Ever get the feeling they hate you?

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Bug-eyed Earl

Sep 1, 2007
Reaction score
People in your sub-forum of choice. Leave you threads high and dry? Tell you to cease and desist your threads? Mock your posts and ideas? Care less about what you say?

Do you get this feeling?
Nobody reads my posts. I post in obscurity.

"What's that post between this one and mine? Ohh, must be an advertisement."
A lot of people are like that in forums Bug-Eyed-Earl. Because a lot of them are just a bunch of losers in real life who have no friends and get laughed at. So they go on a forum and act like pompous pricks to make themselves feel better because they have nothing to live for. Welcome to HL2.net

I would even guess that someone is likely to argue with me on this in a pompous way. Count it!
A lot of people are like that in forums Bug-Eyed-Earl. Because a lot of them are just a bunch of losers in real life who have no friends and get laughed at. So they go on a forum and act like pompous pricks to make themselves feel better because they have nothing to live for. Welcome to HL2.net

I would even guess that someone is likely to argue with me on this in a pompous way. Count it!

A lot of people are like that in forums Bug-Eyed-Earl. Because a lot of them are just a bunch of losers in real life who have no friends and get laughed at. So they go on a forum and act like pompous pricks to make themselves feel better because they have nothing to live for. Welcome to HL2.net

I would even guess that someone is likely to argue with me on this in a pompous way. Count it!
Hey you're the one with the cross dressing uncle on Holloween! :laugh: It's the voices inside your mind Earl! They're out to get you! Tbh I noticed the only way to get recognized is to play at the TF2 events and get close to 1k in posts. You also need to talk to people a lot and actually get involved the community. Most of the new people that just joined because of episode 2 I cringe at. I don't even know or care about the hundreds on no-namers that are on the HL2.net steam community. There are a handfull of people that usually talk with each other and most of them are ironically on the TF2 HL2 group. I'm always open to a fresh face that's actually normal and funny and doesn't post silly threads that involve conspiracies. I'm not going there though lol. You just have to be a regular. 1k in posts by not spamming makes you a regular and if you joined when HL2 was coming out OR you played in the WON days your one of the regulars.
errbody hate errbody. Its a world of hate.

By the way, anyone notice that my post is the only non-advertisement post in here. wtf hl2.net, ban these assholes!
Hey you're the one with the cross dressing uncle on Holloween! :laugh:

Yes I am. As a matter of fact I also have a picture on this site somewhere of myself as a woman.

Don't be jealous of this booty.
Admins plz get rid of dancing cow ads. This is getting redicarus. God damn.
sometimes i get the same feeling, i post some shit that is hilarious but no one respondes :(

I get the feeling people hate me because they do!

They just can't handle my bisexualness, crossdressing and weird responses. Oh yeah, and I have different opinions, they tend not to like opinions around here. It's like an opressed society where you have to smile and agree!

*cough* I mean... I love it here, what are you talking about? I agree with everyone. I am straight, I only like women. People who crossdress are bad. You'll like it here, stay!
We should have one week every month where we all love each other like a bunch of giddy homosexual men at a gay bar
ok let's get started, zombiebitch01 *takes off pants*
I get the feeling people hate me because they do!

They just can't handle my bisexualness, crossdressing and weird responses. Oh yeah, and I have different opinions, they tend not to like opinions around here. It's like an opressed society where you have to smile and agree!

Nothing wrong with any of the above! I like tucking my penis in and torturing that little cow in my basement.
Admins plz get rid of dancing cow ads. This is getting redicarus.
OH I see what you did there.

EDIT:but Yes I notice that most of the regulars just talk amongst themselves, for whatever reason.
I kind of have a feeling certain people on this forum hate me, and would have me banned.
Nothing wrong with any of the above! I like tucking my penis in and torturing that little cow in my basement.

It puts the lotion in the basket!

No but really, you don't need to tuck your penis in to dress like a woman!
Of course not, thats half the fun. After lookin at your deviant I see no crossdressing..but I like your art :thumbs:
It puts the lotion in the basket!

No but really, you don't need to tuck your penis in to dress like a woman!

I just watched Ace Venture: Pet Detective again. I think my mind blocked out the ending that involved tucked in penises.
I get the feeling people hate me because they do!

They just can't handle my bisexualness, crossdressing and weird responses. Oh yeah, and I have different opinions, they tend not to like opinions around here. It's like an opressed society where you have to smile and agree!

*cough* I mean... I love it here, what are you talking about? I agree with everyone. I am straight, I only like women. People who crossdress are bad. You'll like it here, stay!


we all should be trow into the same room and kill each other whit machetes
Yeah, but I'm an annoying prick. :D

Advertising by Googleads(tm).
OP's post is a sad, sad attempt at getting attention. Shame on you.

Everything else that follows is ads. Click here to learn how to increase your penis size by 14%.
Very true OP. Most are very unappreciative, and mean. They wouldnt even accept my cake :(.
i posted what i thought was going to put me on the map in this community....the cadbury gorilla commercial ahha...it was the single greatest commercial i have ever seen in my life...but it only got like 3 replies...

i haz a sad :(
Samon. You and me, Rambo style.

*Locks and Loads*
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