Topless Swedish bathers


Jun 5, 2004
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... say they're "just breasts"! in the cry to have the right to swim topless.

A new wave of feminists have been angered by an incident in September in which two bare-breasted young women were called ashore by a lifeguard at a swimming pool in Uppsala. When they refused to cover up, they were asked to leave the premises.
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Speaking to The Local, Ragnhild Karlsson , 22, explained the womens' motives for swimming without bikini tops.

"It's a question of equality. I think it's a problem that women are sexualized in this way. If women are forced to wear a top, shouldn't men also have to?"

Why disagree?
Women should be able to in public. However not in swimming for for the sake of the mens embarrassment.
any news on whether the lifeguard was beaten senseless by the male swimmers at the pool?
Yes, I agree with all these women. Like I just sit there and think WTF? What's the difference if i guy's topless or a girl's topless.
I say we should encourage more toplessity

oh yeah a thread is useless whitout pics
.. say they're "just breasts"! in the cry to have the right to swim topless.

Funny, this is the same argument the men have too....

"It's a question of equality. I think it's a problem that women are sexualized in this way. If women are forced to wear a top, shouldn't men also have to?"

Such stupid feminist reasoning, equal to that of a 6 year olds logic.
"I dont waaannaaa wear it, he doesnt haaaaave to!!!"

Solaris has a good point, allow them to swim naked and see an influx of men going to that pool. Also, see an even number of men outside of the pool covering themselves with a towel. That in turn creates a need for more towels which then costs the pool money when they have to order more. Unfortunately, these towels are being made in Taiwan by little children who can barely afford to eat 1 meal a day. These kids spend all day making towels for men who get erections at a pool thousands of miles away.

Feminists hate children in Taiwan

I say we should encourage more toplessity

Flawless logic, I honestly see no holes in that theory. (seriously)
Two weeks later, seven more women repeated the feat at H?gevallsbadet in Lund. After half an hour's discussion, the woman went back to the dressing room before claiming a full refund at the cash desk.
WTH, that's where I live.

I fully support this product and/or event.

Although I'm willing to bet a large amount of money that only 50+ women will exercise this right.
I imagine this would pose practical problems for the men... in the pool.

Bless the poor soul wearing a speedo.
unless the water is cold which it always is in public pools meaning "shrinkage" was more than likely
While I don't necessarily disagree that women should have to cover up, I am pointing this out because arguing on the Internet is fun.

femenists are so ****ing retarded. I know my opinion wont count in this thread, but the reason women cover up that area is because part of the reason boobs exist is to insite sexual attraction, just like a vagina or ass.

Boobs however, quite obviously insite more sexual attraction to most men than most other body parts (I.E: legs)

I like boobs as much as the next guy, but jesus ****ing christ femenists are never happy. Because if we bypass letting women go topless, the next thing they will complain about is men staring at their tits. Pick one or the other bitches, but which ever one you choose, don't ****ing complain about it.

So guys with ripped abs should have to wear a shirt, and guys with a beer gut can go shirtless?

Just something to think about
You guys are probably imagining a pair of 19 year old swedish girls in perfect shape with massive tits. Odds are the women complaining were sixty seventy year olds with saggy shriveled tits and the lifeguard was only protecting everybody's mental health by asking them to cover up.
everyone knows that all women in Sweden are young and hot
You guys are probably imagining a pair of 19 year old swedish girls in perfect shape with massive tits. Odds are the women complaining were sixty seventy year olds with saggy shriveled tits and the lifeguard was only protecting everybody's mental health by asking them to cover up.

Fair comment.
everyone knows that all women in Sweden are young and hot

There is a swedish girl on my course at uni but I swear to god she has the flattest face I've ever seen. It is weird, her face is so round and pancake-like.
They should have a pool for people that like topless women, and one for those that don't. That way, everyone is happy - and we can target the queers easier.
The sad thing is how selfish feminists are. There are terrible things going on in this world, yet all they are concerned about is ?women?. What ever happened to being concerned about other people too? People of different sexes, races, etc?

oh give me a ****ing break, that can be said about any group're being irrationally alarmist
Just move to Ontario. 'tis legal for women to go topless in public here, rarely do they choose to exercise the right and it shuts up the feminists.
Women should be allowed to go around topless, if they want too. As long as they are not old, fat or ugly.
"If women are forced to wear a top, shouldn't men also have to?"
No, for the sake of children at the pool.

Tyguy said:
Also, see an even number of men outside of the pool covering themselves with a towel. That in turn creates a need for more towels which then costs the pool money when they have to order more. Unfortunately, these towels are being made in Taiwan by little children who can barely afford to eat 1 meal a day. These kids spend all day making towels for men who get erections at a pool thousands of miles away.

Feminists hate children in Taiwan
is anyone else thinking this is an ss or it didn't happen moment?
old = ageism

fat = fat ..err ism

ugly = errr beauty challenged?
No, I wouldn't say ageism has much to do with appearance at all.
-Feminists are like the black guy that gets the DUI, but for feminists -"IT'S CAUSE I AM A WOMAN"

lol, fail

Also, the rule is to cover up reproductive organs, not to wear a top. Therefore these feminists fail.
I say feminist needs some of my sugar and they will not complain
I say if we let woman roam topless, it would take 1 maybe 2 generations for the whole boob fascination to disappear. It will be just one of those things where a guy sees it, and thinks "oh, nothing one"...

It's really a question of, do you want your grandchildren to beat off to some softcore porn ever or not?