New enemy ideas

Why not just stick to having Combine soldiers with the pulse rifles with good aim.

I'm all for that but i mean, if Zombine wake up with grenades, why not a pulse rifle or shotgun? What, would the Combine throw his gun out the window just as he's being taken over?
new combine weapons, tanks, ships... everything... as long as we get to use them ;)
I'm all for that but i mean, if Zombine wake up with grenades, why not a pulse rifle or shotgun? What, would the Combine throw his gun out the window just as he's being taken over?

Quite possible...

But they should have shitty aim, make em slightly less formidable, cause that would be like :(
I've just read the first few pages in this thread and saw that snow houndeye. It'll be cool if it were to be in Ep3.

Wait... im having a vision :eek: -

*^^*Gordon - all alone in the snow, because he and Alyx got separated in some kind of epic battle with either combine or aliens. As he walks alongside a mountain.. he hears a strange whining sound. He walks a few steps and suddenly a pack of snow houndeye suddenly attack him. He is knocked to the ground and watches as all of the houndeyes charge up and make a huge shockwave. The soundwave triggers a avalanche, but Gordon is too weak to stand up and run away.. As the avalanche get closer, he hears a snowmobile coming has way. A teenage girl gets off and helps Gordon onto the snowmobile. They nearly escape the avalanche and Gordon goes unconcious. *G-Man scene* Gordon wakes up in a room with the teenage girl next to him. She is relieved to see Gordon awake, and introduces herself. *New Character* She tells him that she saw him and another woman (Alyx) was attacked and she saw Gordon escape. She also saw he was going into a S-houndeye infested area and went after him....*^^*
Iv got an idea, how about synth penguins! or penguins that have been infected by HEADCRABS! that would be humorus until they started attacking you. Well acually that wouldent be very dangurouse, so how about you jest saw them in the distance across the icy plains of the north, you can get to them but you could still see them, like when your in the helicopter.
They definately need a reskin to the Zombies. It's been... i don't even know how long since the Black Mesa Accident, and yet still, the zombies you see are in Lab Coats (accept the fast zombies and zombines). Need some Rebel Zombies.

Zombines were a great addition; they need to up the anti now
Welcome to the forums all mighty necromancer :P im jest kidding but seriously welcome.

I do agree with you on that one, there should be way more than jest one kind of normal zombie,wait does that sound right?
I've just read the first few pages in this thread and saw that snow houndeye. It'll be cool if it were to be in Ep3.

Wait... im having a vision :eek: - <insert whatever here>

Damn you! I already had a cool epic battle vision! you dont get to have one cause i want to be sepecial!

Edit - f_combineftw its just not jest...
It would be so awesome if you entered it with an industrial metal theme tune playing , and sudenly there like 15 combine soldiers and Gordon gets into close combat fighting with them , he dodges a kick and rams his crowbar into his skull , at this point the music is becoming heavier and faster. Gordon yanks the crowbar towards him with the soldier still attatched using him as a shield and whips out his pistol , slow mo turns on now , and he fires off two rounds each hitting a soldier. Another soldier charges at him so he kicks the corpse at him causing him to fall over and stomps on his head , killing him. He then fires more rounds from his pistol , killing another 6 soldiers and finishing his clip , slow mo turns off now and he SMGs the rest. More soldiers charge at him from down the corridor , he smiles and rolls a grenade down.

Yeah , that would be so awesome...

This. New piece of concept art apears. A few weeks ago.
What about the advisorial guard? A group of highly-trained combine soilders who possesses a limited cloaking ability and a newer more advanced version of the OSI pulse rifle?
I seriously dont want any old enemys to come back. Id rather have more synths or new zombies. Or some new "fleshy" enemy.
Maybe Valve could think of some burrowing snow monster that shows up for a boss fight once in a while...

Did I just have an awesome idea, or is it me? :|
I want a hydra that bursts from the ice to stop player from walking outside map.

I highly doubt that headcrabs, antlions and other things like that would survive the cold. Maybe ichthyosaurs...
I would like to see CrabSynths and MortarSynths in action.
I was thinking more like some giant snow mole type monster. Valve is creative, they'll think of something. Especially like they did with Gonarch. "Lets make a Giant testicle with legs!" ...God, I am so proud of Valve. :D

But really, it'd be like those Sand fish from Zelda Twilight Princess, except it'd be snowy, and it'd be something else... I was just thinking it'd move sort of like the sand fish. It's not above ground for very long, so you have to waste ammo trying to find it, and if you shoot it it comes up out of the snow to get you, but making it's self vulnerable for a ROCKET TO THE FACE!

... :D
i think they should bring that giant monster from xen that is from the game manual, yet they never used in HL1. its that one where it extents it neck and chops on peeps.

or, since in the snow, they should have the hairy suv monster!!!

But isn't a zombified stalker just a... Zombified Zombie? I'm not sure that makes it any scarier (if you paint a red wall with two slightly different shades of red, it's still a red wall), and it would just turn a largely immobile and passive creature into an aggressive one that walked even slower and more irregularly towards you, randomly firing a supposedly long-range laser weapon at you.
It would probably lose it's sense of balance (those legs), and would fall crawling as soon as you hit it.
Zombified crates & barrels.
i think they should bring that giant monster from xen that is from the game manual, yet they never used in HL1. its that one where it extents it neck and chops on peeps.

According to RTB that was an early version of the garg.
Whatever happened to the Combine robots? (You know, like the city scanners or the manhacks.)
How about a combine combat robot...
Ummm... Actually that sounds kind of dumb.
Okay ummm... How 'bout particle ghosts?
I would like to see some kind of swarm based creature which can form together to make bigger ones like the npc_surface from the tech demo, or a creature which can turn into that weird particle monster and back into itself or into other NPCs, like you are trying to kill it but it turns into the water thing and goes down a plughole, I personally think that would be cool.