Rate a HL2.net Member

Today, HL2.net, the dice decide your fate! I'm gonna roll a d10, and that's your rating. Bonus nightmare mode: your rating will correspond to your fate:

1/10 - Has to fight the last boss of the internet
2/10 - Eternal glory
3/10 - Forced to watch game-to-movie adaptions for eternity
4/10 - Invents a delicious new sandwich
6/10 - You will die cold, broken, and alone. On the plus side you'll always have great hair.
7/10 - One day you're going to wake up and wish you knew how to quit that 10-speed.
8/10 - Possibly a werewolf
9/10 - Or not
10/10 - Fortune and fame are yours, but people will not stop referring to you as, "Kentucky Brickshit."

Staff first!

Munro - 1/10
Pi Mu Rho - 7/10
Hectic Glenn - 7/10
Asus - 2/10
KagePrototype - 7/10
Samon - 7/10
Shippi - 4/10
DigiQ8 - 4/10
Danimal - 6/10
Ennui - 3/10
Mikael Grizzly - 4/10
Sloth - 2/10
Sui - 10/10
Evo - 5/10
Smash - 5/10
Sulkdodds - 9/10
AJRimmer - 2/10
Angry Lawyer - 1/10
Chris_D - 2/10
Hot Soup - 10/10
Starmonkey - 4/10

Now for the members!

Raziaar - 2/10
Druckles - 1/10
Absinthe - 5/10
Jintor - 7/10
Vegeta - 4/10
Polaris - 1/10
Numbers - 1/10
Solaris - 10/10
Evil^Milk - 4/10
Bad^Hat - 2/10
Pesmerga - 2/10
Cyberpitz - 9/10
Skaadi - 9/10
Boregasm - 2/10
Tollbooth Willie - 4/10
Zombieturtle - 1/10
Acepilot - 10/10
Xendance - 10/10
Cheomesh - 3/10
Operational - 8/10 (oh f*ck, werewolf! All 8s from this point forward were cursed by Operational!)
Qonfused - 8/10
Shamrock - 3/10
Cormeh - 1/10
Stigmata - 8/10
TCfromBN - 4/10
Dog - 1/10
Higlac - 1/10
Koola Mena - 7/10
Krynn72 - 8/10
Zephos - 9/10
Atomic Piggy - 8/10
Bob Marley - 5/10
Insano - 6/10
Sinkoman - 3/10
Ktimekiller - 9/10
Joule - 7/10
Azner - 4/10
Deathmaster - 6/10
Riomhaire - 5/10
Smoke - 10/10
Rapstah - 9/10
Seagull - 5/10
Dekstar - 7/10
TechnoHippyChic - 8/10
Watermonster - 9/10
Pinkle - 5/10
Phobie - 3/10
Sea - 8/10
Dalamari - 8/10
JNightshade - 6/10
xlucidx - 2/10
Ravioli - 4/10
GordonFreeman911 - 2/10
Crushenator - 8/10
Beerdude - 9/10
CptStern - 7/10
Top Secret - 8/10
Kyo - 5/10
Bacons - 10/10
The Brick - 3/10
Hool10 - 2/10
RJMC - 3/10
TyGuy - 7/10
PvtRyan - 6/10
ShortRecoil - 1/10
AHA-Lambda - 5/10
Que-Ever - 2/10
HunterSeeker - 6/10
NeptuneUK - 4/10
Kamikazi - 8/10
Foxtrot - 9/10
Ritz - 6/10
The Monkey - 7/10
gh0st - 8/10
Soulslicer - 1/10
lePobz - 4/10
Pulse - 7/10
Shift - 7/10
Psycho - 5/10
hydrometeor - 3/10
CrazyHarij - 1/10
Cremator666 - 10/10
giant384 - 2/10
Death eVader - 4/10
No Limit - 8/10
Laivasse - 9/10
Apocalypse89 - 10/10
Narvi - 6/10
Kyorisu - 6/10
FrenchNinja - 5/10
corporal sheperd - 1/10
Planetary - 4/10
Remus - 9/10
TheAntipop - 10/10
Godron - 2/10
leib10 - 5/10
Kevin - 7/10
Naph - 4/10
el Chi - 8/10
Warbie - 1/10
Kupoartist - 5/10
Sam2k - 8/10
Asuka - 7/10
Sedako - 1/10
Wanted Bob - 2/10
mchammer - 9/10
VictimOfScience - 9/10
Gargantou - 6/10
[Matt] - 1/10
Cole - 1/10
A True Canadian - 6/10
bigburpco - 3/10
MiccyNarc - 3/10
Jimbo118 - 6/10
Shakermaker - 10/10
Slacker - 9/10
jondy - 2/10
Iron_Cube - 1/10
Dr0ndeh - 8/10
Lobster - 3/10
Disturbed - 1/10
delusional - 6/10
Combine Hybrid - 10/10
Dr. Freeman - 5/10
bam23 - 4/10
kouler - 3/10
Geogaddi - 10/10
Zeus - 2/10
Iron Kat - 1/10
Seppo - 8/10
Icarusintel - 2/10
Thunderclap - 2/10
Murray_H - 8/10
repiV - 2/10
Unfocused - 8/10
StardogChampion - 9/10
test - 8/10
Teta_Bonita - 5/10
Fliko - 10/10
Maxi - 2/10
Baal - 2/10
Mr-Fusion - 6/10
Hazar - 5/10
cheddarrr - 6/10
Nemesis6 - 5/10
Darkwolf - 10/10

Alright that's all I'm going to do for right now. If I forgot you, there might be several reasons:

1. I know who you are but you haven't made enough of a blip for me to put you on here.
2. I don't know who you are, or I completely and totally forgot you. Sorry. Feel free to bitch at me; I'll probably put you on the list.
3. You don't post often enough anymore, so rating you would be moot. You're never gonna see it anyway.
I give CyberPitz 9/10 for this pic

Was posted way back in some random drunken antics topic or something
You didn't get 10/10 because of bad furniture positioning (the shelf is blocking a door wtf)
what about me Darkside?
am i just some significant other?
Eh, I was debating putting you in there. But, why the hell not?

Inkheart - 2/10

Also some other guys I missed, terribly sorry...

xcellerate - 2/10
Anthraxxx - 8/10
mastag - 7/10
AKIRA - 3/10
DreamThrall - 6/10
Phantomdesign - 6/10
tehsolace - 9/10
mindless_moder - 7/10
Dynast - 5/10
Wow, I saw I had a 2/10... and I was wondering, WHAT THE HELL. And then I read your post... and then I was like... WHAT THE HELL.

Finally I re-read your post and I realized, Eternal Glory. WOOT.
Raz said:
Wow, I saw I had a 2/10... and I was wondering, WHAT THE HELL. And then I read your post... and then I was like... WHAT THE HELL.

Finally I re-read your post and I realized, Eternal Glory. WOOT.

The dice favor you. I did it this way because I'd feel like serious bitchtits if I actually went and rated you all numerically. And random chance isn't a good indicator of how I actually feel about most of you, so instead, you randomly receive FABULOUS PRIZES or HORRIBLE, EXCRUCIATING ENDS.
You bastard.. How dare you not spell my name with --! Go die!

j/k <3 semen.

Wait, you gave me a 1!

just semen, then.
Eh, I was debating putting you in there. But, why the hell not?

Inkheart - 2/10

Also some other guys I missed, terribly sorry...

xcellerate - 2/10
Anthraxxx - 8/10
mastag - 7/10
AKIRA - 3/10
DreamThrall - 6/10
Phantomdesign - 6/10
tehsolace - 9/10
mindless_moder - 7/10
Dynast - 5/10

is 2/10 good?
^ Pretty cool! 8/10

I guess I could get worse than "not a werewolf".
Sulkdodds - 9/10
Crushenator was always my favorite mod. 11/10
"Rate the person above you" would have fared better, if you had put the "Can't rate the same guy twice" rule into effect.
Jintor - 7/10
Usually interesting to read his posts.
Read my previous post. It's not a personality rating.

Although, 3/10 is still a bad deal. Sorry bro. Hope you like Street Fighter the Movie.
That's not love. That's eternal glory.

Only from Infinicorp.
Nobody reads anymore!

This is why we can't have nice things!
damnit I got the worst, good thing I master it. But my hair! It's a win/win!
Giant384 9/10 He is so fun to talk to on the steam forums, and always has some enjoying posts.

Kupoartist 7/10 I don't know why I like you, but every time I see your name, I think "this guy rocks".
Giant384 9/10 He is so fun to talk to on the steam forums, and always has some enjoying posts.

im not by darksides ratings :(

CyberPitz 9.2324/10 always finds a way to entertain even when hes drunk :angel:
Dammit, I'm doomed to be tortured to death by crappy Uwe Boll films :(
Krynn72: 10/10, has a dog wearing a santa hat for an avatar, I owe him many many zombiecon thingymagigs, is an interesting bloke.
Definiely lol'd too much reading this :P

So... last boss of the internet... sounds fun.

So, do I get to know who it is?
I do not know this person. Joke was thus lost on me.