If Obama gets elected

Obama's an odd one. He's rather too socialist and too idealistic for my liking, and his positions on gun control are plainly foolish - but unlike most politicians, he seems genuine and he could if nothing else offer a more honest, more respected form of politics. Although, it's hard to figure out what the hell he would actually do as president.
In any case, he's miles ahead of nazi-bitch Hillary. What kind of moron would vote for her? If it came down to her or Huckabee, that really would be an impossible choice.

obamaa is not socialist, and america needs to lose its guns.
obamaa is not socialist, and america needs to lose its guns.
Do be sure to inform us when you think of a practical way to:
- get rid of all the guns already in the country
- restrict any further guns from being traded
- entirely destroy gun culture
Any time soon would be great.
I'm going to assume you were trying to make an attempt at humour in your posts, albeit rather lame.

The only other alternative would be to assume you are a total moron, but we can't be having that... can we?
No, a total moron would vote for a president just because everyone else on the media says he's a great guy. Check your sources and read throught the posts again. :|

Do be sure to inform us when you think of a practical way to:
- get rid of all the guns already in the country
- restrict any further guns from being traded
- entirely destroy gun culture
Any time soon would be great.
Impossible. Your living in a dream world if you think that could be accomplished in our lifetimes. Even if we didn't have guns, human nature dictates that we would find an even more creative way to maime on another. I wish it weren't true too myself, but if there's an easy way to kill one another, humans are not going to give it up without a fight, and even then, they are still not going to give it up that easily. Especially Americans. I don't really like guns in the real world either, but it's a necessary evil in some cases. Besides, if guns never existed, then we wouldn't have awesome games like Team Fortress 2, Doom, and HL now would we? The heroes would all be fighting using stun sticks, batons, or some other gay shit the bobbies in London use. Lame, lame, LAME! and not very logical either. Especially if the bad guys have guns of some type. :thumbs: When police here in the states points a gun at a criminal, they tend to listen don't they? I don't know how many religious wars I see in Northern Ireland and England where the police are getting beat up all the time. :P
Mitt Romney just ducked out of the races.

You know I find it funny... Republicans are voting for 'liberal' mccain, as the conservatives call him. I love this divide in the republican party...

It can't be good for their party when all their other candidates are calling him 'liberal' and 'not a conservative' yet people are voting for him by a large margin.

I can only hope that most of the stubborn assholes they are simply don't vote, rather than just vote for him for the hell of it.
Do be sure to inform us when you think of a practical way to:
- get rid of all the guns already in the country
- restrict any further guns from being traded
- entirely destroy gun culture
Any time soon would be great.

Did his comment really deserve such a response?
Mitt Romney just ducked out of the races.

You know I find it funny... Republicans are voting for 'liberal' mccain, as the conservatives call him. I love this divide in the republican party...

It can't be good for their party when all their other candidates are calling him 'liberal' and 'not a conservative' yet people are voting for him by a large margin.

I can only hope that most of the stubborn assholes they are simply don't vote, rather than just vote for him for the hell of it.

I'd rather they voted for 'liberal' Paul tbh. Amusing that Romney decided to quit. I guess he knew he was SOOL and it was only going cost him more money to stay in.
That or they think man walked hand in hand with velociraptors, prancing merrily through the grasslands.
I beg to differ. If I have to dig up information beyond what is provided by our not-so-reliable media to try and make sure he's a reliable candiate, then he's probably not a good president.

So in effect what your saying is, that unless the mainstream media, with all of their political agendas support a candidate then he can't be any good? So your a slave to convention and happy for the already rich and powerful to tell you how to run your life, because they most certainly have your interests at heart. Bravo. :dozey:

In fact, I don't really like any of our current candidates, so I'm not voting. I've made a decision. Everything we do (or don't) is based on decisions. Not making any decision at all is sticking you head in the sand, so the "sticking your head in the sand" analogy is a logical fallacy since this is impossible.

So although you've walked past the Casino and not placed a bet, your claiming your still gambling? The only thing that matters in an event are the participants. Your not in the dance if your hanging by the wall. :dozey:
Velociraptors sinned and they're all in hell?

But what about the nice dinosaurs like Littlefoot?
In heaven, we must presume.

Did his comment really deserve such a response?
What, a practical one? It would make more sense to criticise me for allowing a window for derailing the thread.
Some people truly should not have the right to vote...
I don't think theres a doubt in my mind he will be assassinated. Within 6 months in office some crazy KKK member or someone will shoot him. Unless he rides around in a pope mobile we will need a new prez.

That's just the paranoia and lack of trust kicking in. Why're so many people advocating Obama? If anything it means that America is undergoing, or is showing, not "tolerance," but a more open and embracing society than it was 40-50 years ago.

It makes me go :sleep: when people go around fearmongering just cuz a relatively cool guy will get killed because of his skin color. You want solutions? Ban guns, and make it a major offense to possess one. Sure, I mean it's nice to shoot the shit out of stuff, I guess.
That's just the paranoia and lack of trust kicking in. Why're so many people advocating Obama? If anything it means that America is undergoing, or is showing, not "tolerance," but a more open and embracing society than it was 40-50 years ago.

It makes me go :sleep: when people go around fearmongering just cuz a relatively cool guy will get killed because of his skin color. You want solutions? Ban guns, and make it a major offense to possess one. Sure, I mean it's nice to shoot the shit out of stuff, I guess.

I don't need a gun to kill Obama. :dozey:
McCain believes in evolution. Romney too I think.

Mc "Bomb Iran" Cain wants intelligent design taught in schools.

Also, Saturos, creationists tend to believe that either dinosaurs didn't exist period, or they went extinct in the flood or something. After all, the Earth is only 6004 years old!
Mc "Bomb Iran" Cain wants intelligent design taught in schools.

McCain has pubicly stated he does believe in evolution, so you'll have to provide some evidence that he wants ID taught in schools because I don't believe you.
On Tuesday, though, he sided with the president on two issues that have made headlines recently: teaching intelligent design in schools and Cindy Sheehan, the grieving mother who has come to personify the anti-war movement.
McCain told the Star that, like Bush, he believes "all points of view" should be available to students studying the origins of mankind.

Some idiots believe in evolution but still believe ID should be taught too. They're rare, but they exist.

I've not seen Ron Paul state anywhere that he is an out and out creationist. Sure he's a Christian, but that hardly constitutes grounds for making wild assumptions and stating them as fact. Given that man doesn't believe in putting his personal beliefs above those of the people it hardly matters either (he's Pro life, but believes the issue should always be state driven). The man has a better understanding of the realities of the US economic situation than any of the other candidates, and that is what his ticket is all about. He can believe in blue fairies for all I care, I'd rather vote for him than any of the other candidates whom are simply going to perpetuate the economic lie.
I hate it, the fight between ID and evolution is very one sided. To prove that ID is right all they have to do is say "god and all his glory did it". While creationists have to have years of and research and scientific evidence.

I've not seen Ron Paul state anywhere that he is an out and out creationist. Sure he's a Christian, but that hardly constitutes grounds for making wild assumptions and stating them as fact. Given that man doesn't believe in putting his personal beliefs above those of the people it hardly matters either (he's Pro life, but believes the issue should always be state driven). The man has a better understanding of the realities of the US economic situation than any of the other candidates, and that is what his ticket is all about. He can believe in blue fairies for all I care, I'd rather vote for him than any of the other candidates whom are simply going to perpetuate the economic lie.

I was wrong. He actually, in a nutshell, says that he doesn't know and doesn't think it is important to his presidency.

I don't need a gun to kill Obama. :dozey:

You're right. You are miles away from him and aren't man enough to kill somebody.

Then again, when you weild a gun, you lose all your dignity and integrity. Unless you're in law enforcement or something.

What's your point anyway?
Doom 2, an existentialist game where you killed goats and zombies and pink beasts.

It's the baron of hell.
I was wrong. He actually, in a nutshell, says that he doesn't know and doesn't think it is important to his presidency.
Oh, he doesn't know! I thought he is a doctor, a man with some education...
What a hypocrite!