Half-Life Short Stories Interview


May 6, 2005
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A group interview with Samon, Yorick and Au-heppa who bring us Half-Life Short Stories.[br] Chris ?Evo? Evans - "Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to sit down, relax and do this interview with us. Care to introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about who and what you are?" [br]

Samon: Well I'm Samon (Ross), and this is Yorick (Mike), and really we're just pretty egotistical people.[br]

Yorick: We really are. But I make up for it by having a wide variety of super powers. Heppa calls me the second coming of Christ.[br]

Au-heppa: "I'm Au-heppa (Tero), and I'm the good cop."[br]

Chris - "Half-Life: Short Stories - who came up with the idea for this and what was the driving factor behind setting it up?"[br]

Yorick: It was actually Heppa who came up with the idea, and I've often kicked myself for never actually having thought of it, because it's so damn brilliant for a mod. We always wanted to tell stories, Samon and I, but they often ended up being too ambitious for mods. I was pretty close to giving up on modding and sticking with fiction, when he and Heppa got this thing rolling. The opportunity to tell a whole set of small stories was just too perfect to pass up.[br]

Samon: His original idea was to provide small, concentrated Episodes in the Half-life universe and it happened to coincide with something Yorick and I had been discussing at the time. The idea of a series of episodes played from different perspectives and connected by an overall storyline was something we were very interested in getting into. So when he proposed to combine the two projects we jumped on it.[br]

Au-heppa: Now that I think of it the original idea wasn't so specific. Mostly I just wanted to create a mod with several different characters with different perspectives. This is basically why I chose a Civil Protection player character. [br]

I also wanted to create new NPCs, to have a bigger variation of NPCs to use. I really love creating new NPCs in Source, not just design them, but to create all the different parts. See the creature come alive... and then shoot them...[br]

But there wasn't any firm story in my head at first. At one point the idea I had was a bit like Smod, but instead of new weapons and so on, I would have new NPCs. But no real story. That changed kind of quickly when I joined with Samon and Yorick.[br]

Chris - "What are your goals with HL:SS? Where do you see it going over the coming months and hopefully, years?" [br]

Au-heppa: I would really love to see HLSS become a bigger community, of course. To have all these different stories finished with all the new features, to have them succesful enough that people might even do custom maps for them and so on.[br]

Mod wise after the first episode of HE we will probably start planning the next. HE is not planned the same way as PD, where they have all three episodes written already. I don't want to plan the next episode too much yet, but I still have some ideas what it's going to be. You never know of all the cool ideas you might get in the meantime, or how much better your skills get while working on this first one. People's reaction will have its part too on what we will do next.[br]

Samon: At the moment it's just the two mods, Paradigm Decay and Human Error, but we have had offers to add additional Episodes and storylines to the pact. Unfortunately we don't have the resources to really support them in-between trying to keep our own Episodes afloat. We're very concious about biting off more than we can chew and releasing our own Episodes first; proving that we ourselves can live up to the idea of HLSS is something we're more invested in than beefing up the Short Stories. Somewhere down the road though we're definitely hoping to build upon the concept and start churning out more content.[br]

Yorick: Yeah seeing other writers come forward about the idea was a pretty awesome treat. Honestly, I'm not sure where I see it going. I think I'd be terrified if it was to grow into this huge beast of several different mods. Keeping things small and not going overboard on ambition has gotten us this far, and I think it's worth sticking with for now.[br]

Chris - "You currently have two beasts in the works, Human Error and Paradigm Decay. How is it working having two mods on the go at once?" [br]

Yorick: It's... a challenge in its own way. Finding members to fill a mod team can be difficult in itself, but finding enough to fill two has been a lot more work than I thought it would be. It does come with benefits too, though, because the three of us together bring our own sets of tools and ideas to the table. [br]

And, you know, sometimes an idea can come up and it's like "Well, that doesn't really fit here," and we can table it for another episode, or try to work it into the other mod.[br]

Au-heppa: Yeah we've had a few fights, but mostly it's been good. Like I said before, my original idea for HLSS was quite different. What we are doing now obviously a lot better. Even beyond that I have had a lot of input from the other team. It wouldn't be what it is now without everyone working together. [br]

Samon: It's interesting, difficult, overwhelming, time consuming and fulfilling all in one. We've managed, so far, to support each other and keep the ball rolling for both projects. There's a pretty specific set of teams for the two projects though, like myself and Yorick are the two leading Paradigm and Heppa is the driving force behind HE. This has really helped us to keep to a particular focus, driving the two towards their own goals without the lines getting blurred.[br]

Chris - "Human Error, where did the idea for the mod come from?" [br]

Au-heppa: Well, I suppose the idea of playing as a CP officer or Combine soldier is quite popular. The whole "Opposing Force" thing. It was partly that and partly the idea of different player characters. I wanted to do a CP character story, and so I experimented on making features that in mind. The result like the APC and Controllable Manhacks naturally belong to CP officers rather than rebels. [br][br]

<div align="center">[url='http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/aliencontroller.jpg' ]http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/aliencontroller.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Alien Controller' />[/url]</div>


Of course it won't ever be the same CP story that Valve could tell, but we will still try to show the Civil Protection point of view of the HL2 universe, how these people live. With more episodes we can go futher on the CP aspect. Have more features and show more of the world, to make it feel more like a "real Civil Protection" experience. I had also already been working on the Alien Grunt. I really loved the whole Xenian family in HL1. These different creatures that looked like the same species or relatives, they were clearly connected. And still they played a lot different. It's more interesting than just having the same rebel coming after you. The rebel that in the end doesn't even act that much differently than the Combine soldier.[br]

[b] Chris - "HE, you talk about controllable manhacks and drivable APCs on the site, tell us about these and what other new bits of kit you have lined up." [/b][br]

[i]Au-heppa: [/i] For the APC we will try to create scenarios where you are really dependent on its fire power and armour. At the same time we want balance between driving and some out-of-the-vehicle battles.[br]

The Controllable Manhack is mainly used for puzzle solving, but we are trying to tweak it so that they will be more useful in a battle. And so that the way the rebels and all the Xenians react to them is more interesting.[br]

In common we are just trying to make it feel more like you are playing as a CP rather than as a rebel or hevsuited Gordon. This means, for example, that you wont be as all-powerful, and you won't be able to carry as many weapons at the same time.[br][br]

<div align="center">[url='http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/aliengrunt.jpg' ][img]http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/aliengrunt.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Alien Grunt' />[/url]</div>


[b] Chris - "The story in these mods seems to be key, tells us your plans for it in regards to HE." [/b][br]

[i]Au-heppa: [/i]The story of the first episode is Xenians attacking this Combine base in order to find something to use against the Combine. You'll find out what that is when you play the game. Right now I am getting kind of fond of the Xenians, and there might be room to continue their story in future episodes. It might very well end up being a several episode long story of the Xenians' faith.[br]

[b] Chris - "Paradigm Decay, again where did the idea for this come from?" [/b][br]

[i]Samon: [/i] Paradigm Decay is the uh, culmination of about 3 years work. Yorick and I kicked off a mod called Krasota Razbrosanaya some time back and like most mods it failed for the usual reasons. Too big, too ambitious - we knew our mistakes but it was too late to fix them. Heppa's HLSS was a chance to wipe off the dust and revive some of our old ideas, and after an extensive re-write and narrowing down on both plot and gameplay concepts we arrived at Paradigm Decay. Krasota was all about portal storms and saving people, which was what Yorick wanted to do. Looking at Paradigm now, that's still exactly what it is.[br][br]

<div align="center">[url='http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/trainsequence.jpg' ][img]http://www.halflife2.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/trainsequence.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Train' />[/url]</div>

[i]Yorick: [/i]Yeah a lot of the characters were reborn and it's really great to see that they're still on their missions, whether those are centered around salvation, redemption, or even just doing whatever you can to live another day. One of the big things we wanted was more of an "every man" thing. Like, Half-Life 2 was a big game, and as Gordon Freeman you naturally took down a whole citadel, I mean, we'd have felt ripped off if after all that it never happened. With KR and then later PD, naturally we had to shoot for a bit less, and we made that work to our advantage. We've taken much more of a "here's how all these people come together and here's what happens when they do" approach. You're not a one man army, you're a small piece of the puzzle.[br]

[b]Chris - "You are going to involve us in three episodes, all tied to one big story, how will this work?" [/b][br]

[i]Yorick: [/i]Each episode has a self-contained story, that in itself will make sense without playing the others, and along those same lines, we're going with a bit of controversy of having each episode put you in the shoes of a different character. It goes along with the puzzle idea, that we're all just small parts. But within the confines of each journey will be undertones, sights and even 'secrets' that point to a larger picture. The amount of history that Ross has written up is really quite incredible. The region itself where the game takes place is just so alive with all these different people and stories.[br]

[i]Samon: [/i] It was really just a matter of finding a specific event, finding a way to tell it and making it as direct as possible. You can play Episode 1 and have a good understanding of what your goal is and hopefully feel that there's been some resolution by the end of it. But as it's been hand-picked out of a pretty accurate timeline, reasons for character motivations and world events might not be so clear and you'll find these answers further down the road in the likes of Episode 2 and 3. Paradigm is pretty well woven into the Half-life mythology, finding the connections and putting together the pieces should be fun for hardcore fans.[br]

[i]Yorick: [/i] Yeah reading the boards at halflife2.net and other forums we've seen how into the universe people really are, and it would be wrong not to continue some of the same trends and be as true as we can to it, while still allowing ourselves some freedom for fun. Everything from Chell's name to GMan's origins is discussed constantly and I'd love to see that kind of thing happen with HLSS too. So we've connected everything. Even HE and PD, while being very different games, take place in the same vein of the Half-Life Universe.[br]

[b] Chris - "Can we expect to see new weapons or vehicles in PD?" [/b][br]

[i]Samon: [/i]If you were asking this 2 years ago, absolutely. Now? No, not really. Each Episode is what, 40 minutes? They are very contained, very direct - we tried to be as minimal as possible in order to actually release the damn thing. But at the end of the day new weapons and vehicles wouldn't actually bring much to our game, so we're not actually losing out on anything. That said, there's one sort-of-almost-but-not-quite new weapon in Episode 1.[br]

[i]Yorick: [/i]Yeah there's something of a new weapon that should be interesting to play with, but nothing planned so far beyond that. Vehicles? Not really. The complexity and length of a driving scene doesn't warrant it much. But you left out enemies! And there will definitely be some more of those.[br]

[b] Chris - "Any ideas on when these will be ready for release or public Beta?" [/b][br]

[i]Au-heppa: [/i]For HE it's really hard to tell. Currently I would just say "when it's done".[br]

[i]Yorick: [/i]Actually that's the most exciting part about PD, at least for me. Right now we're looking at having a dedicated team of playtesters rather than an open beta. Naturally we'd fix any problems after release, but we'd rather polish things up first. But, yeah, we're very confident on having the first episode released this year.[br]

[i]Samon: [/i]Which is a pretty exciting thing. We have been working for some time on it - it's going to be great to get it out there.[br]

[b] Chris - "What are your thoughts on the current mod scene for Half-Life 2?" [/b][br]

[i]Au-heppa: [/i]It makes me really sad that there haven't been many good singleplayer mods for HL2 like there were for HL1: The They Hunger series, Azure Sheep, Point Of View, Poke 646, etc. [br]

[i]Yorick: [/i]Yeah, I mean, I've worked on a handful of other mods for Half-Life 2. Even now I'm writing for 3-4 others. It's been rough seeing a lot of them die out, but we have gotten some great ones, like Zombie Master."[br]

[i]Au-heppa: [/i] For the multiplayer mods of course it has been a bit brighter, and I usually try every mod I hear about on HL2.net and some other forums. I have really liked mods like Hidden: Source and Zombie Master, which Yorick mentioned, and even more recently Zombie Panic: Source and Project Valkyrie, which unfortunately didn't get a lot of attention.[br]

[i]Samon: [/i] I'm a fan of Minerva. It's minimal, feasible, and it doesn't set its heights too high. We've taken an equally new approach to modding with HLSS. Here's to hoping it doesn't backfire.[br]

[i]Yorick: [/i]Yeah that was pretty risky. It's good to see that after this long there are still a lot of HL2 mods being worked on, and interest in even more popping up. We haven't been going all that long and the support we've gotten has been surprising. It's a great community to be a part of.
Why wasn't I invited? /jealous


Looking forward to the mod guys, keep it up!!:D
Oh god. The controller and grunt are even uglier than the EP2 vortigaunt. Stop making Xenians shiny damn it! Also, grunts sans armour looks gay. The pecks and and belly make me think "San Francisco construction worker". I know they're propably not nearly done yet but they both need a reskin. Other than that I really look forward to this mod. It is my most anticipated SP mod by far.
Looking great :D Can't wait for this, and the grunt and controller look great :D
Good stuff!

But yeah, you might want to consider using your own texture sheets instead of ep2 vortie's vtf.
I dig the alien controller, but the grunt looks like crap, literally. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but the texture it has makes him look like fecal matter. His legs are also supposed to stick out first before bending back too.
His legs are also supposed to stick out first before bending back too.
Probably, seeing as how that's the HL2 and EP2 vortigaunts' are, but the alien slave and grunt legs in HL1 did look like that. I guess whoever did it was more interested with making it like the original than consistant with the newer vort look, even though he did give him the awful shiny skin.
Probably, seeing as how that's the HL2 and EP2 vortigaunts' are, but the alien slave and grunt legs in HL1 did look like that. I guess whoever did it was more interested with making it like the original than consistant with the newer vort look, even though he did give him the awful shiny skin.

The High Definition Pack version of the Alien Grunt and much of the concept art featured the Grunt with his legs bending forward before bending back. I believe they just didn't choose this option for the original models to save polys.
I prefer the two-joint knees, even though the HD pack grunt sucks :P