go blow your dad.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω is now Offline.

It looks like he's got a few people on his friends list that has done this. So if you guys want to have fun, his steam page is...
[] CyberPitz: seriously, go blow your dad.
I lol'd.

Anywho, time to have some silly fun with this idiot.

Edit: His Friends list is full. ><
lol I've had to repel a few of them too, it's surprisingly fun
I've only had one and he didn't make it very interesting - I strung him a long for a minute but then he just went offline and that was the end of that.
Yeah I just had my first one today.

I got sent an official looking email that appeared to be from the federal government telling me that I can register for federal financial aid. I almost submitted the whole thing until I realized that the site was listed as .us instead of .gov, at which point I killed the process, destroyed my cookies, cleared my system, and went to the correct federal aid website to make sure.
There was quite a good one, I was in a chat room with several Valve employees that actually work on the Steam client and Community stuff, just imagine the hilarity of it and amplify it by 10. They all played around with him, then the Sherminator terminated his account. :)
Reported him yes? Death will be visiting his account soon says I.
There was quite a good one, I was in a chat room with several Valve employees that actually work on the Steam client and Community stuff, just imagine the hilarity of it and amplify it by 10. They all played around with him, then the Sherminator terminated his account. :)

Hahah, awesome.
I'm surprised this wasn't closed already.

It puts me in mind of all the awful attempts of stealing Runescape passwords back in the day.

God, that was years back now

I'm surprised this wasn't closed already.

It puts me in mind of all the awful attempts of stealing Runescape passwords back in the day.

God, that was years back now


Why would it be closed? It's a viable thread, meany.
I've never been subject of a phishing attempt! :(

I'm gonna add pitzy's new friend and have some fun with him.

EDIT: Damn, he's offline :(
Never come across this. Well, not yet anyway. I'm sure I will. I laughed though. OUT LOUD.
I like how every phisher uses some extremely fakeass e-mail address for you to mail your shit too.
Nice one, Pitzy ;)

I laughed at his "pls". He was doing you a favor according to him, so why "pls" you?

Damn, someone try to phish me, I want to have some fun.
Why do people think that VAC has moderators even though the entire system is automated? :|
Why would it be closed? It's a viable thread, meany.

I have no idea... I don't even remember posting that... or at least... half of that.

I'm sure I had a good reason for it to be closed at first...


I only get phished while playing tf2, so im too busy to make any real event out of it :(