If the Necronomicon was Real...


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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What 'good deeds' would you guys use it for?

Skeleton Army ftw.
Strange you would bring that up. My teacher played all three of those movies in class today (I only got to see the Army of Darkness one)
Army of Darkness is my favorite of the 3, but you can't beat Evil Dead 2's mini-montage of when he first gets his chainsaw, and at the end he locks it in place, then says 'Groovy...' in a bad-ass way..

I'm going to go watch that later..
Evil Dead 2 is the best, hands down.

Army of Darkness is fun, but wayyy overated.
I'd use it to stop those god damn robots and cyborgs that trespass in my property almost every night. ****ing government.
I guess I would foolishly try to bring loved ones back to life and royally screw things up?
I had a version of it in high school - loaned it to a friend and her mother found it and burned it, because it was "the work of the devil!" :)
lol doesnt anyone read any more? the Necronomicon isnt a prop invented for Evil Dead 2 ..it was a fictional book dreamed up by HP Lovecraft

"a version of it"? it was fictional, it never existed, anything that has the title Necronomicon is just a book based on the writings of HP Lovecraft, the book never existed

HP Lovecraft said:
Now about the "terrible and forbidden books"?I am forced to say that most of them are purely imaginary. There never was any Abdul Alhazred or Necronomicon, for I invented these names myself.
lol doesnt anyone read any more? the Necronomicon isnt a prop invented for Evil Dead 2 ..it was a fictional book dreamed up by HP Lovecraft

"a version of it"? it was fictional, it never existed, anything that has the title Necronomicon is just a book based on the writings of HP Lovecraft, the book never existed

Most (I hope) people already know that, it's just that Evil Dead made it more popular.

Everyone who posted in this thread should know, I posted the wiki..