Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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And about a million more. I'm subjected to this on a daily basis.

It gets passed on to other people as he finds new people to talk to. Frankly, I'm glad it's over, 'cause I was getting really worn out from it.

Thats what she said.

I knew that was comming after I put that there!

(^oh man, that's what she said AGAIN!)

As for the topic of Toastington, let the battle of HL2.net infatuated males begin. It will be brutal. "Their hormones will block out the sun!"

*hides in cave out of fear*
"Their hormones will block out the sun!"

Jesus Christ I forgot I made this thing...

Sweet, 103 pages worth of awesome fap material!

I can't do it right but I think you get the idea :laugh::


Haha. You look much different than I had imagined. A short guy with really short blonde hair and glasses.
Toaster I've said it before and I'll DAMN WELL say it again, you're so cute.
Toaster I've said it before and I'll DAMN WELL say it again, you're so cute.

Do I sense a very entertaining video to 'accidentally' pop up on the internet of you and toaster?! :naughty:
Ok, so now the two girls are ready, we just need to find them a cup...
That is EXACTLY how it happened. Your art skillz are mad. Mad art skillz.
My first dirty mug post. This is me when I had my trumpet solo in marching band this year.

Pictures from a 2 week trip down to Florida (18 uni students + one enormous house + warm weather + nearly unlimited alcohol = awesome!)




You have freckles. Like the best of us. Freckles are pretty.

Take that bandana off your face.
First time posting a photo of me (that mustache I have is only there for hilarity purposes, and it served it's purpose)



edit - also, nevermind those teletubies. not my house
don't be ashamed of those teletubies, what an awesome poster, it's in spanish too.
No worries, both languages are very different, but to other people they're as different as japanese/chinese (and you can say that japanese and chinese are VERY different, but to me they're practically the same, except when spoken)
You have freckles. Like the best of us. Freckles are pretty.

Take that bandana off your face.

When we got bored, we had team games. The group divided into two, and we'd have games of Halo, Beirut (New England name for Beer Pong), Ultimate Frisbee, poker, etc. We started getting really into it (mostly because of the alcohol) and each team got color-coded bandanas. I was part of Team Phoenix, and the other team was Team Motorcycle. So that's why the bandana's on.

Also, I <3 my fweckles :D
One of the Japanese alphabets, Kanji, is directly from Chinese, so, yes, in that case they are the same.

But most writing in Japan is either Hiragana or Katakana which is not like Chinese.
Interesting, all of it. I love the asian culture, but know very little of it because I'm simply too lazy to learn
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