If Obama gets elected

Meh, they're all right-wing compared to the left in a lot of european countries. Not Labour so much, but in general :P
I was talking to my dad's new wife... and we're on the subject of politics. And she says something incredibly stupid.

"There's no way I'm voting for a man who grew up in a Muslim country and whose middle name is Husein. Not gonna happen."


It's people like these that make the world a more difficult place to live in.
Obama's not that bad.

But I want Mccain or other hard-right people to get elected, just because I wanna watch the fireworks on CNN.

Damn I'm an asshole. :p

Edit: On a more serious note, I like Obama, 'cause he seems like a nice guy. Other than that, I don't know.
Does he plan to allow Genetic and Cloning Research? Obama that is..
This is the first election in a long time where I'm not firmly entrenched in the camp of one candidate. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

Assuming McCain gets the nod and either Hillary or Barack...I could see myself voting for any of these 3 for a variety of reasons.
Does he plan to allow Genetic and Cloning Research? Obama that is..

He hasn't said. I guess so, since it would be foolish not to.

Meh, they're all right-wing compared to the left in a lot of european countries. Not Labour so much, but in general :P

I don't care what labour is, I just hope that they don't embarrase us further before they get voted out.
I'd love for the Lib Dems to become the second party. That would really wake the other complacent buggers up :)
What don't you like? Please tell me it has something to do with policy and not his personality.
Many people who don't like him say it has to do with the fact that he's racist himself. That he will not even attend a church if it contains caucasian people. They say that Muslim culture dictates that he will not pledge alliegance to anyone that's not Muslim. Also, being a Muslim means that his policies would be too rigid in every way possible based on his belief: Physical, philisophical, emotional, economic etc. you name it. If I find the article I found, then I'll post it and let you guys tear it apart instead of me. :P I didn't bookmark it because I don't give 2 shits about any politician anyways. They'll tell you one thing that you want to hear, pat you on the back , and then say bastardly things about you when your back is turned. All while snickering. They're all bastards! There, I said it. I'll vote for the next skynet/VICKI program that comes along to take over the world. They'll do a better job than any of them anyways.
Many people who don't like him say it has to do with the fact that he's racist himself. That he will not even attend a church if it contains caucasian people. They say that Muslim culture dictates that he will not pledge alliegance to anyone that's not Muslim. Also, being a Muslim means that his policies would be too rigid in every way possible based on his belief: Physical, philisophical, emotional, economic etc. you name it. If I find the article I found this, I'll post it and let you guys tear it apart instead of me. :P I didn't bookmark it because I don't give 2 shits about any politician anyways. They'll tell you one thing that you want to hear, pat you on the back , and then say bastardly things about you when your back is turned. All while snickering. They're all bastards! There, I said it. I'll vote for the next skynet/VICKI program that comes along to take over the world. They'll do a better job than any of them anyways.

FFS. Obama is not a muslim. Don't you people read up on your candidates? Christ, sometimes I feel like I know more about them than you do, and I'm not American.

I'd love for the Lib Dems to become the second party. That would really wake the other complacent buggers up :)

FFS. Obama is not a muslim. Don't you people read up on your candidates? Christ, sometimes I feel like I know more about them than you do, and I'm not American.
So, what is he if he attends an all black church? Baptist? :laugh: Also, being one for proof yourself, how can you tell all that stuff you read about him in the media is legitimate? I don't even know if the information I obtained about him is correct. I'm not sure how to check my sources if I can't trust anyone. Especially politicians. :P
So, what is he if he attends an all black church? Baptist? :laugh: Also, being one for proof yourself, how can you tell all that stuff you read about him in the media is legitimate? I don't even know if the information I obtained about him is correct. I'm not sure how to check my sources if I can't trust anyone. Especially politicians. :P

4 billion years of evolution and yet nature still throws genetic dead weight all the time, one has to marvel. :dozey:
4 billion years of evolution and yet nature still throws genetic dead weight all the time, one has to marvel. :dozey:
@ me or @ politcians in general? If @ me, then my pet dinosaur will eat you so STFU. :P Indeed, I am a caveman and I am very offended by that last statement you a$$hole. I haven't got around to sueing GEICO yet either for their derogatory portrail of cavemen. I'll make sure your next though.
So, what is he if he attends an all black church if he's not Muslim? Baptist? :laugh: Also, being one for proof yourself, how can you tell all that stuff you read about him in the media is legitimate? I don't even know if the information I obtained about him is correct. I'm not sure how to check my sources if I can't trust any politician.:P
/fixed. There. Happy?

I guess my un-willingness to "follow-up" is my own shortcoming though. I guess it shows how much I really don't care. That would be a logical fallacy in itself. That's why I don't post in politics too often. I've got better things to do than to "follow-up" on liar politicians past what I've already heard about them. Be it right or wrong information.
you should put a plant as a president or something like that
Also, being one for proof yourself, how can you tell all that stuff you read about him in the media is legitimate?

You're right.

In absence of evidence indicating otherwise, we should assume that the media is being manipulated to hide Obama's secret racial prejudices, or is - even worse - is in cahoots with his Muslim sleeper cell agenda.

It's the "Hussein" part, isn't it? That's what gave it all away, right?
No Abisinthe. His last name sounds like Osama, that's where I was tipped off.

Do they even bother to check the god damned names on the ballots? Surely these sent up red flags somewhere along the way, yes?

If he wins, the US will be a satellite state for Al Qaeda. D:
The radical Muslims did say they wanted to destroy us from the inside out. Why the hell did we not see this before? Holy shit.
You're right.

In absence of evidence indicating otherwise, we should assume that the media is being manipulated to hide Obama's secret racial prejudices, or is - even worse - is in cahoots with his Muslim sleeper cell agenda.

It's the "Hussein" part, isn't it? That's what gave it all away, right?
What? You agree with me? You mean your not being sarcastic? I can't believe it. I'm totally speechless :|
Obama's an odd one. He's rather too socialist and too idealistic for my liking, and his positions on gun control are plainly foolish - but unlike most politicians, he seems genuine and he could if nothing else offer a more honest, more respected form of politics. Although, it's hard to figure out what the hell he would actually do as president.
In any case, he's miles ahead of nazi-bitch Hillary. What kind of moron would vote for her? If it came down to her or Huckabee, that really would be an impossible choice.
Obama's an odd one. He's rather too socialist and too idealistic for my liking, and his positions on gun control are plainly foolish - but unlike most politicians, he seems genuine and he could if nothing else offer a more honest, more respected form of politics. Although, it's hard to figure out what the hell he would actually do as president.
In any case, he's miles ahead of nazi-bitch Hillary. What kind of moron would vote for her? If it came down to her or Huckabee, that really would be an impossible choice.

Huckabee is not going to win. It'll be Mccain, I'll bet you on this one. And I would pick Hillary over Mccain, or any republican candidate. After doing some research, Hillary isn't as bad as I once though. I just had a "she's a bitch" mentality like everybody else without really having a whole lot to base it on.
I guess I'm one of the few people that I've talked to that doesn't hate Hillary. I really have no problem with her. If I had a choice, yeah, I'd pick Obama, but...





I guess it shows how much I really don't care. That would be a logical fallacy in itself. That's why I don't post in politics too often. I've got better things to do than to "follow-up" on liar politicians past what I've already heard about them. Be it right or wrong information.

If you don't give a shit, and can't see beyond broad generalizations regarding politicians, rather than understand their policies then there really is no place for you in this forum tbh (stick to games and off topic). Despite your head in the sand approach, unfortunately these people will end up being in the position to directly impact your life and the lives of your children. No amount of political abstention is going to alter this fact. If a man entered your house and began dictate your very existence, you'd challenge him him, how much less so the man/woman in the whitehouse/downing street/etc?

Huckabee is not going to win. It'll be Mccain, I'll bet you on this one. And I would pick Hillary over Mccain, or any republican candidate. After doing some research, Hillary isn't as bad as I once though. I just had a "she's a bitch" mentality like everybody else without really having a whole lot to base it on.

My fear is him taking maybe Guliani along as vice-president. The notion of Mr 9/11 gaining any power is a scary thought.
Huckabee is not going to win. It'll be Mccain, I'll bet you on this one. And I would pick Hillary over Mccain, or any republican candidate. After doing some research, Hillary isn't as bad as I once though. I just had a "she's a bitch" mentality like everybody else without really having a whole lot to base it on.

She has the distinct aura of a communist-lite in disguise. Not to mention her hysterical bullshit about games, and the way her political positions depend completely upon her current audience. Typical authoritarian, and typical panderer to boot.
But all that aside - she's still a bitch. :E

Push comes to shove, I'd probably vote for Obama - I agree with McCain on more of the issues, but at the end of the day someone that can actually shake things up a bit is what's really needed. Someone whose impact will be felt beyond their years in office. He offers a vision of an honest, transparent office working for a society based largely upon social conservativism without any of the attached extremism. I can run with that.
I don't think theres a doubt in my mind he will be assassinated. Within 6 months in office some crazy KKK member or someone will shoot him. Unless he rides around in a pope mobile we will need a new prez.

Who do you think will be the vice prez if he wins the nomination? Probably Hillary, and she most likely wouldn't be acceptable to someone who would do that, either.

And vice versa.
My fear is him taking maybe Guliani along as vice-president. The notion of Mr 9/11 gaining any power is a scary thought.

Yeah man... I saw him standing on the platform with Mccain, and I was thinking to myself, "What the ****? What the hell is that douche bag doing there?

Who do you think will be the vice prez if he wins the nomination? Probably Hillary, and she most likely wouldn't be acceptable to someone who would do that, either.

I'll bet you he picks Edwards.
Question time to our American friends.... Now that 'super' Tuesday has passed how do things shape up? Im not familiar with the US electoral process so can someone fill me in on what obama winning 13 states against Hilary's 8 but only 562 delegates against 582 for Hilary?

BTW when i see something described as super i cant get the image of big gay Al from south park saying the word in his over the top camp way...
You're both wrong, it's because Barrack rhymes with Iraq.

Heh... yeah.

Barack Hussein Obama is a candidate that perhaps brings out the worst ignorance in people.

His middle name is Hussein! Oh no by name association he must be a dirty Muslim terrorist, or at least a dictator of a middle eastern country!

His last name is Obama! That sounds like Osama! That reinforces my suspicions that he's a radical Muslim terrorist!

Barack? Barack? Hmm... Barack. Sounds like Iraq I guess. REINFORCEMENT OF MY OPINIONS!
Question time to our American friends.... Now that 'super' Tuesday has passed how do things shape up? Im not familiar with the US electoral process so can someone fill me in on what obama winning 13 states against Hilary's 8 but only 562 delegates against 582 for Hilary?

They're pretty much dead-even so far. There's several more states to go.

McCain's probably got the GOP nom locked, though.
They're pretty much dead-even so far. There's several more states to go.

McCain's probably got the GOP nom locked, though.

Especially considering the GOP nature of being "all or nothing". If one candidate has 51% and the other has 49%, you can almost be sure that the guy with 51% gets everything, since they go all or nothing, winner takes all.
If you don't give a shit, and can't see beyond broad generalizations regarding politicians, rather than understand their policies then there really is no place for you in this forum tbh (stick to games and off topic). Despite your head in the sand approach, unfortunately these people will end up being in the position to directly impact your life and the lives of your children. No amount of political abstention is going to alter this fact. If a man entered your house and began dictate your very existence, you'd challenge him him, how much less so the man/woman in the whitehouse/downing street/etc?
I beg to differ. If I have to dig up information beyond what is provided by our not-so-reliable media to try and make sure he's a reliable candiate, then he's probably not a good president. In fact, I don't really like any of our current candidates, so I'm not voting. I've made a decision. Everything we do (or don't) is based on decisions. Not making any decision at all is sticking you head in the sand, so the "sticking your head in the sand" analogy is a logical fallacy since this is impossible. You could say that I'm making a bad decision if you truly think so. That would be more accurate.

I just don't like Obama. Not because he's black, but because he's a douche in disguise. Plus, he's been endorsed by Ted Kennedy, who happens to be an even bigger douche. Want to know why Ted's brother (JFK) was assasinated? Because he failed to keep his promise to the mafia. :P Ted and John were probably on the same page with alot of issues too. Regardless of the reason, JFK broke his promise, which means that he probably lied frequently on issues he promised to resolve in the U.S. during his presidency. Since Ted was his brother, it's reasonable enough to assume he probably was in on it too. Futhermore, if Ted endorses Obama, I can also assume they are up to no good, which means Obama doesn't get my vote. :P It's just not logical to trust known liars, and I'm talking about Ted since he endorses Obama.

This goes back to my first theory. If most politicians are liars, then by you saying to me just sitting around and not voting is not helping matters much, well..., if they are liars (and our current candidates probably are), then I haven't missed out on much in the first place. :P
I'd vote for Ron Paul if he ran as an independent.
So, what is he if he attends an all black church? Baptist? :laugh: Also, being one for proof yourself, how can you tell all that stuff you read about him in the media is legitimate? I don't even know if the information I obtained about him is correct. I'm not sure how to check my sources if I can't trust anyone. Especially politicians. :P

I'm going to assume you were trying to make an attempt at humour in your posts, albeit rather lame.

The only other alternative would be to assume you are a total moron, but we can't be having that... can we?
I have stopped lurking to point out that negros are not malays.
I don't think theres a doubt in my mind he will be assassinated. Within 6 months in office some crazy KKK member or someone will shoot him. Unless he rides around in a pope mobile we will need a new prez.

I pray to god he is not even elected.
That guy's such a covert neocon.
Seriously, who'd want nation-building in Pakistan?
Oncle Tobama does -.-#
(And that is seriously f*cking insane.
As if the US didn't have enough government spending.)
And he's even outlined the three mastergoals of neoconservatism in his own biography....

You know, would you reckon Ron Paul would get assassinated thanks to some crazy right-wing nutjob like some KKK member because he'll cut down spending on fighting "the evil terrorists"?

And hell, I can't stand people always obstructing your intellectual capabilities with this bloody awful debate on wether it weighs more that Hitlery Clinton has A mumu or that Obama's skin is dark in colour.

Damnit, that's sooo racist voting for a guy simply deciding over his racial background...Wether for or against, there's no difference...

Or his damn frigging MIDDLE NAME.


I hope.


It's all over me.

//edit: OR HIS FECKEN (acted) FAITH..
So not only is Obama a terrorist operative readying to dismantle the US from the top down, but he is also a closet neocon.

You learn so many new things on this forum every day.
Heh... yeah.

Barack Hussein Obama is a candidate that perhaps brings out the worst ignorance in people.

His middle name is Hussein! Oh no by name association he must be a dirty Muslim terrorist, or at least a dictator of a middle eastern country!

His last name is Obama! That sounds like Osama! That reinforces my suspicions that he's a radical Muslim terrorist!

Barack? Barack? Hmm... Barack. Sounds like Iraq I guess. REINFORCEMENT OF MY OPINIONS!

Yeah. That's exactly why people shouldn't vote, but rather stay indoors watching out for terrorists. For all eternity.