Party Escort Bot
- Joined
- Aug 23, 2004
- Messages
- 24,791
- Reaction score
- 7
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: YO wats up
[] CyberPitz: hi there
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: guess what
[] CyberPitz: do i know you?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: yea
[] CyberPitz: ok then
[] CyberPitz: what am i guessing
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: do you know applezor told me how to get 10 free games for steam
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i didnt beleave
[] CyberPitz: dear god.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: dude
[] CyberPitz: I'm sure valve will just let some glitch survive where people can get free gameszors!?
[] CyberPitz: Do you need my account name and password fort hsi?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: YES
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: yes
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: man
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: pls
[] CyberPitz: *sigh*
[] CyberPitz: what's my account name?
[] CyberPitz: is it this name?
[] CyberPitz: <
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: idk just give me
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: CMN
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i need acount
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: pls
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: just check it at steam page
[] CyberPitz: what games do I get free?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: UP LEFT SIDE
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: every game
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: you want
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: tp
[] CyberPitz: I thought you said I could only have 10 games?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: but 10 diferent games
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: for steam
[] CyberPitz: thats not allg ames?
[] CyberPitz: there are more games!
[] CyberPitz: I CAN PIXCK
[] CyberPitz: ANY 10 GAMES YOU MEAN!??!!?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i know thyere more but steam say only ten
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: free
[] CyberPitz: WOW
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: i know how to get it
[] CyberPitz: why can't I do it through my account?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: ive a friend who work for steam hes a moderaitor and he show me that
[] CyberPitz: Hmmm
[] CyberPitz: tell me how to do it
[] CyberPitz: then I can help others!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: so if you want to im gonna show you how
[] CyberPitz: ok show me!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go to your imeil
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: SEND MESIGE TO
[] CyberPitz: why would steam use a different email server than what they own?!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: Subject : ###UnlockConstantValueMode=1###
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: no that the steam server
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go
[] CyberPitz: Oh?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and send
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: mesige to it
[] CyberPitz: what message?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: go to your email and just you have to send mesage to
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: Subject : ###UnlockConstantValueMode=1###
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: with you username
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and your pass
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: and you will
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: have
[] CyberPitz: and it will unlock games?
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: 10 different games
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: for steam
[] CyberPitz: Hey, just a quick thought. Talking with Mark Healy as well, and he says this is a scam, and I need to run some cmd prompts to get your IP address to forward to them so the authorities can get you for phishing...
[] CyberPitz: so, just stay right there and I'll get that information for them
[] CyberPitz: Ok, they told me to run a "traceroute" on you, and that's how I find out where you live.
[] CyberPitz: Cool, I guess Valve are going to have a hay day with this one
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: stfu
[] CyberPitz: I shouldn't!
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: im going to ownd you acount
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: hahaha
[] CyberPitz: that will be hard, sir.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: my friend will
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: hes vac
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: moderator
[] CyberPitz: The large range of stupidity you are showing makes me sad that humanity is this retarded.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: k
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω: cia
[] CyberPitz: yeah, some moderator making thousands of dollars in dollars
[] CyberPitz: will want my account
[] CyberPitz: OOHHHH NO
[] CyberPitz: seriously, go blow your dad.
·٠??m?I?t?K?0{}Ω is now Offline.
It looks like he's got a few people on his friends list that has done this. So if you guys want to have fun, his steam page is...