Jesus Camp

The parents hardly brought them there because they are Will, did they?
I am truly sickened by this type of crap.

Anyone read American Fascists by Chris Hedges?

It's truly disgusting how people can conform and give in to the easiest thing at others' expense.
All I am saying, is that how can you differentiate yourself from them? You both think you are right, you both think the other person is wrong. From your point of view, they are crazy nutjobs, from their point of view, you are a crazy heathen. You think that you are normal and rational, they think that they are normal and rational.

The logical conclusion is that everyone is flawed in someway, at least relative to someone else. We learn our attitudes and truths from the people around us. So the lesson to take from seeing other people act crazy isn't to point your finger but look in the mirror and try to imagine what someone else from a different point of view might think of you and your way of life.

I can differentiate myself from them with logic and reason.

They believe in a God that peeps through holes in the sky and kills all those who don't believe in him. They believe and accept in a God who is mysterious, angry, and inmutably (sp?) unexplainable. Some even believe the Earth is flat. They believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible.

I believe in science. I believe in it because I was taught both things, religion and science, throughout my life. I prefer science because science explains the world around me in a rational and logical way. Religion just tries to fill in the gaps where science cannot explain things, but, as science continues to develop, it is slowly eliminating the need for religion. I can trust science; I can have faith in God.

When I put myself in the shoes of a fundie or dominionist I see the pure convenience and ease of it. Hey, no need for all this science mumbo-jumbo! All I gotta do is accept that God is present in every thing and things happen because of Him. Everyone else who doesn't believe is unsaved. Now I can go make up bullshit stories of how I converted and how I was saved. Gotta start by them suicidal folk, or people in despair. Then we can bullshit our way into proselytizing the rational people... try to relate to them in some way, find a motive for them to become one of us. The best part - I don't even have to use my brain to come to logical and reasonable conclusions - I just say everything is God's work, and if you say something contrary to that, you're just wrong. It's so easy and if it'll save me from hell, then **** yeah!

They're all a bunch of hypocrites.

Lesson? They're a bunch of conformists, losers, pathetic individuals who have failed at life.

What if the opposing side got into my shoes? I doubt they'd last long. It's just so easy to give in.

Your conclusion is valid. I do it all the time. The thing is people don't want to do it because when some idea or concept threatens their conformity or convenience they'll automatically deny it, however true and valid it may be.
Its not a choice in counrties where anything but religion is taught and as such there is no other choice given...

Not much is a choice in those countries. It's no excuse for Americans, any American who accepts creationism, is either willfully ignorant or stupid.
This thread is useles without Jesus Raptor Camp video.

Haha, THATS where that name comes from! Ive heard it before, but never knew the meaning behind it :laugh:

The first video was just too bizzare and perhaps even disturbing to watch.

EDIT: OMG I lol'd hard when the kid said he couldnt watch or read Harry Potter cause it had witchcraft in it :laugh:
Ignorance is a choice. Many people do not question or scrutinize the beliefs they were brought up on, religious, moral or political. They are however perfectly free to do so.

But the parents certainly make it hard for children to pick any other religion than the one that they were (quite disgustingly) indoctrinated into. Children do not have a choice in the matter, and are forced, yes forced to believe in nonsense simply because children are prone to believe whatever their parents tell them.

Children should not be brought up on any beliefs.
Parents should not indoctrinate children with their own beliefs, they should allow the child to grow up and make his or her own decisions. I find it quite frankly immoral and disturbing that we label children with philosophical ideas like religion quite readily yet scoff at labeling them with other philosophical ideas.

Imagine instead that you called children "Marxist children" or "existentialist children" or "Democrat children". Its completely ridiculous, just as its ridiculous and wrong to call a child a "catholic child" send him or her to a catholic school, and force him or her to become catholic.
Someone with the inability to choose for themselves after "indoctrination" almost deserves it. I'm not supporting indoctrination, as it's messed up my life tremendously, but it doesn't stop you having your own decision about the matter.

Blaming the victim is the true mark of an idiot.
But the parents certainly make it hard for children to pick any other religion than the one that they were (quite disgustingly) indoctrinated into. Children do not have a choice in the matter, and are forced, yes forced to believe in nonsense simply because children are prone to believe whatever their parents tell them.

Children should not be brought up on any beliefs.
Parents should not indoctrinate children with their own beliefs, they should allow the child to grow up and make his or her own decisions. I find it quite frankly immoral and disturbing that we label children with philosophical ideas like religion quite readily yet scoff at labeling them with other philosophical ideas.

I don't think it's that harmful, as they will grow up, so they cannot be shielded from more sensible views for ever. In a perfect world children wouldn't have their views dictated to them by heir parents, but they are and always will be.

Imagine instead that you called children "Marxist children" or "existentialist children" or "Democrat children". Its completely ridiculous, just as its ridiculous and wrong to call a child a "catholic child" send him or her to a catholic school, and force him or her to become catholic.

How many liberal people, instill liberal values in their children. It's unavoidably going to happen.
I will laugh so hard if I eventually find out all these "crazy" people are right, and that you're wrong.
I have a feeling that, if somebody sent their eight-year-old daughter to random people on the streets peddling atheism, those people would be up in arms about it.
I don't think it's that harmful, as they will grow up, so they cannot be shielded from more sensible views for ever. In a perfect world children wouldn't have their views dictated to them by heir parents, but they are and always will be.

How many liberal people, instill liberal values in their children. It's unavoidably going to happen.

Children are apt to hold religious views forever, much more so than they are to abandon them. Fundamentalist kids become fundamentalist teens become fundamentalist parents. Its a cycle that is perpetuated by religious indoctrination with sunday school, youth groups, ritualization and extreme church involvement. Fundamentalists don't usually just "grow up". Indeed, they just make rationalizations for views they already hold, and go on believing in the same garbage.

It's entirely possible to raise children without indoctrinating them into religious nonsense.

For starters, parents shouldn't take their children to Sunday school, they shouldn't make them attend religious services, they shouldn't make them go through rituals like confirmation, and they should tell them only the facts about religion, not instill in them any theological opinions when they are obviously too young to understand them. They should teach them only the facts about the world and tell the children to make up their own minds when they are older.

This is much better than forcefully indoctrinating children, threatening them (as my parents did) if they don't obey, and forcing them to attend church. It's not only better but possible if only it were made a social taboo for children to engage in religious activity.

How many liberal people, instill liberal values in their children. It's unavoidably going to happen.

They do, but they do so indirectly. People generally don't send their children to liberalist schools or force them to attend liberal rituals every week, or make them join liberal youth groups. Even so its still wrong.

I think the entire problem stems from our family system. The family quite frankly fails at making rational human beings, and the only hope lies in the schools. Unfortunately parents indoctrinate children before school, from a very early age.
Children are apt to hold religious views forever, much more so than they are to abandon them. Fundamentalist kids become fundamentalist teens become fundamentalist parents. Its a cycle that is perpetuated by religious indoctrination with sunday school, youth groups, ritualization and extreme church involvement. Fundamentalists don't usually just "grow up". Indeed, they just make rationalizations for views they already hold, and go on believing in the same garbage.

There is no rule that applies to everyone, their are people raised as fundamentalists who abandon such views, and people raised more moderately, then switch to being fundamentalists

It's entirely possible to raise children without indoctrinating them into religious nonsense.

Possible but extremely unlikely, ideas should not be regulated,and the only way to stop people teaching their children religion is the regulation of ideas.

For starters, parents shouldn't take their children to Sunday school, they shouldn't make them attend religious services, they shouldn't make them go through rituals like confirmation, and they should tell them only the facts about religion, not instill in them any theological opinions when they are obviously too young to understand them. They should teach them only the facts about the world and tell the children to make up their own minds when they are older.

This is much better than forcefully indoctrinating children, threatening them (as my parents did) if they don't obey, and forcing them to attend church. It's not only better but possible if only it were made a social taboo for children to engage in religious activity.

That may be the ideal way to do it, but it's never going to be like that, and people should not be forced too.

They do, but they do so indirectly. People generally don't send their children to liberalist schools or force them to attend liberal rituals every week, or make them join liberal youth groups. Even so its still wrong. I think the entire problem stems from our family system. The family quite frankly fails at making rational human beings, and the only hope lies in the schools. Unfortunately parents indoctrinate children before school, from a very early age.

No system for raising children will ever be prefect, the parents will always influence the opinions of the child. So it comes down to the individual to challenge their own beliefs, even though many people won't, it's still their responsibility.
All I am saying, is that how can you differentiate yourself from them? You both think you are right, you both think the other person is wrong. From your point of view, they are crazy nutjobs, from their point of view, you are a crazy heathen. You think that you are normal and rational, they think that they are normal and rational.

Well the difference is, is that any evangelist whether they are christian (or atheist for that matter) or whatever want to impose it on somebody else. They think its their duty to send everyone done the right way, meanwhile they preach that (according to the video) that "science doesnt prove anything". What the ****? All of our technology is based around science, including evolution (genetic engineering ftw). ****in come on these people live with their heads in the sand. Personally I dont care, but when they start imposing it on somebody else through politics or schools its wrong, simple as that.

EDIT:meanwhile most of these evangelists are complete hypocrites. did anyone see the part about 5-6 min in when this ****in cow starts preaching about how so many parents are fat and lazy?? lmao..
Originally Posted by Dan
All I am saying, is that how can you differentiate yourself from them? You both think you are right, you both think the other person is wrong. From your point of view, they are crazy nutjobs, from their point of view, you are a crazy heathen. You think that you are normal and rational, they think that they are normal and rational.

The logical conclusion is that everyone is flawed in someway, at least relative to someone else. We learn our attitudes and truths from the people around us. So the lesson to take from seeing other people act crazy isn't to point your finger but look in the mirror and try to imagine what someone else from a different point of view might think of you and your way of life.

Dan makes a good point.

But these children are being victimized and emotionally berated for simply being, innocent kids. And I didn't know Jesus's saving water was Nestle Pure.
We dont have Jesus camp here.


We have stay overs in church where you dont sleep, and order pizza and have a movie marathon and play halo (Sorry, i know we mostly dislike halo) and stuffs. Yeah... Mmmn pizza.