If Obama gets elected

Oct 23, 2007
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I don't think theres a doubt in my mind he will be assassinated. Within 6 months in office some crazy KKK member or someone will shoot him. Unless he rides around in a pope mobile we will need a new prez.
I was talking to my dad's new wife... and we're on the subject of politics. And she says something incredibly stupid.

"There's no way I'm voting for a man who grew up in a Muslim country and whose middle name is Husein. Not gonna happen."


This silly thread had better turn into 'general Obama discussion' pretty quick.
I was talking to my dad's new wife... and we're on the subject of politics. And she says something incredibly stupid.

"There's no way I'm voting for a man who grew up in a Muslim country and whose middle name is Husein. Not gonna happen."


tell your dad to dump her, she'll obviously ruin the family's average IQ. :P
I was talking to my dad's new wife... and we're on the subject of politics. And she says something incredibly stupid.

"There's no way I'm voting for a man who grew up in a Muslim country and whose middle name is Husein. Not gonna happen."


The first word that comes to mind is "American'
tell your dad to dump her, she'll obviously ruin the family's average IQ. :P

I think he thinks the same thing as her... maybe because of the influence she has on him, I don't know.

And I'm fairly sure she's racist too. I've heard some pretty rude comments.
Racist? There's a way to test that, you know.

"Mom...I have something to tell you. I'm a negro."
Racist? There's a way to test that, you know.

"Mom...I have something to tell you. I'm a negro."

Mom? Why the **** would I call her mom? She's not my mother. She's my dad's new wife.

I don't even consider her a step mother. She's just... a person.
WHATEVER. Address her as 'person'. See if I care when she convinces your dad to write you out of his will.
I mean no disrespect to your dad, but.........how?
If i was old enough i would emigrate somewhere else. I dont like him. Not because he is black, i just dont like something about him.
Neither Obama or Clinton are going to do anything if they get into office, except bend over and take it big from the MIC.
If i was old enough i would emigrate somewhere else. I dont like him. Not because he is black, i just dont like something about him.

What don't you like? Please tell me it has something to do with policy and not his personality.
What don't you like? Please tell me it has something to do with policy and not his personality.

You know, when you see someone, there is just something about him you don't like? Thats what it is, something about him i dont like. Cant name it.

Because he's not white?

Originally Posted by OTCEscape
If i was old enough i would emigrate somewhere else. I dont like him. Not because he is black, i just dont like something about him.
Exactly. I feel the same way as OTCEscape. It's not so much that I hate black people but that I can only love white people.
If Huckabee gets elected he will be assassinated.
By myself
If George W. Bush is still alive I don't see one of the candidates being assassinated, lol.
I mean no disrespect to your dad, but.........how?

One word mah boy: tits

I really hope Obama gets elected, it would be a nice makeover to the United States government. But the idea that people use the fact that he is/was/once talked to a muslim as a reason not to vote for him disgusts me. Way to go 'War on Terror'.
heard something interesting today from an american political analyst ..said the whole world is waiting to see if Obama will take the reins ..said that even the taliban would stop and take notice ....even if it's just for appearances sakes Obama would probably go a long way to mending the perception of america aroud the world .or he can rule with an iron fist (cue Darkside)
Stern said:
(cue Darkside)
Just passing through.

I did have the same thoughts, though, Tenacious. This country has a very vocal, extremist group of racists and I don't doubt for one minute that some of those radicals haven't considered an attempt on Obama's life should he win the presidency.
You know, when you see someone, there is just something about him you don't like? Thats what it is, something about him i dont like. Cant name it.

That's a pretty stupid reason not to vote for someone. If you're not going to make an informed decision based on the issues, you shouldn't make a decision at all.
OT, I'd be pretty damn happy if Obama were elected president, because I damn well voted for him.
I mean, the help to our international image alone...

Heh, if Ron Paul were elected president, I think the rest of the world would perform a preemptive strike on US.
OT, I'd be pretty damn happy if Obama were elected president, because I damn well voted for him.
I mean, the help to our international image alone...

Heh, if Ron Paul were elected president, I think the rest of the world would perform a preemptive strike on US.

He won't be elected. Not even in the remotest possibility. It's pretty much down to Romney and Mccain for republican. They do an all or nothing thing unlike democrats...
If Ron Paul were elected, America would get it's nose out of where it doesn't belong and I am sure people would go back to loving them. I just don't believe that he can make all the changes he promises. I don't agree with his personal views, but if he doesn't push them on everyone, it doesn't matter what they are.
I have to say that while I'm not entirely sympathetic with his uberlibetarian platform, Ron Paul is the only candidate who is promisin quite radical and solid changes, and the only candidate who is explaining himself adequately. Obama has very pretty speeches, but what the fuck is he going to do?
Heh, if Ron Paul were elected president, I think the rest of the world would perform a preemptive strike on US.

WHOOPS, got my republican candidates mixed up. I don't really pay attention to them. I meant Huckabee. Silly me.
Yes, some crazy kkk guy is going to assassinate obama, when even the most disgruntled of terrorists couldn't get at Bush.

Mom? Why the **** would I call her mom? She's not my mother. She's my dad's new wife.

I don't even consider her a step mother. She's just... a person.

Just do what sulkdodds tells you, it's for your own good. Even if it doesn't make sense now, it will.
One of the guys at work told me a rude joke:

"There ain't no way that i'm gonna vote for Hilary."

I asked why.

"Because I ain't gonna vote for a person that gives head instead of getting it."

The mentality of some people amazes me.

My requests for my president:

1) Get out of Iraq. We should have left when we got Saddam. I'm all for helping out those that are oppressed, but there comes a time when we need to realize, that we can't force others to be like us. It's not our right to do so. Now If a country threatens us, let it be known, that if the people of that country does not take care of business & oust those that want nothing more than to sow evil, that we will have no choice but to level their country.

2) Worry about taking care of the citizens within our borders before helping others. Improve our schools & health care system.

3) Welcome people from other countries with open arms, but if they arrive here illegally, make it known that they will be caught & sent back. No questions asked. If you are here illegally, you have no rights. Period.

I'm ignorant when it comes to politics. I know this.

I have to say that while I'm not entirely sympathetic with his uberlibetarian platform, Ron Paul is the only candidate who is promisin quite radical and solid changes, and the only candidate who is explaining himself adequately. Obama has very pretty speeches, but what the fuck is he going to do?


Obama reminds me of Tony Blair, his policies are more about what he'd like to do, without saying how he's going to do it. It's easy to say I'm going to fix the education system but it's not an easy task to achieve. In contrast Ron Paul outlines in detail what he'd do if he were president. Although some of Paul's views are radical, if the current plan isn't working it should be radically changed.
obama is not that bad....except

he plans to cut NASA funding...which i strongly oppose

he won't undo the patriot act

and some other details

but all in all hes not that bad, ideologically