Guys shoots two people robbing neighbors house

It's worth a life, dude. If you break into someone's house attempting to take something that you have no right to, you know you're doing a bad thing. You're doing the wrong thing, and you KNOW it. You are willfully committing an unlawful act.

And yes, the cops will catch them. Then they'll slap them on the wrist and have them do a little time, and maybe they might clean up their act. Maybe. There's always the possibility. But on the flipside, there's always the possibility they just won't give a f*ck and they'll do it again once they get out. Hell they knew what they were doing the first time and they did it anyway without any thought to the consequences, so either they:

A) Didn't care about the consequences, or
B) Weren't afraid of the consequences

then, you know...if that's their mindset just kill them.
Like I said in my first post, there's plenty you can do with a gun without firing a shot.
It's worth a life, dude. If you break into someone's house attempting to take something that you have no right to, you know you're doing a bad thing. You're doing the wrong thing, and you KNOW it. You are willfully committing an unlawful act.

And yes, the cops will catch them. Then they'll slap them on the wrist and have them do a little time, and maybe they might clean up their act. Maybe. There's always the possibility. But on the flipside, there's always the possibility they just won't give a f*ck and they'll do it again once they get out. Hell they knew what they were doing the first time and they did it anyway without any thought to the consequences, so either they:

A) Didn't care about the consequences, or
B) Weren't afraid of the consequences

then, you know...if that's their mindset just kill them.

you don't know that at all. For all you know the jail time they spend will get them out of crime all together, everyone is different. Your mindset is just retarded if you truly believe that all criminals should be killed.
Their mindset is just retarded if they think they can break into peoples' homes and take what isn't theirs like they're on market street.

And I said, it's possible that they might get out of crime. But that's a maybe. It's all maybes. MAYBE they'll go legit. MAYBE they won't.

MAYBE Citizen Justice has a shotgun and the cops are taking too long and they're gonna get away, and Citizen Justice won't wait around. I totally support that.
I dont think Mr. Joe Average or even Citizen Justice have the right to determine what kind of "mindset" people should be killed for. What the hell kind of logic is that? Just because someones messed up a bit in the head doesnt mean they should be ****ing murdered. There is a reason judges and courts exist, and thats to provide justice without bias, and prevent psychos like Citizen Justice from killing people over minor crimes.
"Messed up a bit in the head" makes it sound like they've got a mental handicap, or some kind of impairment like a mental disease. A disorder affecting their judgement. That's not it at all. A criminal knows what he's doing, at least in this case; they were out for personal gain at someone else's expense. Can you even try to put yourself in that mindset? I mean really think about it, think about something like, "I am going to go nextdoor, smash in with a crowbar, take their stuff, and hightail it." That's a criminal. That's what they're thinking. It's odious.

Judges and courts exist to block what should be a relatively simple process. If you're "messed up in the head," and by that I mean, "you feel that you are, for whatever reason, entitled to be a drain on society," your life is forfeit.

Some of you guys haven't experienced a lot of crime in your lives, so it's understandable that you think these people shouldn't be executed. Trust me, they should be put down. Maybe there are more...humane...ways to do it than a shotgun, but he was getting away. The opportunity presented itself.
Like I said in my first post, there's plenty you can do with a gun without firing a shot.
Sure, pointing a gun at them and saying "stop" sounds great on paper, but what if they had been armed? There's no way of knowing what's going through their heads. Maybe they'll be so surprised that they'll just turn and shoot without even thinking. Maybe they'd rather take their chances in a gunfight, even if you'd gotten the drop on them, than go to jail. The only real option that guy had, once he stepped outside, was to shoot them.

Having said that, I don't support what he did at all. The dispatcher told him, repeatedly, to stay inside his house and to wait for the police. Beyond the whole, "no amount of property is worth someones life" argument, his neighbors probably have insurance. Even if those guys had gotten away, the insurance would have paid for whatever was stolen. To me, it sounds like "Citizen Justice" was just looking for an excuse to off these guys.
"Messed up a bit in the head" makes it sound like they've got a mental handicap, or some kind of impairment like a mental disease. A disorder affecting their judgement. That's not it at all. A criminal knows what he's doing, at least in this case; they were out for personal gain at someone else's expense. Can you even try to put yourself in that mindset? I mean really think about it, think about something like, "I am going to go nextdoor, smash in with a crowbar, take their stuff, and hightail it." That's a criminal. That's what they're thinking. It's odious.

Judges and courts exist to block what should be a relatively simple process. If you're "messed up in the head," and by that I mean, "you feel that you are, for whatever reason, entitled to be a drain on society," your life is forfeit.

Some of you guys haven't experienced a lot of crime in your lives, so it's understandable that you think these people shouldn't be executed. Trust me, they should be put down. Maybe there are more...humane...ways to do it than a shotgun, but he was getting away. The opportunity presented itself.

Thats.... thats pretty ****ed up man.

So would you have most of everyone in prison put to death?
Hypothetical situation

Lets say god himself came to you, showed you two people and told you they were going to rob your house, you either had the choice of having them killed or let them rob your house and get away with it. There is nothing else you can do like call the police or hide your property. It's either have them killed or have them rob your house. You would not be in any danger. What would you chose?

I know this hypothetical situation doesn't mirror the situation the OP posted. Nor any real situation that could happen. The point of the question is to find out what is more valuable your property or the lives of two criminals who may be pro's or just nice guys caught up in the wrong situation, still two people that willfully chose to rob you of what you worked hard for.

My first reaction would be to have them killed, but I do not think I could let it happen.
If I were in the financial situation and standing im in now, then without hesitation I would let them get away with it. I can get my material possessions back pretty easy, especially with insurance. The only time I would ever have someone killed, or kill someone is if their crime has a high chance of causing someone elses death.
Thats.... thats pretty ****ed up man.

So would you have most of everyone in prison put to death?
Most everyone, yes. I've said it a few times before on the forum that I think, for petty crimes, you should be given at least a second chance (actually I believe I used to say a third chance, three strikes, but I've since decided that's too many)...but in this case, eh. I still don't think the guy was wrong in what he did.
It's an unpopular opinion, but when you've lived around it, it gives you a different perspective. A lot of people say things like, "Life is important," "no crime is worth taking a life/petty crimes aren't worth taking a life," but I don't think most of those people've seen crimes. Haven't experienced crime. Not to a certain degree.

So yeah, it might be a frightening opinion, but the thought that these people are out there, willing to break into your homes and worse, much worse...and they can do a lot worse...that really becomes what defines your perspective.

Our law system attaches a value to crime, to punish you according to what they feel is "just." Like crime's a raffle or something. "You did burglary, what do we have for him, your honor? A couple months jailtime!" It's supposed to be fair, but it also sends the message that crime is only as bad as the value that's attached. It should be saying, "Crime, period, is bad. And if you are a criminal, you're going to pay the ultimate price, because you should've known better--you probably did know better, and you did it anyway."
What if someone solicited two people to rob a house and told them if they did not do so they would kill their family. I can give many other examples,your mindset in this matter is ridiculous.

Is our legal system so screwed up that we need to be killing burglars and other criminals as a form of punishment?
No, human nature is so screwed up that we need to be killing burglars and other criminals as a form of punishment.

Tyguy said:
What if someone solicited two people to rob a house and told them if they did not do so they would kill their family. I can give many other examples,your mindset in this matter is ridiculous.
So is that. Come on, guy. "Solicit two people to rob a house so they wouldn't kill their family?" Life isn't a movie. What was that one movie that just came out that was like that? Bunch of guys kidnapped this guy and his family in order to rob the man's company? I don't recall the name. But that's a movie plot. How often do you think that happens in real life? If you saw someone mugging someone on the street, punching an old woman in the head for her purse and taking off like a bat out of hell, are you gonna say, "I don't know the whole story; maybe someone put him up to it or they'd kill his family!"

I'm a bit on the edge there with Darkside. I'd vote that somebody isn't going to break into somebody else's place, and then steal the shit and live happily ever after with his loving wife and kid. He's doing it from drugs/fun/because he can/something. We REALLY don't need more of the worthless pieces of shit here on this earth that don't do anything to contribute to society except working at McDonalds for the next 20 years of his working life. Most people who are in Prison for life...what good are they doing there for society, other than taking tax money to give somebody who has killed 3 steady meals, a place to stay for free, and recreational time? I believe in the "eye for an eye" theory.
It's worth a life, dude. If you break into someone's house attempting to take something that you have no right to, you know you're doing a bad thing. You're doing the wrong thing, and you KNOW it. You are willfully committing an unlawful act.

And yes, the cops will catch them. Then they'll slap them on the wrist and have them do a little time, and maybe they might clean up their act. Maybe. There's always the possibility. But on the flipside, there's always the possibility they just won't give a f*ck and they'll do it again once they get out. Hell they knew what they were doing the first time and they did it anyway without any thought to the consequences, so either they:

A) Didn't care about the consequences, or
B) Weren't afraid of the consequences

then, you know...if that's their mindset just kill them.
Death penalty for petty burglary?
I don't get why we have to choose between killing them and letting them go:


Flexible baton rounds!
I would rather we have crime than execute millions upon millions of people.
Really, is it that hard to just hold them at gunpoint, put them on the ground, and ziptie their hands up?

I mean, come on. That gun is good for more than just shooting.
Like I said, that sounds great on paper, but in real life that sort of thing just doesn't work.
It's an unpopular opinion, but when you've lived around it, it gives you a different perspective. A lot of people say things like, "Life is important," "no crime is worth taking a life/petty crimes aren't worth taking a life," but I don't think most of those people've seen crimes. Haven't experienced crime. Not to a certain degree.

So yeah, it might be a frightening opinion, but the thought that these people are out there, willing to break into your homes and worse, much worse...and they can do a lot worse...that really becomes what defines your perspective.

Our law system attaches a value to crime, to punish you according to what they feel is "just." Like crime's a raffle or something. "You did burglary, what do we have for him, your honor? A couple months jailtime!" It's supposed to be fair, but it also sends the message that crime is only as bad as the value that's attached. It should be saying, "Crime, period, is bad. And if you are a criminal, you're going to pay the ultimate price, because you should've known better--you probably did know better, and you did it anyway."

But where the hell does it stop then? If life was ruled your way then the life and death of any person would be subject to the morality of another. Some people think that watching pornography is immoral and a crime, and then anyone who watches pornography would be killed because "they knew what they were doing was wrong!" Shit, im sure you've done plenty of things that you knew was wrong, but did it anyways, so do you think you should be killed? You're a ****ing 4channer ffs, so I have a hard time believing you're a saint.

I forgot where I was going with this....

Shit. I cant remember now. Oh well, I need to do laundry. And go kill this guy who parked in a handicapped spot.
I would rather we have crime than execute millions upon millions of people.
If crime ever really hit you hard, you'd say different. Do not even argue this point with me, because what you say now would be vastly different from what you'd say in the aftermath.

You're a softy, Ennui. Most people on here are. I don't mean it as an insult...having a kind heart, not wanting to kill lots of people, giving people chances and "the benefit of the doubt" or saying, "lock them up where they can do no harm just don't kill them," it's nice. But your compassion is misplaced.

Ultimately you'd rather not stomach the thought of not killing people...why? Moral grounds? Because "life is important and nobody has a right to pass jugdement on it?" That's the argument I hear the most. In reality all those morals do is make a person feel somehow superior in that they wouldn't stoop to the level of executing criminals, an opinion I'm sure they thank you for...up until the point that jabbing a knife into your neck becomes advantageous to them. So thank you, morals and the lack of killing will.

Thankfully Darkside doesn't run this country.
You say that, but hey, when they build a prison in your neighborhood and you're paying taxes to keep Johnny serial rapist/murderer in the can, I bet some part of you will secretly wonder why they don't just shoot these people and be done with it.

But where the hell does it stop then? If life was ruled your way then the life and death of any person would be subject to the morality of another. Some people think that watching pornography is immoral and a crime, and then anyone who watches pornography would be killed because "they knew what they were doing was wrong!" Shit, im sure you've done plenty of things that you knew was wrong, but did it anyways, so do you think you should be killed? You're a ****ing 4channer ffs, so I have a hard time believing you're a saint.

I forgot where I was going with this....

Shit. I cant remember now. Oh well, I need to do laundry. And go kill this guy who parked in a handicapped spot.
One thing I hate the most is slippery slope arguments. They're designed to put forth an escalated scenario, tack it onto someone's argument, and make the whole thing look like a giant snowball disaster. Kill someone for parking in a handicapped space? Because that's certainly likely.

Pornography is consented. Someone might view it as immoral, but it isn't a crime. There is no victim. There must be a victim for there to be a crime. The only time it'd be illegal is if it were a snuff film, or a rape vid (real rape), or CP. Or beastiality in some states, that's a crime.

And what does being a 4channer have to do with anything? What's the worst thing 4chan's done, seriously? It's not like people there are the amoral hive of scum and villainy. Today I read some comics, dropped by the oekaki board, and laughed about a thread on oatmeal. What crimes. :laugh:

Morality already does influence our laws, you need to understand that. That is why laws change, that is why punishments change. It's based on morality. The public's view of morality, what they feel is just, what they feel deserves punishment.
If crime ever really hit you hard, you'd say different. Do not even argue this point with me, because what you say now would be vastly different from what you'd say in the aftermath.

Just out of curiosity, what have you seen that makes you say all of this?
You say that, but hey, when they build a prison in your neighborhood and you're paying taxes to keep Johnny serial rapist/murderer in the can, I bet some part of you will secretly wonder why they don't just shoot these people and be done with it.
Fun fact: It actually costs more to give someone the death penalty than to lock them up for life.
Just out of curiosity, what have you seen that makes you say all of this?

Oh, lots of things. I've watched people I know go in and out of the slammer, committing crimes and for awhile all I could do was shake my head and think, "Again." Finally some of them cleaned up their act, but let me tell you...much as I loathe to admit I have close relatives who'd been on the wrong side of the law, much as I love these people, as callous as it sounds, I still said, "Why don't they just execute them?"

So that's one thing. I know people who've rotated in and out of the criminal justice system. Another thing is I grew up in California's Bay Area, and I've seen crimes committed...muggings, gang violence...things of that nature.

But you know what the biggest thing is? I had a father once. Three days, November 21, that would've been his birthday. I don't recall how old he would've been...60s, something. He was old, haha.

You know what the last photo I have of my father is? The newspaper clipping from his open-casket funeral. I was ten years old. I saw my father, who was working as a security guard, bound to a chair, stabbed multiple times, and then shot in the neck so some thugs could make off with some worthless jewelery. That's the last I ever saw of my father.

And I hated the guy, you know, before he died. I didn't like him; he was the abusive sort. I even was raised by a stepdad who's the best person in the world. But he was my FATHER. Father to a ten-year-old son who saw how vile people can be, for their own personal gain.

So shoot them all. If they had the chance, they'd shoot you.
Saw this a day ago, and yeah this guy is the coolest neighbor ever.

I don't think the guys deserved to be shot, but you take some ****ing risks when you rob anything. So they got shot. Who the hell cares? They took the risk and they paid for it.

As for the guy whether or not he deserves to be punished, he probably won't. This is Texas. Where you can shoot someone for being a potential Cow Thief.

Also I can see where Darkside is coming from. Even if these guys had been caught by the police, if it was their first time being caught at most they would've gotten a slap on the wrist and just let back outside to start robbing shit again. Possibly even hurting someone. It happens all the time.
we should start shooting kids for stealing might sound harsh, but all the cops would do it slap them on the wrist. This is unacceptable, we should be killing thousands of them a day, because obviously the legal system is flawed.....

are you out of your ****ing mind?
Because in the world Tyguy lives in, kids have the mental capacity of adults, and fully understand the ramifications of their actions! :dork:

Come on, Ty. Yer doing it again. Don't do it, brother.
Even thought there are somethings I disagree with you on DarkSide, I have to admit it takes some balls to express an opinion like that -- you go boy!
Because in the world Tyguy lives in, kids have the mental capacity of adults, and fully understand the ramifications of their actions! :dork:

Come on, Ty. Yer doing it again. Don't do it, brother.

haha, i think many would agree you are in a world of your own, darkside.
we should start shooting kids for stealing might sound harsh, but all the cops would do it slap them on the wrist. This is unacceptable, we should be killing thousands of them a day, because obviously the legal system is flawed.....

are you out of your ****ing mind?

I probably would be if you hadn't picked something entirely different
I would've expected a world without criminals to be something people would embrace.

But, just as a lighthearted rib to you my friend, I'm not the one saying things like, "Criminals might really be innocent people who were forced into a life of crime by MEANER CRIMINALS," and, "Derp, kids stealing candy sould be executed."

Those kids' families were probably kidnapped and they were made to steal candy for the Caramel Baron.
Zero sympathy for burglars (if they were indeed burglars).

If my neighbour's house was being burgled I'd go outside and make a racket. But then again, nobody here carries guns.

In a country where people have guns? Sorry, but I'd want to intervene, and to ensure my safety if I had a gun I'd take it with me.

Tough shit, burglars. Don't rob houses, or random people may shoot you.