Losing our weapons?

Perhaps they know that certain weapons aren't used by the Combine in the arctic (Cold Pulse Rifles are unreliable or some convenient truth), so some weapons are left behind knowing there won't be any ammo to grab on site.

Or perhaps the HEV suit is damaged significantly by the Advisor's attack (or Kliener wants to make adjustments granting some kind of immunity from those attacks) meaning that Gordon must travel ahead of the suit to the arctic, and can accordingly only carry a smaller collection of weapons (due to the suit's magic weapon storage warehouse).
Perhaps they know that certain weapons aren't used by the Combine in the arctic (Cold Pulse Rifles are unreliable or some convenient truth), so some weapons are left behind knowing there won't be any ammo to grab on site.

Or perhaps the HEV suit is damaged significantly by the Advisor's attack (or Kliener wants to make adjustments granting some kind of immunity from those attacks) meaning that Gordon must travel ahead of the suit to the arctic, and can accordingly only carry a smaller collection of weapons (due to the suit's magic weapon storage warehouse).

The anus can carry many things if stretched to a certain degree.

well it could always start out with you in like some medical bed with alyx sitting beside you wondering ok and whatnot. She cries and stuff cause she thought that she had lost you along with her father. You and alyx recover from your encounter with the Advisors and are ready to lift of when suddenly! DUn DUn DUN, White Forest is under attack (by something, mabye a second wave of combine) and you and alyx lift off before the combine get to ya. However, the combine have sent in some of those alein synth copters and your copter is heavily damaged. But your helecopter is faster adn you and alyx are able to get up north, but need to do a crash landing beacuse of engine damage. When yopu scramble from the crash you realize that you forgot your guns at White Forest (they were takin away when the rebels take gordan to the medical bay). You even for got your crowbar (and i dought barney is up north to bale you out on this time). You and alyx find the borealis (after some fighting with the combine, you gather some weapons as well like new snow prof weapons or something) and you come across a prototype of a gravity gun that apeture science was greating!
^^^ great Idea! it has a good feel to it. and seems very possible.
yeah i kinda jest made stuff up as i was going. I gess im a natural born writer! :bounce:
It just happens. It is the way it is, since Doom Episode 2. Weapons don't survive the episode transfer.
yeah maybe thats jest how it is, weapons dont survive game transfers, so then people playing are like "What happened to my weapons?" and alyx says "Come on gordan, time for episode three, remmember to leave your weapons behind so then we dont get stuck in mid transfer again".
that would actually be interesting if something happened to the HEV and the cold was actually a factor in the game.

That'd take all the fun out of it...
I do want NEW weapons, but keep the shotty, GG, crowbar, and crossbow.
As long as they implement some new gameplay elements i don't mind if we're stuck with the same weapons, or none at all.

And yeah, we are probably going to lose the weapons at some point in the episode. It's inevitable.
Alyx in her angsty rage knocks the weapons out of your hands, and pisses all over them.

Gordon hates pee. ****ING HATES IT.

Post 666...

I'd like the episode to open with Gordon fading out of darkness on the bottom bunk of a bed, Alyx next to him, holding his hand, seeing tears on her cheeks. She looks at Gordon as he turns his head to her, the look on her face worth a million words. Excitement, happiness, relief, all that good stuff. Gordon sits up and finds his crowbar and gg on the ground next to his bed.

"I think they put the rest of your weapons in the chopper." Alyx says. "Oh, Gordon, thank god you're okay. I thought I'd lost you too..."

The look on her face shows her embarrassment, and she shyly picks at her locket again. Gordon can tell, after realizing what she was doing, she is overcome by grief. The look on her face changes, she appears to be on the verge of tears. She remembers her dad when she touches it. Bravely, she wipes her eyes with her arm.

"Sorry." she says. "We should probably get going. The sentries said they spotted more combine heading this way. We have to leave before they can get close enough to shoot us down."

As they walk out of the room, in the hallway there are shrieks of pain and grief. The news has just finally reached the ears of the resistance. Alyx appears distant as you walk past a sobbing couple (you know the two I mean.) She seems to walk a bit faster as you pass the garage, into the control room. Kliener looks up as they enter the room. Sitting on the couch he seems to be trying to say something. He can't get the words out, but instead he stands up and walks over to Alyx. He puts his hands on her shoulders, she's still fiddling with her locket. The Doctor gently shakes her. Alyx look up at him from the corner of her eye as he speaks.

"Alyx, are you ready?" he asks (Something along those lines, I've never been good with dialogue."
"Yes..." She says, quietly. "We're ready."
"Then you must go, now, quickly. There is no telling how much time we have."

Alyx and Gordon say goodbye and head back to the hangar. On their way they are passed by a group of people who seem to be carrying something. they cannot see what it is, but many are sobbing. It could only be a stretcher with his body on it. Alyx turns to the opposite wall, and tries her best to keep from looking at her father. Gordon can't control himself, he puts an arm around her. She hugs him, sobbing, he seems to consul her quickly, she isn't used to getting much attention from him. Amazingly, she smiles at him, for the first time in the last few hours she really looks happy. Tears in her eyes, she turns and continues to walk with Gordon. On their way, Magnussen passes by. He is hanging his head, and looks over to Alyx. He remains silent, he just keeps walking, and turns away. This seems to not effect Alyx now. She is only concerned with the task ahead. When they reach the hangar, there are many resistance members gathered around in a circle at the bottom of the elevator. They appear to be there to aid in the takeoff, yet their presence couldn't hope to keep onlookers from seeing the pools of blood on the floor. Some of it yellow, most of it Maroon. Alyx is fiddling with her locket again. She looks to the ground as if there is something there for her.

"You ready to go?" says one of the men.

There isn't a response.

"Well... The chopper's ready for you. Freeman, your weapons are in the back. I still can't tell how you carry all of them at once... you would have been good at smuggling."

Not realizing the bad timing, the man's joke was ignored. Taken aback, he carries on.

"Right... Well, Alyx, I'm not sure how much experience you have in the sky, but you'll be flying. You'll only be in for 2 hours, so you've got plenty of gas. Good luck to you both, and... Miss Vance... I'm sorry..."

Slowly, Alyx climbs in the chopper, Gordon close behind her. The chopper blades fire up as Gordon grabs his gear. He goes to sit in the cockpit with Alyx, as he peeks his head in he hears a sob. He sits down next to Alyx, and trying to be tough, she wipes her eyes and smiles at Gordon. The chopper lifts off, and as the hanger draws farther away, the blood seems to disappear. It's behind them now. The real fight has just begun.


Howd ya loik ett?
I have a feeling the game will start with Gordon and Alyx on the helecopter, Gordon having just woken up from unconciousness after how hard he was slammed against the wall, then just dropped onto the concrete floor by the advisors. The first thing he notices after waking up is that he's for some reason still holding the Gravity Gun, and Alyx explains after Gordon gets up to the co-pilot seat that he had held onto it so tightly and after the two impacts from earlier, that the HEV suit had locked up a bit. Which would explain a little humour in my own idea, that the second Gordon lets go of the Gravity Gun, the suit does that "Minor Fracture Detected" thing. (Not that this really has anything to do with what i am going to say)

Anyway, Alyx would let Gordon know his weapons were in the back where he had just been resting, and that they were now over the arctic and nearing the Borealis. A few seconds later, the rader starts beeping like crack, (no i dont smoke crack, i just enjoy using "like crack" in metaphors) and sure enough, the two had started flying over a pack of hunters who were all running, high speeds, in the same direction as Gordon and Alyx. And it's not long before the helicopter is noticed, and the Hunters feel the need to start flying fletches at the helicopter. From there, the player has to do a fight in which he's in the back of the helicopter, on a chaingun, firing down at the Hunters.

After successfully doing that for a few minutes (its a CHAINGUN, they'd die pretty quickly), a huge patch of snow under them bursts open with a 'Snow Strider' jumping out, primary cannon ready to fire, and proceeds to blow down the helicopter in a single blast, though not hitting it directly and at the very least it doesn't erupt into a huge explosion of firey death, and instead end up crashing down into the snow.

After getting re-oriented, Alyx notes with a point of the finger that the Borealis shouldn't be too far away for them to make it there on foot, and that it's actually within their field of view by now. However before they can collect Gordon's weapons which were still in the crash, the two hear the sound of the Snow Strider stomping their way, along with a few more hunters, and before Gordon has a chance to collect any of his weapons, Alyx tug him away by the wrist, leaving him only enough time to grab the handle of the Gravity Gun from the wreckage.
I have a feeling the game will start with Gordon and Alyx on the helecopter, Gordon having just woken up from unconciousness after how hard he was slammed against the wall, then just dropped onto the concrete floor by the advisors. The first thing he notices after waking up is that he's for some reason still holding the Gravity Gun, and Alyx explains after Gordon gets up to the co-pilot seat that he had held onto it so tightly and after the two impacts from earlier, that the HEV suit had locked up a bit. Which would explain a little humour in my own idea, that the second Gordon lets go of the Gravity Gun, the suit does that "Minor Fracture Detected" thing. (Not that this really has anything to do with what i am going to say)

Anyway, Alyx would let Gordon know his weapons were in the back where he had just been resting, and that they were now over the arctic and nearing the Borealis. A few seconds later, the rader starts beeping like crack, (no i dont smoke crack, i just enjoy using "like crack" in metaphors) and sure enough, the two had started flying over a pack of hunters who were all running, high speeds, in the same direction as Gordon and Alyx. And it's not long before the helicopter is noticed, and the Hunters feel the need to start flying fletches at the helicopter. From there, the player has to do a fight in which he's in the back of the helicopter, on a chaingun, firing down at the Hunters.

After successfully doing that for a few minutes (its a CHAINGUN, they'd die pretty quickly), a huge patch of snow under them bursts open with a 'Snow Strider' jumping out, primary cannon ready to fire, and proceeds to blow down the helicopter in a single blast, though not hitting it directly and at the very least it doesn't erupt into a huge explosion of firey death, and instead end up crashing down into the snow.

After getting re-oriented, Alyx notes with a point of the finger that the Borealis shouldn't be too far away for them to make it there on foot, and that it's actually within their field of view by now. However before they can collect Gordon's weapons which were still in the crash, the two hear the sound of the Snow Strider stomping their way, along with a few more hunters, and before Gordon has a chance to collect any of his weapons, Alyx tug him away by the wrist, leaving him only enough time to grab the handle of the Gravity Gun from the wreckage.
I doubt they'd be able to get hold of a chaingun, but it is possible that there is a mounted pulse rifle like the one used at Station 12 in HL2.
I will rip the heart out of the next person to suggest that Ep.3 should begin with a helicopter crash.

Oh yeah, let's be original and use THE MOTHER OF ALL CLICHES as the beginning, woo! **** yeah, original! Almost as original as Oblivion!
I will rip the heart out of the next person to suggest that Ep.3 should begin with a helicopter crash.

Oh yeah, let's be original and use THE MOTHER OF ALL CLICHES as the beginning, woo! **** yeah, original! Almost as original as Oblivion!

But honestly, what else would you expect?
There are loads of other possibilities. Besides, you're on the ground when Episode 2 ends, almost unconscious. They aren't just going to load you up in the heli and take off.
Gordon will wake up inside of the Borealis to find all of his weapons baked into
a delicious cake.
But honestly, what else would you expect?

Ayx knows how to start, but she had trouble landing. As she comes in, the helicopter is hit by turbulence and the ammo crate with Gordon's guns breaks free of the hold and slides out into the murky waters... taking the poor sod that sat in the doorway manning the PK with itself.
Actually my theory is like this:

You're all in the helicopter, loaded to the top with weapons and resistance members. Gordon and Alyx are in the cockpit. A rebel mans the mounted pulse gun, and shouts "COMBINE!" as their aerial synths track you down and start firing.

The rebel manning the guns starts shooting back, and whoops for joy as he hits a synth, which goes down smoking and screaming. In mid-cheer he's vaporized and the helicopter BEGINS to go down, with rebels saying their last prayers. Alyx holds your hand as the chopper goes down... (don't kill me yet)

Cue strange white and yellow lights, electrical arcs and that familiar sound of a teleporter working. You are suddenly pulled out of the helicopter and into an unfamiliar location, with Alyx besides you. You realize that you have been teleported out of the helicopter, a moving target, into an unknown location with strange peoples looking at you.

"Welcome back, Gordon Freeman."

Yep, I think you'll get saved by a directed teleport-beam of sorts, but lose your weapons on the way! Oh, and of course Alyx goes with you. Can't have her die just yet, can we?
It s seems almost impossible to get other rebels in the helicopter considering the size of the thing. But if it was bigger, then having the rebels come with you and being vaporized is a great way to show iniportance of the red shirts :P (no sarcasim used in that sentence). But i was cofused on the whole teleported thing and the "welcome back", did you mean alyx is pulling you or is she being pulled as well only next to you. And whos standing around them? The rebels? or the Vortiguants in Xen considering gordan and alyx "terleported" which im still confused about :x
My theory involves SOMEONE from the Borealis using some sort of directed teleport technology to pull you out of the falling wreckage, probably someone you know... maybe from the original HL. (Einstein anyone? xD)

That's just a theory.
i dont think we'll lose our weapons in the beginning, maybe later in the game or short after the game has begun. but thats just me...
There are loads of other possibilities. Besides, you're on the ground when Episode 2 ends, almost unconscious. They aren't just going to load you up in the heli and take off.

why is it that Gordon goes almost onconscious... and Alyx is wide awake ?? Maybe she's just really really shocked... but Gordon (the caracter not the player) could also been surprised (reallly really surprised) :eek:
The screen whent black at the end of episode two for dramatic effect and beacuse the credits were comig on.....why would gordan pass out anyway? Why do people ahve to make a big deal about everything!!!! :P
the screen fades to black to end the game... duh, but yeah it makes it more dramatic. Come to think of it, every HL ending goes black...
here's an idea....

the game starts in the chopper almost similar to opposing force accompanied by alyx and friends. you sit in the back on the side opposite of the open door where you are able to see outside. before finding the borealis, the copter circles ruins of a bunker where judith was last seen. the pilot takes the copter down so the group can check if there's anything left. once landed, alyx, the soldiers and yourself all pull out weapons from under your seats. you pull out the gg.
the group exits the chopper and slowly converges on the hole in the wall of the bunker where the transmission ended. the rotors and engine of the helicopter still heard in the background. after the sweep, no leads can be found. alyx urges the group to hurry back to the helicopter to continue the search for the missing ship. you follow the soldiers out of the bunker and head toward the helicopter thats like 30-40 yards away. alyx is behind you and stops you with "Gordon!" you turn to her but before she can say anything the sound of an explosion cuts her off. the helicopter and the soldiers are blown to bits.

That is a good theroy but like i said before, the heli is small like a two or three person thing. I think it would be cooler to have a bigger heli but it may make it less.....enjoyable in a sense, like its not jest you and alyx going off to save the world, irs you alyx and some rebels. Also how is alyx gana make out with gordan/gordon when this is all over when theres people watching?
God, did you have to use the picture where Eli gets his brains skewered?
I will rip the heart out of the next person to suggest that Ep.3 should begin with a helicopter crash.

Oh yeah, let's be original and use THE MOTHER OF ALL CLICHES as the beginning, woo! **** yeah, original! Almost as original as Oblivion!

But if you think about, due to the fact that there are still slow level loading on less capable systems and the ultimate test LOS LOD, Valve will have to counter this by having a landing or crash, otherwise you may have several level transitions of maps which will start to becoming boring (as there probably isn't much to look at outside, not like BM inbound)

Alternatively, Kleiner sends you through a redesigned teleporter, alone to the Borealis. Alyx catches up to you in heli once she has greived, with a ragtag bunch.

Although the teleporter is fast, there was a side effect: You come out with no weapons and no HEV (butt naked). The shock and confusion causes an Advisors head to implode
Alright insteed of a heli crash, how about you land on some northern rebel base without any problems and then the base is ambushed by somekinda new enemy or something....
Alright insteed of a heli crash, how about you land on some northern rebel base without any problems and then the base is ambushed by somekinda new enemy or something....

yea and kleiner suggests to only bring a few items [like only the crowbar and the gg] because the base will have everything else that you would need