Moving out of parents' house.


Apr 24, 2004
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I'm dying to do this, but probably won't have the money to do so until a year passes.

What are the pros and cons?
I'm dying to do this, but probably won't have the money to do so until a year passes.

What are the pros and cons?

Pros: You don't live with your parents

Cons: You won't have a lot of money
another con: noone to pay for your broadband/World Of Warcraft. 'D
pro = you can masturbate in every room of the house

con = you probably already are
You feel independent. And also, if you hate your parents, it's a great thing. If you happen to quite like, or at least tolerate your parents there is the small possibility that you might actually miss them. Oh yeah and no free food, asking for money etc. To be honest, I do kinda miss having conversations with other people at home. The two guys I live with now are like ****ing mutes. They've honestly not spoken to each other or to me for like, two weeks, except for last sunday when I had a conversation on the way to the laundromat with one of them. Othen than that we're in our seperate rooms and don't even see each other unless we happen to be passing through the kitchen at the same time. It's very hard to tell the difference from when the house is empty or when one of them is home.

They've honestly not spoken to each other or to me for like, two weeks, except for last sunday when I had a conversation on the way to the laundromat with one of them.

That's creepy..
how come you chose to live with people you dont talk to?
The real reason I want to move out is because of my parents. I haven't enjoyed being with them since I was about 14.

My dad stopped working 4 years ago and during that time he's been on a downward spiral, except he's comfortable with it. He'll do nothing but watch TV and read chain letters all day long, and occasionally he'll work on some home improvement. However, when he's not too busy doing these things, he'll be stalking the shit out of me. He's always like, "What are you doing on the computer? What's that? Did you read the most recent email I sent you?" He's annoying.

My mom is a nuisance. I come home from school and when we begin eating, she'll always have some "suggestion" for me. "Dont eat so fast. Don't drink coke. Go get the car washed. Clean your room. Go get the groceries." They're all small details but they really interfere and are putting on an innecessary amount of stress in my life. Compared to my parents, I lead a very busy and diverse life, which is why I am always doing something and barely have enough free time. She's annoying.
The real reason I want to move out is because of my parents. I haven't enjoyed being with them since I was about 14.

My dad stopped working 4 years ago and during that time he's been on a downward spiral, except he's comfortable with it. He'll do nothing but watch TV and read chain letters all day long, and occasionally he'll work on some home improvement. However, when he's not too busy doing these things, he'll be stalking the shit out of me. He's always like, "What are you doing on the computer? What's that? Did you read the most recent email I sent you?" He's annoying.

My mom is a nuisance. I come home from school and when we begin eating, she'll always have some "suggestion" for me. "Dont eat so fast. Don't drink coke. Go get the car washed. Clean your room. Go get the groceries." They're all small details but they really interfere and are putting on an innecessary amount of stress in my life. Compared to my parents, I lead a very busy and diverse life, which is why I am always doing something and barely have enough free time. She's annoying.
I totally want your parents. But I think all parents are like that. Except for your dad.
I wanna move out too. I want booze, and porn channels on TV, and doing MY OWN GOD DAMN CHORES, and sleeping in, and my own job, and a car that'll get me wherever I want to go WHEN I want to go, and more responsibility - yet less responsibility because now I don't have to dick around with the problems of the people living with me, and I want the possibility of having a grow op under my bed, and not worrying about leaving tissues filled with semen laying around the house, and not worrying about leaving anything incriminating around the house. That would be a perfect world for me - right now at least... And I know that if I actually did all that I'd basically be living in some kind of crack-house. Sticky dried tissues on all the tables and in every corner of every room, pot growing from under my bed, beer bottles laying about, porn playing on the TV, and even though I'd have chores that mean something to me, I prolly wouldn't do them.
There are no cons. Trust me, there are zero cons. When you put it into perspective as, "you won't have a lot of money, you have to pay for utilities and food, you have to do all your own chores and shopping and this and that," versus, "I live alone and I have complete and total freedom," there is no downside.
what darkside said. the feeling of independance goes beyond measure. dont spend daddys money on drugs and do all the chores. you learn the real worth of money pretty quickly, that little of it is worth more than before, and alot of it is worth less..
While I did not hate my parents, we where annoying each other a lot. When I moved out I got a really good relationship with them.
how come you chose to live with people you dont talk to?

It wasn't so much a choice as I needed a place to live rather sharpishly. My brother used to live with them as he's a good mate with one of them and his old room was still empty so... Here I am. They've been living together for eight years and apparentely, according to my brother, this is exactly what they were like eight years ago. I'm not a super-social guy meself but this is taking it to the extreme... although, the plus sides are I feel like I'm extremely popular and social cause I'm pretty much the only one of us who ever has plans for the weekends, even if it's only going over to a friend to play board games. Also, I have a ridiculously low rent.
Does your rent lol?

No seriously, how cheap is it there.
"Times there here"
how old are you evil milk?

18, soon to be 19.

what darkside said. the feeling of independance goes beyond measure. dont spend daddys money on drugs and do all the chores. you learn the real worth of money pretty quickly, that little of it is worth more than before, and alot of it is worth less..

There are no cons. Trust me, there are zero cons. When you put it into perspective as, "you won't have a lot of money, you have to pay for utilities and food, you have to do all your own chores and shopping and this and that," versus, "I live alone and I have complete and total freedom," there is no downside.

Awesome. I consider myself a responsible person, so I think i'd be able to manage money relatively well. I'd probably only spend money on gas, food, the rent, and perhaps a few small things in between.

While I did not hate my parents, we where annoying each other a lot. When I moved out I got a really good relationship with them.

I don't hate them either. It's just rather hard to explain. It's stressing to still be living with them when I want to begin living my own life already. It's like you said, we don't hate each other, we just annoy each other too damn much. And it gets on my nerves.
I pray to god that I will moved out this time next year, but I'm moving to Gothenburg, and it's a bitch finding a place to live there. I'm going with a friend, though, and that's making things a lot easier.
It is cool to feel independent and grown up. Mind you, my brother didn't "properly" move away from home til he was 22 and I'm pretty much the only one in my circle of high-school friends not living with their parents any more. Though I moved to Gothenburg where I didn't know anyone which was a bit of a shock the first few weeks. But I never really felt the need to move out to "have my own life" or anything like that. I just got in at Uni and had to move.

Oh hey Monkey- cool, Gothenburg is niiiiiice. ;)
180 euro for a flat here is low as ****.. damn you AJ!
^ Remember that he's splitting the rent with two other guys.

Where do you live, AJ?
Do it. As others have said, there's really nothing more satisfying than independence. Remember it's like a drug though, too much can be deadly!

As an example... I moved out of my childhood home, in the cloak of darkness, with garbage bags as luggage. Ahh, freedom.

Then, I got my first heat bill.

Ahh... sweaters. Then, mittens. Then, hats and scarves. Then, blissful sleep.

Turns out it was hypothermia, because I couldn't afford to pay the heat, and the place I was staying got too cold.

On a positive note, someone found me and I made it through! I got a roommate, it seemed a smart way to even out the costs. And, if I went into a coma, someone could call 911.

And, 12 years later, I have a great relationship with my family--mostly because I made sure I moved just out of "we'll pop over for a visit" range.
Damn, this thread makes me want to move out. But first got to get that education done with..
Same here, noQ. My relationship with my family has been deteriorating for years... (age 17 currently), and my mental conditions along with it. Need to get out... I'm already largely independent in just about everything but money. Do my own laundry, get my own food and cook for myself 5-6 days out of the week, etc.

I guess I just need to hope for a job soon after college, and then I'll have that and can live wherever the work takes me.
I am about to move out in about a week myself. I can't wait but it's very stressful.

You have to find a nice place with rent you can afford. Then you have to furnish your place and you need to worry about gas and food money and money for a social life.

Make sure you make at least double what your rent is or your gonna have a tough time. Right now I am freaking out because serving is such an unstable income. It can be great and I can make $150 a night 5 days a week but realistically I can make next to nothing and average $30 a shift. That is tough. Also it's hard to get hours serving. I am supposed to be full time but get about 4 shifts which equals around 20 hours. On average I make at least $30 in tips. With 5 hours of work at min wage(6.15) I get aound $30 in wages. That makes $60 a shift times 4 which is $240. So to make things easy we will say I make around $250 a week since it's realistic I will make more than $30 on a couple shifts. $250 times 4 means I make $1000 a month. My rent is $550 a month for a very nice 2 bedroom apartment which leaves me with $450 left. Pretty much all of that will end up going to gas/food and I will have very little left for clothes/car repairs/social life. Not to mention the holidays are coming up and I have about 15 people I need to buy gifts for. Yeah, money sucks find a good job. I am hoping to get a larger section and get better at serving so I can make more money. If I can average a good amount of tips I can expect to make around $2500 a month which would be very good.

I think I need to find a day job, money sucks. I hope your also not going to school at the same time. I am and I don't think I will be able to go back next semester because I need to get another job. Make sure you can affor it before you move out and it is definately worth it. Oh and take anything anyone offers you for free when moving out. It all helps, even if you have to sell it.
sad that so many of you think the best solution to getting away from the parents is moving out ....I really dont recommend anyone moving out of their parents homes (baring abuse) until they're financially responsible enough ..what so few people realise is that people who rent can rarely afford to save for a home of their own friend has been living in the same apartment for almost 10 years that time he has payed in total over $96,000 1/4 of the price for a decent sized home in a good neighbourhood ..he could have had a substantial amount of his mortgage paid off instead he has absolutely nothing to show for his $96,000

by all means seek independence but getting away from a problem shouldnt open up a whole new set of problems
Man, I do love living in Sweden sometimes. I have so much money right now it's silly.