Dirty Mugshots Thread "Not another one of these God damn things" Edition

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More zombie prostitution! (I am holding a "bloody" tampon if your wondering, no it's not real blood)
So....so it isn't yours ;(


Zombie has saved the day once again and put the smile the Death removed back on my face! :D

Thanks Zombie!:bounce:

Wipe that smile off

though thanks for referring to me as "the Death"
You're just jealous that I bring a smile to the world of HL2.net

Imagine the power you could have had if you only joined me, son.
YOU TOO COW...wait you're sacred.

Holy hell, that is one cute ****ing cow!

Shamrock said:
Hahah. I'm glad you think so. You best get ready for that meet up in Dallas on the 7th-11th. I think on that Sunday the 10th I will be at the Galleria, so you be there, too!

No, I can't do that. ;(
Shamrock you look like you should be Welsh!

And ZT tits or gtfo :P
DON'T SAY THAT. Shamrock should not be Welsh, and isn't. PHEW.

Shammy, tits or gtfo.
ZT, tits or gtfo.

Hmm who else. Stigmata, tits or gtfo.

I want to see a picture of Razzyface. That dastardly cow.
DON'T SAY THAT. Shamrock should not be Welsh, and isn't. PHEW.

Shammy, tits or gtfo.
ZT, tits or gtfo.

Hmm who else. Stigmata, tits or gtfo.

I want to see a picture of Razzyface. That dastardly cow.

I am so tempted to infract you Phobie for insulting the Welsh! :p


This is me:


Edit - So, I went to the beach.

At 11pm.


<3 cellphone cameras.
Shamrock you look like you should be Welsh!

And ZT tits or gtfo :P
Hmm.. Welsh. I don't know but according to Phobie, that is a bad thing.. D:
DON'T SAY THAT. Shamrock should not be Welsh, and isn't. PHEW.

Shammy, tits or gtfo.
ZT, tits or gtfo.

Hmm who else. Stigmata, tits or gtfo.

I want to see a picture of Razzyface. That dastardly cow.

I'll post tits, but it will probably get me banned for a while cause of the porn.. :\
Phantomdesign looks oddly familiar.

And Phobie, I believe that I have a little bit of Welsh in my blood D:
niiiice nissan GTR poster...:D
I've got two of those posters; they were giving them out at NAIAS. That car is freaking sweet; amazing performance and it looks 100x better in person than in pictures! It's coming to the US very soon (I think they said next year). I'll have to design a kit for it to enhance it's badass appearance!

Phantomdesign looks oddly familiar.

I probably look oddly familiar; because I'm an odd familiar.
PhantomDesign, I got it, your face resembles this dude from the television show America's Most Smartest Model


I really don't like that guy though. He's cocky and annoying. Hopefully you are nothing like him!

Hmmmm, never heard of that show. Well, I might happen to be American's "Most" Smartest Car Designer, but that's a completely different discussion. ;) Most cocky people are rather insecure & being cocky just results in unhealthy relationships. I'm kind of the opposite of a cocky person, very self-confident in the true sense that I know who I am.
Ah, I understand what you are saying, that's good. Being cocky gets no one anywhere.

Don't worry, you are lucky to not know that show, it sucks, you didn't miss anything.
Hmmmm, never heard of that show. Well, I might happen to be American's "Most" Smartest Car Designer, but that's a completely different discussion. ;) Most cocky people are rather insecure & being cocky just results in unhealthy relationships. I'm kind of the opposite of a cocky person, very self-confident in the true sense that I know who I am.

I'm not sure you know the meaning of "opposite".
I love the title "most smartest".

In other news, get over here:


there will be rumors....

Edit-and why are you pointing at the ground?
It's purple. The jacket is awesome.

There already are rumours.

I think a friend was on the road. I'm not sure, it was like 5am. The picture is better when not cropped to just me.
I love modularity in clothing. This brown jacket can also be outfitted with a white/beige hood \:D/



But I do not like modularity in expressions for photowhore pictures. Oh heavens no.

i hate that i cant look normal on photos haha..
This is already in my RX-8 thread, but I love the pic so much, here you go.

^ You sure that's SFW Pitz?

Well "sort of opposite" would imply quite a big difference, the distinction between cocky and confident isn't all that huge.

I'm just going to smile and nod; don't feel like arguing. Anyway, where are those pics I asked for?
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